Too small

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"I need you to sign this" Renjun held a paper out to Taeyong.

"What is it?" Taeyong took the paper, reading over it. Renjun had been begging for Taeyong to let him join this one new club at school but Taeyong was worried about it. Renjun was, not so secretly, small for his age and this new club required not only height but strength, two things that Renjun did not possess. 

"Don't do it. He's trying to trick you" Mark revealed, walking past. Renjun rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he looked at his brother.

"Do you have to ruin everything?" Renjun snapped. Taeyong flicked him on the back of the head.

"I'm not signing this, Renjun. Your going to get hurt" Taeyong repeated again for the millionth time. Renjun huffed and walked off. He would just sign the permission slip himself.

He did just that with the help of Jisung, who was surprisingly a master at forging signatures. Taeyong realized this a week later when Renjun ended up with a broken wrist and couldn't hide it. 

"This is exactly why I didn't sign the damn paper! Your not big enough Renjun. Do you understand that now?" Taeyong yelled. 

"I'm sorry! Okay! What else do you want me to say? You were right, I should have listened to you! Don't you think I know that now? I have a cast, dad! I think I know that I was an idiot now!" Renjun just lost it. He had never been so angry before. 

"Go to your room!" Taeyong snapped.

"Dad-" Renjun had not expected that but he shouldn't have been surprised.

"No! I have had enough. Go now" Taeyong shook his head. Renjun glared at him, crossed his arms and stormed off.

"FUCK YOU!" He raised one hand, his middle finger up as he ran up the stairs. Taeyong was going to go after him but stopped at the last moment. He'd deal with Renjun later when he was calmed down. 

"Was that Renjun?" Jeno peeked up over the couch, shocked. Taeyong spun around, not even knowing that Jeno was there, as well as Haechan, Chenle and Jaemin. 

"Yes it was but you shouldn't be eavesdropping. Go find something to do. I need to find Jisung" Taeyong dismissed the middle three. 

"He's in our room hiding from you" Jaemin snitched and ran off. Haechan and Chenle followed, yelling at Jaemin for telling on Jisung. Jeno shook his head and went outside after them to keep an eye on the younger three and make sure they didn't do anything stupid.

"Jisung, come here please" Taeyong closed the maknae's bedroom door as he stepped in, sitting down on Chenle's bed and motioning his youngest forward. Jisung looked nervous as he walked closer. He had heard Renjun and Taeyong arguing and he had a good idea where this was going. 

"How long have you been forging signatures?" Taeyong wondered.

"Not long. I practice here but this is the first time I've actually done something with it" Jisung answered honestly, knowing it was the best idea to keep out of trouble. 

"You know that's not a good thing to do" Taeyong stated, taking Jisung's small hands and bringing him closer. 

"Why?" Jisung cocked his head to the side, confused. He knew it was a bad thing but what he didn't understand was why. 

"Well its illegal for one thing and it breaks trust. But more importantly, its morally wrong. You don't want to be known as someone who cheats his way out of tough situations do you?" Taeyong explained. Jisung shook his head quickly, horrified at the mere idea.

"So we agree, no more forging signatures?" Taeyong made sure before he left. Jisung nodded, promising not to do it again and Taeyong knew that was enough so he went to talk to Renjun again.

"Appa, I'm sorry" Renjun stood up when he heard the door open. 

"First of all, you do not talk to me like that. That was very disrespectful and we will be getting to that in a moment. But before we do that, lets talk about you going behind my back and doing something I told you not to do" Taeyong pulled Mark's desk chair over and sat down in front of Renjun. 

"I am sorry. I was just upset that you wouldn't even let me try. I know I shouldn't have asked Jisung to sign the paper for you" Renjun admitted. Taeyong knew he was being sincere and he appreciated that. At least that way Taeyong knew that Renjun had learned his lesson.

"Well, I guess that having a broken wrist is punishment enough for disobeying me but we still need to talk about how you talked to me earlier" Taeyong changed the topic. Renjun looked down, embarrassed and ashamed. He had no idea why he had said that to Taeyong or why he had decided that flipping Taeyong off was a good idea but he was regretting it now. 

"It seems to me that you need to be reminded that you are not grown up and you are still my kid. So I want you to go spend thirteen minutes sitting in the corner in the kitchen. The one that I always send you boys to if you curse at each other or me" Taeyong decided, proud of himself. Renjun's face fell; that had been the last thing that he expected for Taeyong to say.

"Are you serious?" He shook his head, not believing it. Taeyong just nodded and motioned for him to get up and go downstairs so Renjun did, though rather slowly. Taeyong sat at the table with him until those thirteen minutes were up and then they went to the couch and Taeyong fussed over Renjun's arm. 

I actually forgot I had this story for a minute cause I was focused on others. Haha, how's everyone doing though? 


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