Food fight!

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"Eww" Jaemin wrinkled his nose when Jisung flung a spoonful of potatoes at Chenle. 

"Jisung, stop playing with your food" Mark scolded. Jisung huffed and went back to poking at his food. Sensing that his baby brother was upset now, Haechan grabbed a piece of bread, rolled it into a ball and flung it at Renjun. The bread landed in Renjun's bowl and the older boy paused as he was about to take a bite. 

"Haechan" Mark sighed, already tired. Taeyong had to step out for a moment to take an important call so Mark was in charge temporarily. 

"Run!" Jeno tried to hold Renjun down but it didn't work and Renjun began chasing Haechan around the table. 

"Sit down please" Mark knew that wasn't going to work. Sometimes he really hated being the oldest. Jaemin pressed his lips into a thin line, smiling as he turned to Jeno.

"Don't do it" Jeno could practically see what Jaemin was thinking just by looking in the younger's eyes. Jaemin didn't listen and flung a spoonful of food at Jeno, starting an all-out war. 

"Just one time. When hyung asks me to watch you, can I just have one time where it doesn't go badly?" Mark sighed, knowing that he had lost the battle with his brothers. They were going to do whatever they wanted. No one even heard him and he decided to join in on the food fight. What was the worst that could happen?

"I left for ten minutes!" Taeyong walked in to find food all over the floor, Jisung covered in saue and food stains on the boys' clothes. There was even little bits of potato stuck to Jaemin's cheek and noodles in Jeno's and Renjun's hair.

"Haechan started it!" Six fingers pointed to Haechan, who looked at his friends and brothers with betrayal. Taeyong laughed. He didn't know why he found this funny but he did. He laughed for a long time, confusing the boys who were sure that they were in trouble.

"Oh, boys! Look at you!" Taeyong chuckled, taking in the sight of his kids. The seve kids all looked at each other for the first time, and they too started laughing. They had made quite the mess. 

"Everyone, to the bathroom" Taeyong decided. The boys all filed past him and went to wait in their bathroom for him. Taeyong spent the next fifteen minutes picking noodles, potatoes and little pieces of meat out of Renjun and Jeno's hair and trying to get the other boys cleaned up. 

"Alright, you five, go get cleaned up. I am going to give these two a bath and then put them to bed. The rest of you will help me clean up the mess downstairs" Taeyong informed the older five. Mark led his brothers out and they took turns showering and going to clean up the mess they had made. 

"Who really started the fight downstairs?" Taeyong set Jisung in the tub. He knew that Jisung was getting a bit too old for Taeyong to be giving him baths but the maknae seemed to enjoy it so Taeyong hadn't stopped. 

"Haechanie did" Jisung insisted. Chenle flicked a bit of water at him, doing his best to wet hhis hair. Taeyong left him alone, waiting for Chenle to ask for help. 

"No, it was you. Then Mark asked you to stop and then Haechan threw bread at Renjun and that's what started it" Chenle answered, being completely honest. Jisung pouted at him, smacking the water with his open hand.

"Don't worry baby, your not in trouble. Did you two have fun?" Taeyong assured the two youngest. They looked slightly happier upon hearing that. Taeyong finished cleaning them off and wrapped them both in a towel, waiting for the two boys to dry off so they could get dressed. After ten minutes, two stories and three promises to check on them soon, Taeyong managed to get out of their room and go check on the older boys. They were all showered, their wet hair being proof of that, and changed into pjs. Mark and Renjun were sweeping up the food on the floor while Jeno put the food away and Haechan did the dishes. Jaemin was wiping off the table.

"You guys move fast" Taeyong commented.

"Well, we didn't know if you would be upset and we thought cleaning up everything before you came down might convince you not to be mad" Jaemin admitted, not realizing that he was supposed to keep that a secret. 

"I'm not mad. You boys had fun and that's all that matters. Besides, I get free cleaning out of it" Taeyong joked. All five of them looked at him disgusted and went on cleaning. It was the least they could do. And it got them ice cream so no one was complaining. Later, Taeyong looked at the five boys, wiping away a bit of sauce above Jeno's brow that the boy had missed earlier. Most of them were asleep. Renjun was leaning up against Mark, trying to stay awake. Haechan was in his lap, hugging Renjun like his life depended on it. Jaemin was curled up in Taeyong's arms and Mark was leaning against Taeyong, still wide awake. 

"Do you want my help taking them upstairs?" Mark wondered. He could help get Haechan and Jaemin upstairs but not the other two. Maybe Renjun since the second oldest was pretty small. 

"No, just stay here and don't wake your brothers. I'll be back soon" Taeyong got up, holding Jaemin in one arm and Haechan in the other. He would come back later for Jeno, Renjun and Mark. When he did go back downstairs, Mark was asleep and Taeyong managed to get all three oldest boys upstairs at the same time. Renjun, at some point, decided that his bed wasn't comfortable enough and he invaded Mark's bed. Haechan had done the same with Jeno, laying on top of his brother, both of them fast asleep. Taeyong checked in on Chenle, Jaemin and Jisung but they were still asleep in Chenle's bed. Jisung was hidden under Chenle's covers and Jaemin had a protective arm draped over the younger boys, holding them close to him.


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