Chaotic day

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Taeyong had been enjoying the quiet for far too long and he realized this. It was too quiet, way too quiet. He got up, going to see where the boys were and that was when chaos erupted. The back door opened and Mark, Jeno and Haechan came in, shouting and spraying water at each other with their water guns. At the same time, there was sounds of fighting from upstairs and when Taeyong walked into the kitchen, he was met with the most horrifying sight ever. 

"Jaemin! Renjun! Put those down right now" Taeyong walked over and took the scissors from Jaemin and the match from Renjun, quickly blowing it out. 

"Hyung!" Renjun went to argue and complain about the loss of his entertainment. Taeyong gave him a stern look. Jaemin pouted too. He didn't see the big deal; he knew how to handle scissors. Of course, handling scissors was not spinning them around on one finger because that was a recipe for disaster. 

"Go to the corner right now!" Taeyong ordered. Renjun rolled his eyes, climbing off the stool he had used to reach the matches and followed his brother into opposite corners of the kitchen. Taeyong walked back into the living room, grabbing Mark's water gun and taking it away, he quickly did the same with the other two. 

"If your going to stay inside, then find something calm to do. These stay outside" Taeyong reminded them. Mark looked at his younger brothers and shrugged, taking the toys back outside and coming in. Jeno had already gotten a board game out so Taeyong figured they would be fine and he went upstairs.

"Mark! Your brothers are in timeout. Let them out in around six minutes" Taeyong instructed the oldest. 

"Got it!" Mark was distracted and barely remembered what Taeyong said. He let Renjun and Jaemin come join their game three minutes later and Taeyong knew that Mark was going to let them out early. He couldn't be worried about that though. 

"I want it!" Jisung picked up a block close to him and threw it at Chenle, who luckily ducked so it missed him.

"Jisung! You do not throw things at your brother. I've taught you better than that" Taeyong picked up a second block from the kid, setting it down and taking Jisung's hand, directing him over to a corner of the room. 

"Were you throwing things too?" Taeyong asked Chenle.

"Noooo" Chenle rocked side to side, something he did when he was lying. 

"Don't lie to me. Go over to that corner and stay there. You each have five minutes" Taeyong set a timer on his phone and waited. He didn't trust the two to not start fighting again so he grabbed a few of their toys and took them downstairs before the timer went off. All the boys played a game quietly in the living room and didn't cause any more problems. Taeyong did have a long lecture planned for Jaemin and Renjun on the dangers of scissors and matches but they were distracted and paid him no attention so he let them go back to their game, hoping that getting dangerous objects out was not going to be a regular thing. He did move the matches somewhere else since the oldest two were obviously figuring out that if they used the stool, they could reach anywhere and Taeyong did not want to risk one of the babies figuring out the same thing. 


Water gun fight inside-Mark, Jeno and Haechan

Playing with matches-Renjun

Chenle and Jisung fighting over sharing toys and throwing stuff at each other.

Not being safe with scissors-Jaemin

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