Sugar rush

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Taeyong was tempted to take all the sugar in the house and got rid of it. He had left his friends in charge for one day and he came back to the boys being on a major sugar high.

"I'm going to kill you Johnny Suh!" Taeyong yelled after his friend as the older left, calling a cheerful goodbye before Taeyong could make good on that threat.

"Boys! Stop jumping on the couch and clean all the pillows up please" Taeyong tried to sound authoritative but over the sounds of excited laughter and screams, he was barely heard.

"BOYS!" Taeyong yelled even louder, finally bringing all the noise to a stop.

"Clean up the pillows and stop jumping on the couch" Taeyong repeated. A few of them giggled as they climbed off the couch and started cleaning up.

"If I find you jumping around and being rowdy again, there'll be trouble. Do you hear me?" Taeyong warned.

"We hear you" Mark nodded, helping Jisung pick up one of the couch cushions that had slipped off. Taeyong nodded satisfied and left but he came back a moment later, picking the youngest two up and tucking them under his arm.

"You two are supposed to be napping right now. Hopefully that will calm you down a little" He lectured as he carried them upstairs to the nursery. Jaemin was glad that Taeyong seemed to forget he had ignored nap time as well.

"Come on guys! Let's have a little more fun while he's not here" Haechan pulled the pillows back off and jumped on the couch. Jaemin, never one to back down from a competition, tried to see if he could jump higher than Haechan, who noticed and started jumping higher. Mark was a little worried that one of them would fall off but that soon became the least of his worries. He let himself relax and started a pillow fight between himself, Renjun and Jeno.

"Lee Donghyuck, Mark Lee, Huang Renjun, Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin! What did I just tell you?" Taeyong walkd in, surprised to find the living room in worse shape than it had been when he left.

"It was Haechan's idea!" Four accusing fingers all pointed at the middle kid. Haechan glared at the others, upset at being ratted on so easily.

"All of you come here. It does not matter who's idea it was" Taeyong pointed in front of him and knelt down to the boys' height. Some of them were taller than others so that made it a little awkward trying to be at their height but he was able to look each of them in the eye and that was good enough.

"I understand that your really hyper and you want to run around and do everything but when I tell you to do something, it needs to be done. You do not go and do the opposite of what I told you to do. Clear?" Taeyong lectured.

"Clear" The five older boys nodded. Taeyong ruffled their hair.

"Good. Now clean this up and go take a nap" Taeyong knew that some of the boys were too old for that but it would do them good, even if they didn't sleep.

"We're too old for that!" Mark argued.

"It will do you good. I don't care if you sleep or not but at least try to rest. It'll get rid of all this excessive energy you have" Taeyong added. Mark huffed, mumbled something and led Renjun and Jeno to their room. Jaemin and Haechan linked arms with each other and skipped up the stairs, singing a little tune to themselves. Taeyong watched them go, shaking his head. They hadn't even bothered to clean up the mess they made so he did it himself. When he went to check on all the boys later, he found them all knocked out in their beds. Obviously the sugar rush they had finally left their systems and caused them to crash in a matter of minutes.


Little DreamiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora