Making sandboxes

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"Shh! Your being too loud" Taeyong perked up, not liking the sound of that. He could tell that it was Chenle whispering very loudly but he didn't know why.

"More to the left! Your going to spill it" There was Haechan, only making Taeyong more unnerved.

"What are you boys doing?!" He raised his voice to be heard through the house. There was complete quiet for a minute and Taeyong was about to get up when his question was finally answered.

"Nothing!" That was Jaemin. Taeyong stood up, going around the corner but there was no one there. Now he knew that something was not right and he was going to find out what. He went up the stairs to try and find even one of the three boys that he had heard but they were hiding pretty well. 

"Haechan! Jaemin! Chenle!" Taeyong waited and the three boys came out of their rooms, looking innocent.

"What did you need?" Haechan was acting far too innocent for Taeyong's liking. He was hiding something.

"What are you all doing?" Taeyong wondered, unsure if maybe he was just being paranoid.

"Oh nothing. I was just about to ask if the others wanted to play a game" Haechan turned to his younger brothers, silently begging for them to play along.

"Yeah, I'd love to play a game" Jaemin nodded, but he said that way too cheerfully and Haechan knew it. Taeyong knew it and the nervous knot in his stomach was growing.

"Okay, well, try to behave" Taeyong turned and started going back down the stairs.

"Of course. Don't we always?" Haechan responded. Taeyong looked him over his shoulder, unamused and the kid laughed. Taeyong went back to the living room to enjoy some quiet. He heard the three of them run off somewhere. A moment later, they came back downstairs carrying a giant tub and they ran outside. Taeyong had his back turned and they were being really quiet so he didn't even notice. They came back inside and went upstairs, continuing to do this a few times until they had enough of whatever it was they were after. 

As they played in the fruits of their labor, they were really quiet and Taeyong didn't realize that anything was wrong until later that night when he was going to tuck the boys in and stepped on something. It was small and he wasn't sure what it was until he touched the floor. 

"Boys! Living room now" Taeyong went downstairs to wait. All seven boys sat down on the couch, unsure why they were being called down.

"Do any of you want to tell me why there is sand in the hallway all over the floor?" Taeyong wondered. He knew that there were at least three boys involved but he wasn't sure about the others. The silence that followed told him everything he needed to know. 

"We made a sandbox!" Jisung said cheerfully. The horror of those words sent chills down Taeyong's back. He hoped that did not mean what he thought it meant and Jisung was just being cute. 

"Where?" He almost wished no one would answer but he knew they needed to. He needed them to.

"In the bathroom" Jaemin admitted. Taeyong turned and ran up the stairs to make sure that this was real and he wasn't imagining it. He wasn't; there was in fact sand in the tub. He turned and went back downstairs, pulling the first kid he saw to their feet.

Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank

"Ow" Haechan pouted and sat back down, tucking his hands under him so his butt didn't touch the couch. Taeyong turned to the next kid and did the same, giving them their exact age in smacks. 

 "The tub is not a sandbox! It is for staying clean, not playing" Taeyong scolded, letting go of Chenle and looking at the boys, all of them a little teary eyed and looking guilty. 

"You all are going to go clean it up and then spend the day in your rooms. I am very disappointed in all of you" Taeyong was aware that his words were going to hurt the boys and he was right; they started crying as they passed him, going to their rooms. Taeyong always comforted them after they got in trouble but that was one time he didn't because he had to go behind the boys and clean the rest of the sand out. When he woke up the next day, he had seven boys in his bed, all fast asleep. Even Mark, Renjun and Jeno, who hadn't come to seek his comfort in the middle of the night for a little more than a year, were curled up next to each other, dead to the world. Taeyong managed to get a picture of all of them without waking a single one and he saved it as his background.


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