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"I DON'T WANT TO GO INSIDE!" Jisung yelled right into Mark's ear. The ten year old half carried, half dragged him back to the house and enlisted Haechan's help in getting Jisung's shoes off so they could go inside.

"Well too bad!" Mark set Jisung down on the couch, a little harder than he meant to, and walked off. 

"What's his problem?" Taeyong caught Mark before he got upstairs.

"I don't know. I just dragged him here, he's your problem now" Mark shrugged and ran off. Taeyong knelt down in front of Jisung, keeping the kid from running.

"Why were you yelling?" He wondered.

"I want to stay outside" Jisung pouted. Taeyong knew that. The boys loved being outside, so much that it was almost impossible to get them to come back inside. 

"I know you do but you can't yell. That doesn't get you your way, okay? Use your words calmly next time" Taeyong scolded.

"Okay, hyung" Jisung promised. Taeyong let him go and hoped that Jisung would remember not to yell to get his way next time. It was not going to happen. 

"Oww! Jisung!" Chenle pouted, picking up a block and throwing it back at Jisung. Taeyong came up, hearing the two of them starting to fight. 

"What is going on in here? Chenle, do not throw things at your brother" Taeyong scolded. Chenle crossed his arms, pouting.

"He did it first!" Chenle pointed at Jisung, who stuck his tongue out in return.

"Do I need to put both of you in timeout? Since you two can't get along" Taeyong put his hands on his hips, standing over the two kids. Chenle shook his head slowly, feeling more sorry for getting in trouble than his brother seemed to be. Jisung's face scrunched up and he started screaming without stopping. 

"Jisung, that is enough" Taeyong couldn't even hear himself over how loud the four year old was. 

"Jisung!" Taeyong snapped but the maknae still did not stop. Chenle had enough and hit Jisung with a block again, ignoring the stern look he got from Taeyong.

"Chenle, go sit on the naughty step" Taeyong motioned to the hallway. There were three usual time out spots in the house. There was a chair in the hallway where Jeno and Haechan's room and Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung's room were, one in the kitchen and then the steps was the third.

"But-" Chenle argued even though he was already getting up.

"Go" Taeyong repeated and Chenle left the room, plopping down on the stairs with his arms crossed. He glared at the older boys but they just ignored him.

"Park Jisung! Look at me" Taeyong demanded. Jisung had no choice but to listen even though he didn't want to. 

"What did I tell you yesterday?" Taeyong cupped the kid's face in his hand, keeping Jisung from looking away.

"To stop throwing tantrums" Jisung knew the answer and he knew what he had been doing but he didn't care. Well, he didn't until Taeyong picked him up and swatted him twice before setting Jisung back on his feet.

"Go sit on your bed. Your in timeout" Taeyong announced.

"That's not fair! Lele didn't get smacked!" Jisung argued. Taeyong was about to leave but he turned back nad crouched down in front of the four year old.

"Lele is not done yet and I am going to have a talk with him. But that is not any of your business how I deal with your brothers. I told you to do something so unless you want to be in more trouble, I suggest you park your little butt on that bed right now" Taeyong lectured. Jisung huffed but did what Taeyong said anyways. 

"You have five minutes. Don't let me catch you getting up off that bed or I'll restart your time" Taeyong warned. Jisung nodded, sitting with his arms crossed and glaring at the wall opposite of him. 

"Zhong Chenle" Taeyong passed the kid on the steps and knelt down in front of him.

"I know you were trying to help upstairs but I had just told you not to hit your brother with a block so why did you do it again?" Taeyong wondered.

"To get him to pay attention to you" Chenle answered, fiddling with his hands. Taeyong stopped him, holding Chenle's small hands in his own.

"I am not going to spank you because I know you were just trying to help. You have a minute left here and then I want you to say sorry to Jisung when he comes down here. Do you understand?" Taeyong decided. He had a feeling that Jisung was going to find this unfair but Taeyong was hoping that he was doing the right thing. 

"Yes hyung" Chenle nodded, brightening a little now that he knew he was no longer in trouble. Taeyong pressed a kiss to the top of his head as he stood up.

"Alright, just one minute" Taeyong went to join the other boys on the couch. Jeno sprawled out over Taeyong's lap and Jaemin curled into his side, making himself small so he didn't take up much room. Taeyong wrapped an arm around him, feeling a little emotional when he realized that his entire arm fit around Jaemin from head to toe. Even Mark was still small enough to fit under Taeyong's arm when they were sitting. 


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