Restraining order

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The boys sometimes went to see their future members in concert. They always had the best seats and were absolutely adored by other idols and they were constantly being heavily protected. There was no way anyone could get to them without getting knocked back.

When Taeyong and Lola started dating, she started going to concerts too and accompanied the boys. Jisung finally came around to the fact that she was not going to be leaving anytime soon.

It was during one of these concerts that disaster struck.

"Jisung?" The seven boys and woman stopped. Jisung knew that voice: he had heard it once before when he was little. He hadn't been able to remember it for years but just hearing it seemed to bring back memories.

"How do you know our brother?" Haechan turned around, taking Jisung's hand. The other boys made a protective ring around their maknae but he was still visible to the woman in front of him.

"It is you! Oh, look at you. Your so grown up" She cried, covering her mouth with both hands. Jisung just stared at her. Lola stepped forward, putting herself in between the kids and this woman.

"Min-min, take Lele and Ji to the car. Jeno, Haechan, find your dad" She instructed. Jaemin took Jisung and Chenle's hands, leading them away but the strange lady stopped them.

"Your dad's here?" She spat out, her face changing into complete disgust instead of the sadness that has been there before.

"Yeah. Our dad, the one who raised us for the past seven years" Mark nodded. He didn't like this lady one bit and he wasn't going to even try and hide it.

"Jisungie, you remember me right?" The woman ignored the other boys.

"How the hell is he supposed to remember you? He was two when you abandoned him" Renjun didn't have to guess to know who this was. It was pretty clear. Jisung's face was as white as a ghost and he was staring at the ground as if hoping it would open up and swallow him. Renjun understood that feeling and Jaemin would too; he had felt the same way when he found out his parents were alcoholics and were dead and Jaemin admitted to feeling like he wanted the ground to swallow him when he came back from meeting his dad.

"I didn't abandon him! His dad took him from me" The woman cried.

"That's not true. I have his file from the orphanage you left him at, half frozen to death and severely malnourished" Taeyong walked over. Lola quickly whispered to him to fill him in on the situation but he didn't need her to. Jeno and Haechan stood a short distance away, not wanting to get involved but ready to if they felt their brothers safety was going to be compromised.

"Lola, take the boys to the car and wait for me, please. I'll deal with this" Taeyong didn't take his eyes off Jisung's mom, not even for a moment. Lola took Jisung to the car, the other two following closely. Doyoung went with them even though no one asked him to. 

"You need to leave" Taeyong tried to remain calm but it was hard. He knew who this was, he had seen her before. She had come to concerts and fan meetings. He had even shook her hand before but he hadn't known who it was until right then.

"I just want to see my son" she pleaded.

"He stopped being your son the moment you left him on that doorstep. Now I will not say it again, you need to leave" Taeyong repeated.

"You can't do this! I'm his mother, I have rights!" She screamed. Taeyong sighed and looked to one side. So much for doing this calmly.

"Security, please escort this woman out of here and make sure her name is on a no entry list. And also, find some lawyer who can get a restraining order against her for my children" Taeyong turned and walked away, two bodyguards flanking him from both sides as he left to get changed and then went to find his family.

"Appa, was that...?" Jisung leaned forward in his seat.

"I'm afraid so. If any of you boys see her at a show again, you find an adult preferably me, Lola, one of your hyungs or a staff member and you tell them. She's not allowed to come here anymore but I have a feeling she'll try" Taeyong explained. Lola took his hand, squeezing it.

"They're safe" She leaned against him, keeping her voice low so the boys wouldn't hear.

"I know" Taeyong was glad for that. He didn't know what he would've done if that woman hurt one of his kids. He probably would've done something he would regret.

That's three backstories sort of down! Would you want to see more of the boys' families/ backgrounds?


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