Counting the stars

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"One. Two. Three. Four...." Jaemin looked up at the sky, half asleep.

"Why are you counting?" Jeno questioned.

"If I do, I'll stay awake and maybe this won't be happening" Jaemin answered. Haechan lifted his head a little, giving Jaemin a weird look.

"It's happening. Might as well get used to it" Jeno shot down Jaemin's hopes in a single second. Jaemin counted quietly to himself for a while.

"Your leaving tomorrow, Jaemin. I don't want you to leave" Haechan repeated. That was the whole reason they were on the roof in the first place. Taeyong had told the boys countless times not to go up there but sometimes they didn't listen and he never knew.

"I know. But I'll still come back every day, you do know that right? So will Lele and Ji" Jaemin reminded them. Haechan did know that but he was still upset. Jaemin was too. And so was Jeno even though he didn't show it. 

"Your going to be doing tours and you won't be around as much" Haechan pointed out. Jaemin had nothing to say to that. 

"We should go inside" Jeno sat up, trying to be the responsible one.

"Lets sleep out here" Jaemin argued and Jeno didn't have the heart to argue with him so they grabbed their pillows and blankets and slept on the roof. Mark, Renjun, Chenle and Jisung joined them after a while. 

"I can't believe you guys are going to be idols" Mark shook his head, still trying to process that. 

"You'll get used to it" Renjun responded, trying not to show sympathy or how much he was upset as well. Mark elbowed him in the side and Renjun pushed him to the side. 

"Do you really want to stay out here?" Mark looked at Jaemin, who nodded. He was still counting the stars but he was beginning to think that he had counted a few of them twice nad his eyes were drifting closed so he gave in. The rest of the boys spent the time reminiscing about their childhood and everything that had happened over the years. Chenle fell asleep and then Jisung and Haechan, then Jeno and then Renjun and Mark were the only ones awake. Mark laid his brothers head down on his shoulder, petting Renjun's hair.

"Your the best hyung ever, you know that?" Renjun mumbled sleepily. He meant it but he didn't even remember saying that the next day and Mark didn't mention it. 

"Thanks Injun" Mark kissed his brothers hair and let himself go to sleep. Taeyong wasn't even that mad the next day but the boys did suffer a lecture about being careful on the roof. 

I know this one is a bit shorter but I still hope you enjoy. 


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