Foreign Exchange

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"Are you going to be okay?" Taeyong worried, looking over everything that Jaemin had packed.

"I'll be fine. Your letting Jeno and Haechan go too. Why are you so worried about me?" Jaemin pointed out.

"Because Jeno and Haechan are going to the same place and will be only ten minutes from each other. Your going to another whole country by yourself" Taeyong pointed out. Jaemin waved his concern aside. He would be fine.

"We'll only be gone for a little while. We'll be back before you know it" Haechan promised. Taeyong wasn't sure how to react to that.

"Alright. We need to go" Jeno cut in. Haechan grabbed his and Jaemin's suitcases and got them into the car.

"Go over the plan with me one more time" Taeyong demanded.

"Haechan and I will go Japan with Jaemin. We can stay for a week, meet the family he'll stay with and help him get adjusted properly. And then we'll go to the U.S. and we'll call you when we get there. We'll check in on Jaemin once on the weekends and FaceTime you twice a week. And then we'll be back here in a year" Jeno listed off.

"Good. Now....go on! You don't want to miss your flight" Taeyong tried to hide his sadness at watching his son's leave. Haechan wrapped an arm around Jaemin as they got into the car and drove off with Jeno beside Haechan.

"Are you going to be okay, dad?" Chenle wondered. Taeyong didn't look like he would be okay.

"Yeah. Yes, I'm fine" Taeyong nodded quickly and went inside. Mark, Chenle, Jisung and Renjun looked at each other. This was going to be a long year.

"How are you doing?" Jeno wondered.

"I'm okay. It's nice here and I'm slowly learning Japanese. The family is nice" Jaemin answered.

"That's good. You look different. More....grown up" Haechan pointed out.

"Well, it has been three months now. We've all changed" Jaemin laughed. Haechan agreed with that.

"How are you two?" Jaemin asked, turning to Chenle and Jisung as they popped up on his screen.

"We had midterms! I got full scores on all of them" Jisung boasted. Chenle said the same thing except for one.

"That's amazing, you two! I'm so proud of you two" Jaemin smiled at his brothers.

"When are you coming back?" Jisung asked again. He asked everytime they were on call with each other and the answer was always the same.

"Nine months, two weeks and three days" Haechan stated, looking at the exact date so he didn't get it wrong. Jisung sighed dramatically and put his head down. Chenle patted him out of sympathy.

"I have to go now. I can hear Mrs. Hota calling. I'll talk to you all again soon" Jaemin got off the call and closed his computer, going downstairs.

"Something's wrong" Jeno stated.

"He seems sadder" Haechan agreed. Jisung and Chenle didn't seem to notice anything but they didn't get the chance to say.

"Jisung, Chenle, go downstairs. Dad wants to talk to you two" Renjun and Mark walked in, taking their youngest brothers' spot.

"Something's wrong with Jaemin" Haechan told them.

"He's been gone for three months in a strange country by himself. I don't think he's going to be completely alright" Renjun pointed out.

"We'll talk to appa anyways. Maybe we can arrange something to help him" Mark stepped in. Renjun agreed and went to do just that. Mark talked with his younger brothers for a while before they all finally got off and did their own things in separate countries.



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