Staying with Doyoung

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"Are you sure about this, Doyoung? We can always reschedule if its too much" Taeyong wanted to trust his friend but taking care of fifteen kids was no easy job, especially for just one person. Taeyong had to admit that he would feel better if Doyoung had help but that wasn't going to be possible. Taeyong, Taeil, Johnny, and Yuta all had somewhere else to be and there was no one to help Doyoung. Except the boys' bodyguards, Hunter, Cleo and Frankie and the other staff if they were available. Taeyong felt a little better knowing that. 

"We'll be fine. Jaehyun and Jungwoo can help me and if anything happens, I will call you" Doyoung assured the older man. He knew Taeyong was nervous. Taeil, Johnny and Yuta were too but at least their kids were a bit older. Not to mention this wasn't the first time the other three had left WayV plus Jaehyun and Jungwoo alone. This was the first time for Taeyong though. 

"If you say so" Taeyong still didn't look convinced and Doyoung knew he was seconds away from just deciding to stay home. Luckily, Yuta interrupted and told Taeyong they needed to leave if they were going to make their flight. That was all the leader needed to say bye one last time and walk out the door. Doyoung turned back to the kids. Jaehyun and Jungwoo were holding Jisung and Chenle back so they couldn't run after Taeyong. 

"Did you all finish your homework?" Doyoung wondered, knowing that all fifteen kids were still in school. 

"Your not our mom" Jungwoo rolled his eyes. Jaehyun decided to take this chance to lead the other teenagers upstairs. Jisung, upon realizing that Taeyong had actually left, sat down on the floor and sobbed. Jeno attempted to calm him but it was no use. Jisung was not going to stop crying until Taeyong came back. 

"I'm not but I am your hyung and you will talk to me respectfully" Doyoung warned. Jungwoo nodded, not willing to argue and started to pack some clothes. Since none of the dorms were large enough to house all sixteen people, Doyoung was taking the kids on a mini vacation but they weren't leaving until the next day. Cleo, one of the Dreamies' bodyguards, would be staying with Jaehyun and Jungwoo in the 127 dorm. It wasn't in her job description but she didn't complain. Hunter had insisted on staying with the younger kids but Doyoung assured him they would be fine and there was no need to worry. Plus, Doyoung wanted at least two people staying with the WayV kids so Hunter, the second Dreamie bodyguard, and Frankie, the WayV bodyguard were going to stay with Kun, Ten, Winwin, Xiaojun, Hendery and Yangyang for the night. A few hours later, Jaehyun and Jungwoo left with Cleo.

"Hey, you listen to Cleo and do what she says. Don't cause trouble. If I find out you did, we'll be having a talk tomorrow. Cleo, they are allowed to go out but I want them home by ten and lights out at eleven" Doyoung told the woman, who nodded and tried to usher the two teens out.

"Hyung, we're not kids!" Jaehyun argued.

"Your seventeen. Do as I say" Doyoung responded sharply, going over to the younger kids and telling them to get ready for bed. He didn't feel like dealing with any cranky kids the next day while they were on their vacation. Jeno went quickly, pulling Jaemin along behind him despite the younger's complaints. Jaehyun huffed and let himself be led outside. Maybe he could convince Cleo to let him and Jungwoo stay up a little later than eleven. 

"Can't we stay up a little later?" Mark wondered. 

"You don't have to go to bed right now but I want you to be ready. I'm not having any of you being tired and annoyed tomorrow" Doyoung told him. Mark nodded and pulled Renjun upstairs. 

"Can we stay up too?" Haechan wondered. Doyoung looked at the time. It was almost eight-thirty and Taeyong had told him to have the younger four in bed already.

"Sorry kid. Go get ready" Doyoung shook his head. Haechan pouted and stomped up the stairs. Doyoung decided not to worry about that. Jisung had cried himself to sleep already and Chenle looked like he was on the verge of passing out as well.

"Hunter, Frankie, take them back. Here's a list of their bedtimes. Please try to follow it and don't let them talk you into letting them stay up later" Doyoung motioned to the WayV boys, most of which started arguing and yelling over each other when they heard that they had to leave. Doyoung cut them off, not wanting to hear it and the six boys left quietly. Now Doyoung just had to worry about the other seven kids. 

He put Chenle and Jisung to bed first, making sure there was no chance of them waking up. When he walked into Haechan, Jaemin and Jeno's room, he was greeted with chaos.

"Hey! What did I say downstairs?" Doyoung got hteir attention. Jaemin stopped hitting Jeno with his pillow and tossed it back onto his bed, trying to climb up before Doyoung got him. Doyoung pulled him back down, swatting the kid and then setting him on his bed. Jeno burrowed further under his covers, not wanting to be in trouble. Doyoung caught Haechan when the kid tried to run. 

Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank 

"Go to bed. If I have to come in here again, I will not be as lenient" Doyoung placed Haechan firmly on his bed and went to Jeno, turning the kid over and smacking him twice.

"How come they only got a few and I got eight?!" Haechan whined.

"Because your the mastermind behind everything and you tried to run. Now go to bed" Doyoung answered, turning the lights out. Haechan flopped down on his bed, climbing under the covers as the man left. He knew Jeno would be up for a little while longer. He went to check on Mark and Renjun next to find them both still awake and playing games. 

"You have an hour guys. Don't go over it" Doyoung told them. Mark gave a thumbs up, not looking up from his game against Renjun, which he was losing at, if Renjun's relaxed posture and Mark's serious expression were anything to go by. Exactly one hour later, Doyoung knew the rooms were all dark and quiet. It wasn't long before he got a text from Hunter saying that all the WayV boys were accounted for and asleep. And right at eleven, Cleo informed him that Jaehyun and Jungwoo were in their room playing games. Doyoung was a little annoyed the two teens had managed to convince the staff member to let them stay up but he left it alone. As they were well rested the next day. 

Doyoung was interrupted by a gentle knock on his door and Chenle came in, leading Jisung by the hand.

"He misses Taeyong-hyung" Chenle explained, leaving Jisung with Doyoung and going back to bed. 

"Oh honey, do you want to sleep in here tonight? I can go get one of your hyungs' shirts if you want?" Doyoung was staying in the guest room but he knew Taeyong wouldn't mind him going into Taeyong's room. 

"Yes please" Jisung nodded, rubbing at his eyes sleepily. Doyoung carried him to Taeyong's room and grabbed one of the older man's shirts, changing Jisung into it. Before he even got back to the guest room, Jisung was asleep in his arms. Doyoung set him on one side of the bed, turned their lights off and climbed under the covers next to the five year old. The next day was going to be very hectic trying to get fifteen kids from five to seventeen out of the house and being stuck in a car with them for four hours but it was going to be worth it. At least Doyoung hoped it would be. He didn't want to have to scold or punish any of the kids while they were supposed to be on vacation but he knew the likelihood of not having to was very low. 

There will probably be a part two if that is something you would be interested in




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