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Taeyong knew he was taking a chance bringing the boys with him to a company party. It was going to be the first time any of them had attended. Even though Mark was eighteen, he wasn't really the problem. It was the other six. Especially, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung. All of them seemed to have hit their teenage rebellious phase at the same time.

"Behave tonight. If one of you steps even the tiniest bit out of line tonight, you will never leave the house again" Taeyong warned.

"We'll be fine appa, don't worry" Mark assured him. Taeyong looked at the younger kids, warning them before going into the party. As soon as they were in there, the boys ran off to different parts of the party. Taeyong really hoped they wouldn't do anything stupid.

Taeyong did have several people watching the boys. Including Ten, Kun, Winwin, Jaehyun and Jungwoo, Doyoung, and Yuta. It was still quite hard to believe that three out of the six members of WayV had become adults. Taeyong felt old just thinking about that. About how the boys he had known for the past ten years were now adults.

"You don't have to follow us around. We can take care of ourselves" Mark was a little annoyed that he was being followed even though he was an adult. At least internationally he was. 

"It's just a precaution. We don't have a lot of security here and you know how your dad is" Doyoung promised. Him and Mark both knew it was more than that but neither of them said this and Mark would just have to deal with it. Just like the others had to deal with being followed by their hyungs. That didn't mean that all of them were 'dealing with it' very well. 

"Why can't you just leave me alone!? I'm not a baby" Jisung snapped, turning on Jaehyun.

"Your not a baby but your sure acting like one right now. You know how your dad is and if he says that you need to be looked out for, then that's what I'm going to do. If it makes you feel better, pretend I'm not here" Jaehyun lectured. Jisung huffed, really annoyed and walked faster to lose Jaehyun in the crowd. Unfortunately for him, Jaehyun went straight to Taeyong and informed him of what Jisung was doing. Luckily for Jisung, he wasn't the only one that got tired of being followed around and babysat.

"What are you doing over here?" Haechan sat down next to Renjun in one corner of the room where they couldn't be seen.

"Hiding from Ten-hyung. I thought this was supposed to be fun but he's watching my every move. I feel like a criminal let out of prison for the first time" Renjun admitted. 

"Yeah, I feel the same. I wish we could go home" Jeno joined them, sitting on Renjun's other side. Haechan took his contacts out, switching them with his glasses that he always carried in his pocket. Renjun decided to do the same, ignoring the weird looks he got from people who obviously didn't know that he wore glasses. 

"We will soon. I just feel bad for Jaehyun-hyung, Jungwoo-hyung, Kun-gege, Ten-gege, and Winwin-gege. They're adults so they don't get to leave early" Renjun laughed softly, thinking about that. Jisung came over and flopped down in front of his brothers. He didn't even care that he was getting his suit dirty. It'd get washed anyways.

"I kind of wish we were adults so appa at least trusted us to walk around by ourselves" Chenle stated, joining the small group gathering in the corner.

"But then we couldn't leave early" Jisung argued. Chenle shrugged, not wanting to get in a debate about whether it was better to be an adult or not. Mark finally found his brothers, dragging Jaemin along behind him and they sat down. The boys were hidden from the rest of the party. Someone would have to be right in front of them in order to see any of them.

"What time is it?" Jaemin wondered, ready to go. They had been at the party for an hour now. It was kind of a surprise that none of their hyungs had come to find them. Or maybe the older idols were trying and just couldn't find any of the Dreamies.

"Only ten minutes since the last time you asked" Haechan sighed. He was bored too. If they waited any longer, something bad was going to happen and it would be out of their control. Whatever they did. Though Taeyong wouldn't see it that way and he had told them to be good. That was the only thing keeping the Dreamies from doing something stupid.

"Ugh!" Jisung laid back, his head hitting the wall. He frowned and rubbed the area that he hit. They were quiet again for a while, playing games to themselves as time passed.

"It's almost ten. We should see if we can find the others" Renjun stated, getting up. The rest of the boys followed him and they went to find their hyungs, who they had abandoned.

"Where did you all go?" Johnny wondered, looking slightly impressed and annoyed. Ten, Kun, Winwin, Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Yuta, and Doyoung glared at the boys. All of them had suffered a very long, harsh lecture from Taeil and Taeyong for losing the boys.

"We hid" Mark answered, taking Kun's drink and downing it. Kun pursed his lips but said nothing. Him and Mark both knew that there was soju in the cup but Kun didn't want to get Mark in trouble.

"His where?" Taeyong didn't think there was anywhere in the whole building that the Dreamies could hide for two or three hours.

"The vents" Renjun grabbed Ten's drink and copied Mark. Once again, nothing was said.

"The roof" Haechan contradicted his brother, grinning at Taeyong. The man shook his head. He knew that he wasn't going to get a straight answer.

"Well, it's time to go. Good luck tracking down Xiaojun, Hendery, and Yangyang" Taeyong led his boys out of the party and they started going home. The good thing about the party was that the Dreamies found somewhere to hide the next time they were invited and Taeyong had the chance to enjoy himself without worrying about what the boys were doing.




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