Moving to the future

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Mark slowly opened his eyes, taking a moment to remember where he was. It was clear to him from the moment he opened his eyes that he was not at his apartment but it took way too long for him to recognize that he was in his old home. Lola had gone into early labor the night before so Taeyong called Mark to stay with the boys and Ha-Yun while he took Lola to the hospital. Renjun, Jeno and Haechan had also shown up and so they all spent the night. 

"Rise and shine! Mom and dad are on their way back now" Jisung threw a pillow at Mark, who smacked it away and glared at his former youngest brother. 

"Oppa!" Ha-Yun came running down, excited to meet her new brother and sister. Taeyong and Lola had told the kids the gender of the twins when they found out themselves so there were no surprises. 

"Hey, Yunnie. How does it feel to be a big sister?" Mark caught the little girl. 

"I can't wait!" She exclaimed, overly energetic for it being only eight in the morning. Mark went go make some breakfast so neither Taeyong or Lola had to worry about that when they got home. He had just finished when the door opened and the couple walked in, Taeyong carrying two carriers and Lola looking like she had been up all night. She had because baby number two decided that he didn't want to come out right away and it took a long time for both twins to safely be delivered so Lola got no sleep. 

"I made breakfast" Mark took one of the babies from Taeyong, setting the carrier down on the couch and making sure it wouldn't fall. 

"Thank you but I think I'm going to go lay down" Lola smiled at him. Mark nodded and watched her go up the stairs. 

"Have you decided on names yet?" Mark knew that picking names had been a struggle for the couple. They debated and debated but never could decide. Taeyong smiled brightly. 

"The girl is Jae and the boy is Jee" Taeyong answered. Mark laughed a little.

"Yeah, cause that's not going to be confusing at all. Jae and Jee" Mark teased. Taeyong flicked him but he didn't have the energy to do anything else. 

"It's kind of strange. My dad is having newborn babies when his oldest son is old enough to have babies too" Mark commented. Taeyong wrinkled his nose at the thought of that. 

"Don't go putting that image in my head. I still see you as the little nine year old you were when you first came to me" Taeyong admitted. Mark knew that. Taeyong saw all of them as the kids they had once been and didn't like being reminded that they had all grown up. Mark, Renjun and Jeno were all old enough to have kids, even Haechan was and Jaemin too but that was pushing it a little. Even Mark didn't want to think about his eighteen-year-old brother having kids anytime soon. 

"But I'm not" Mark reminded him. Taeyong sighed, looking at the two babies who were thankfully still asleep.

"I know" Taeyong said almost sadly and Mark felt bad for reminding him of that. Mark reached into his pocket, feeling the little square box there and making up his mind. 

"I'm going to propose" Mark blurted out, looking at Taeyong to see his reaction.

"To Hee-Jin?" Taeyong guessed. Mark rolled his eyes.

"No, to some other girl that I've been secretly seeing for the past three years" Mark responded jokingly. Taeyong nudged him. 

"Yes, I'm proposing to Hee-Jin. It's been three years and I know this is right. We've talked about it a lot and we decided to do it. She doesn't know when I'm going to though" Mark explained. Taeyong turned to him.

"I'm proud of you. I know I still see you as the kid you were but you've grown up and I'm proud of the man you've become" Taeyong was not usually one to be so open so this surprised Mark.

"It's all thanks to you. I learned from the best" Mark responded. Taeyong nodded and turned to the twins. Jee opened his eyes and blinked a few times. His face scrunched up like he was going to cry but Mark quickly picked him up and Jee stopped in confusion.

"Hi, Jee. I'm your big brother and I'm going to take care of you" Mark pressed a kiss to the baby's head. He knew that the baby did not understand a single word but those words were mostly for Mark more than they were for Jee. Jae seemed to sense that her brother was being cuddled because she also woke up and Taeyong picked her up. 

"Let me know what Hee-Jin says. I'm going to go rest for a bit, keep the food warm" Taeyong set Jae back in her carrier and at the same moment he was going upstairs, the boys came downstairs and started admiring their new baby siblings. Ha-Yun observed the twins, unsure of what to do with them. Mark noticed and had her sit down, placing Jee in her arms.

"Be careful okay? Babies are fragile" He explained. Ha-Yun nodded, staying completely still as she stared at her little brother. The boys all looked over in time to watch her lean down and place a wet kiss to her brother's forehead.

"These are my babies!" She announced and Mark placed Jae next to her, holding the younger girl up. 

Taeyong and Lola came back after a few hours, looking well rested. The family of twelve sat at the table. Jaemin was holding Jae in his arms and Jisung was trying to hold Jee as best he could. Ha-Yun was staring at the twins from across the table in her own seat on Renjun's lap.

"I thought you were going to stop after one" Mark teased.

"Two" "Three" "Four!" "You should have after five" "Mean, but yeah definitely after six" "Lele! If appa stopped after six, you wouldn't have your best friend" Jisung reminded his brother. Chenle grinned and laughed when Jisung punched his arm.

"You guys do realize that your all adopted and came to me at the exact same time right?" Taeyong pointed out. He had seven pairs of eyes on him and then everyone started laughing. 

"Damn, guess we forgot for a moment" Jeno admitted. The others nodded; they had forgotten and it was easy to do. Taeyong sometimes forgot that they were adopted too. 

"Eight!" Ha-Yun added, determined not to be outdone by her older brothers. Renjun pinched her cheek and she glared at him. 

"I will love the day that all our kids can countdown how many of them there are and we can be reminded that we raised ten kids" Lola remarked. Taeyong looked at her like she was crazy while he did the math in his head and realized she was right. Jae and Jee were their ninth and tenth kids.

"As long as these two are our last" He turned to the twins, who were relatively calm or at least calmer than Ha-Yun had been when they brought her home from the hospital. 

"Who knows? We are still pretty young" Lola shrugged. The boys all looked disgusted at the topic of conversation and quickly changed it to something else.

This will be the last one of them being older for a while and I will try to focus more on the boys when they are younger. I am also most likely going to be posting another story focused on Ha-Yun, Jae and Jee as they are growing up. The boys will be included but it will mostly be centered around those three and any other kids Taeyong and Lola have if there will be any. 


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