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Jeno huffed and sat up, looking over at Renjun's bed.

"What is it Jeno?" Renjun didn't have to look, he couldn't even see in the dark, to know his brother was staring.

"Nothing" Jeno huffed, not wanting to bother Renjun. The truth is, he was a little uncomfortable. It was only the first night in a new room and he wasn't used to it. Since Mark turned thirteen, Taeyong decided to move him into his own room which meant that now the other two rooms were being used by three boys each. And of course, Mark and Renjun had gotten the bigger room when they moved in so now Renjun, Jeno and Haechan had that room. 

"Come on, get up" Renjun sighed, knowing he wasn't going to sleep anymore and stood up. Jeno looked at him, confused but followed anyways. Renjun quietly snuck into Mark's room, grabbed the older boy's phone and snuck back out. 

"Get your shoes on and put on something warm" Renjun never told anyone this but when he and Mark had trouble sleeping, they would go for a walk. They never got caught and he was determined to keep it that way. 

"Where are we going?" Jeno wondered, following his brother. Renjun snuck some money out of Taeyong's wallet and shoved it into his pocket.

"Anywhere you want" Renjun opened the door, making sure to grab a key to get back in before closing it. Jeno walked down the sidewalk behind Renjun, enjoying the cold air against his face. Night was one of his favorite times of day because it was so peaceful. They were walking for only a few minutes when Renjun suddenly grabbed Jeno's hand. He did it slowly, as if trying to not draw attention to the action. Jeno realized why a moment later when Renjun pulled him down and whispered in the younger boy's ear that they were being followed. Without thinking twice about the consequences they'd face, Renjun pulled out Mark's phone and clicked on the first name he saw. 

"What do you want?" Jungwoo answered.

"Pretend we're in a conversation" Renjun demanded.

"We are in a conversation, dumbass. Why do you have your brother's phone?" Jungwoo wondered, sensing that something was wrong.

"I messed up and now someone is following us. I need you to pretend we're in a conversation" Renjun lowered his voice to a whisper. Jungwoo stood up and put his shoes on, walking out of the dorm after writing a quick note.

"Put me on speaker" He instructed.

"Why?" Renjun grabbed Jeno's hand when he noticed the younger getting too far behind him.

"Just do it" Jungwoo started walking in the direction of the Dream house, hoping that he would run into Renjun and Jeno on the way. Renjun switched the phone to speaker and kept walking. Jeno looked behind them but they were still being followed.

"Alright, now tell me where you are and don't move" Jungwoo emphasized the last part, making sure Renjun and Jeno knew it was important for them to stay in one general area.

"Hyung, we're being followed. You expect me to just stop walking?" Renjun pointed out.

"Go into a store and tell them what's happening. Ask if you can stick around until I come get you" Jungwoo instructed. Renjun nodded, going into the first store he found. It wasn't actually a store, it was an undercover tattoo parlor and Renjun noticed right away but he worked up the courage to explain the whole situation and the guys in there let him and Jeno stay until Jungwoo showed up. Which did not take long.

"I am so sorry for my brothers. I hope they weren't too much trouble" Jungwoo took Renjun and Jeno by the hands, squeezing lightly to let them know just how much trouble they were in. Not that they needed him to tell them that. They knew they were going to be in trouble. 

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