Cuddle party 2

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"Jeno, I will not tell you again. Lay down. You're going to make yourself more sick" Taeyong moved the seven year old back onto the couch, tucking a blanket around him. Jeno tried to get up, insisting that he was fine, but Renjun and Mark captured him in their arms and held him. Jeno was entirely helpless against his brothers' clutches. Taeyong looked around the rest of the room, making sure all his boys were there. The three oldest were still on the small couch, Jeno looking as angry as a wet cat, and the younger four were on the big couch, Chenle and Jisung clinging to each other and Jaemin and Haechan were sitting up, playing a board game because they refused to sleep and Taeyong was too tired to argue with them.

"Hyungie!" Jisung whined, sitting up. Taeyong knelt down beside the couch, brushing the youngest's hair out of his eyes.

"What is it Jisung?" Taeyong wondered.

"Bathroom. Don't feel good" Jisung grumbled and Taeyong knew what that meant. He quickly took Jisung to the bathroom just in time for the maknae to release the contents of the soup Taeyong had been feeding the boys.

"Eww!" Haechan appeared around the corner, wrinkling his nose. Taeyong shook his head.

"Haechan go back to your game" Taeyong glanced briefly over his shoulder, still occupied with getting Jisung cleaned up. He set the toddler on the sink counter and wiped his face down with a cool cloth.

"Jaemin threw up" Haechan seemed to remember then the reason why he came looking for Taeyong in the first place.

"Seriously?" Taeyong sighed deeply. It wasn't even lunch time and he was tired. All seven boys had been sick for two days now and it was draining all his energy.

"Yep!" Haechan nodded once then seemed to think his job was done and he went back to his game with Jaemin, who apparently forgot that he had just emptied his stomach and was continuing on like nothing happened.

"Alright, baby. I'm going to put you back with Lele. If you feel worse, tell me" Taeyong carried the three year old to the living room and set him next to Chenle.

"Don't squeeze him, Lele" Taeyong moved the hand Chenle wrapped around Jisung's stomach. He turned to the other two, who were playing their game like nothing has happened and we're completely ignoring the mess on the floor next to Jaemin.

"Minnie, let's get you cleaned up" Taeyong did his best to avoid the puddle and picked up the five year old.

"But it's my turn!" Jaemin whined.

"Well then remember that and you can take your turn when your cleaned up" Taeyong set Jaemin down on the floor of the bathroom and helped him get out of his dirty clothes off. He had grabbed clean clothes before going to the living room. As soon as he finished drying Jaemin off and getting him dressed again, the kid ran to the living room to finish his game and Taeyong cleaned up the mess beside the couch.

"Finish that game boys and then I want you to try and sleep" Taeyong looked at Jaemin and Haechan.

"Do we have to?" Haechan complained.

"Yes. Finish that game" Taeyong nodded. He didn't really care if they actually slept, though he hoped they would, but Taeyong just needed the two to rest.

"Can we watch videos on your phone?" Mark piped up.

"You have an hour" Taeyong handed his phone to the oldest boys. Mark unlocked his phone and paused.

"Hyung, did you have a meeting today?" Renjun looked over at the phone, giving the reason why Mark looked so shocked.

"Shit! Can I have that back?" Taeyong took his phone and called the manager, quickly explaining why he wasn't going to make the meeting that day.

"Okay, here you go" Taeyong handed his phone back and Mark pulled up a, probably not child appropriate, video. Taeyong went to make more sick-friendly food and gave it to the boys. An hour later, all of them were asleep except two.

"Rock paper scissors! I win!" Haechan cheered again for the millionth time in a row. Taeyong was sitting in his arm chair, watching all of them.

"That's not fair! Your cheating!" Jaemin poked Haechan hard in the arm.

"I am not!" Haechan was noticeably upset at being accused of cheating even though he was.

"You are too!" Jaemin quickly wiped at the angry tears in his eyes.

"Boys! That's enough" Taeyong looked up from his computer. Jaemin and Haechan pouted at being yelled at. Taeyong moved his computer to the side.

"Come here, boys" Taeyong helped the two climb up onto his lap. He knew they were tired but they were fighting it.

"Meanie" Jaemin lightly punched Haechan's arm after the older accidentally kicked him. Taeyong gently shushed them, patting and rubbing their backs in an attempt to get the two to sleep. He had seen moms do that to calm crying babies and surprisingly, it worked. When he looked down at Haechan and Jaemin a few minutes later, they were both asleep. Taeyong made sure the other five weren't going to wake up any time soon since he was currently trapped. Once he was sure there was no chance of the older three of younger two waking, he let himself enjoy having his least cuddliest boys actually cuddling, and sleeping, on him.

I might do a part 3 to this. I'm not sure yet.


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