High school reunion

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Renjun shivered in the cold as he drove down the dark street. Jeno was sitting in the seat beside him and the younger kids were in the back, squished together. All of them were there except Mark, who was spending the night at his girlfriend's house. Not that Taeyong or Lola knew that. They would never let their seventeen year old son spend the night alone with his girlfriend. 

"I'm not sure about this Jeno" Renjun admitted, turning onto a separate side road. Trees loomed up on either side of them, hiding the moon and only light from view. 

"I've been looking for years hyung! Please! We don't have to stay long" Jeno pleaded. Renjun sighed and shivered again, wishing that he had brought a jacket. 

"How much longer?" Chenle piped up from the backseat. Renjun glanced at the clock. They had been driving for almost two hours. Taeyong had let them go at around eight-thirty after they promised to be back by ten. It was getting close to eleven now and Renjun's phone had been going off every few minutes. 

"Just a bit longer Lele. We'll go home soon" Jaemin rubbed his brother's head, causing the younger to drop his head on Jaemin's shoulder and go to sleep.

"This was a bad idea" Jaemin stated, glancing nervously at his older brothers. They both knew it but they had gone too far to go back now. Renjun pulled into the school lot and parked the car. 

"Come on. We're only staying for an hour and then we have to go" Renjun picked up a sleeping Jisung and Jeno picked up Chenle. Haechan and Jaemin took each other's hands as they walked into the school. 

"What are these kids doing here?" A lady looked at the newcomers. Renjun nudged Jeno but the kid was too frozen up to say anything.

"My brother has been searching for his parents for a long time and found out that they used to go here. We were hoping you would know something about them" Renjun explained. In the blink of an eye, the boys were sitting down and being told all kinds of stories. Jisung was still in Renjun's arms and Chenle had woken up a little and was now sitting up in Jeno's lap. Glasses of punch had been offered to all the boys, non-alcoholic of course. Renjun tasted it first to be sure before giving his brothers the go ahead. Renjun's phone started ringing again and he looked at it. Jeno noticed and looked at him, worried. Without thinking, Renjun pressed decline and pocketed his phone. All at once like clockwork, Jeno, Haechan and Jaemin's phones rang but they were all declined or ignored. 

"We need to be going now. Thank you for the stories" Renjun noticed that Jaemin was asleep on Haechan's shoulder and it was getting late. He wouldn't be able to drive them home. Luckily, he had enough sense to bring the black card that Taeyong had given him and Mark for emergencies. Jeno looked a little dismayed but he knew that Renjun was right so he followed the older boy out and they got their brothers settled in the backseat. 

"Look up nearby hotels with two rooms available next to each other" Renjun handed his phone to Jeno even though he knew his younger brother had a phone of his own. 

"Dad's calling again" Jeno stated. Renjun pulled out onto the road. 

"Ignore it" Renjun answered simply, going to the closest hotel. Luckily the clerk at the front desk didn't question why a bunch of kids were checking out a hotel room by themselves or why they had a black card.

"Come on" Renjun led the way out of the hotel and bought some more comfortable clothes for him and his brothers. They hadn't expected to need to stay in a hotel so they hadn't brought anything with them. After what felt like forever, they were all either asleep or close to sleep.

"I'm going outside for a moment" Renjun tapped Jeno's shoulder and left the room. Chenle and Jisung were in one bed, Jaemin and Haechan on the couch. Jeno and Renjun would take the other bed.

Once outside, Renjun pulled his phone out and dialed Taeyong's number.

"Where are you?" Taeyong's voice was strained. He was angry and worried and it showed.

"We're okay. We're at a hotel because it was too dark to drive back. I'm really sorry, appa" Renjun felt guilt bubbling up inside his chest.

"Who all is with you?" Taeyong questioned, not sounding as worried now and just angry.

"Everyone but Mark. I'm sorry!" Renjun needed Taeyong to say it. He needed to hear that Taeyong forgave him.

"I know. Do you want me to come get you?" Taeyong knew what Renjun wanted but he couldn't do it. Not until he knew his kids were okay.

"No. We'll stay here tonight and I'll drive us back tomorrow. Dad, go easy on Jeno. He's not okay right now. He didn't get the news he wanted about his parents" Renjun explained. Taeyong nodded even though Renjun couldn't see him.

"I love yo-" Renjun stopped when he heard the line go dead. Taeyong had hung up. With a sigh, he pocketed his phone and went back into the room.

"How did that go?" Jeno looked anxious. Renjun gave him what he hoped was a reassuring smile and sat down on the bed next to his brother.

"He hung up on me first. He's really mad, Jeno" Renjun didn't have to point that out and he didn't know why he did. Jeno knew that Taeyong was going to be mad. But it was worth it.

"We should get some sleep. I'm going to need it to drive back tomorrow" Renjun was just about to close his eyes when Haevhan came up, looking like he wanted to ask something.

"Junnie, there's a pool" Haechan hinted. Renjun looked at Jeno and got up. Once getting some swim trunks, because once again they had nothing with them, the six boys headed down to the pool. The younger four were the only ones who really had fun. Renjun and Jeno were too burdened with guilt to enjoy themselves. Just as it was nearing two in the morning, the boys went back to their room and slept.

In the morning, they would go back and face their angry parents.


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