Mural legacy

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"Shit! It's Mrs. Otto!" Jeno quickly started putting the spray paint away and Jaemin helped him while Jisung attempted to clean his hands off but it didn't do any good. 

"What do we do?" Jisung panicked.

"Run!" Jaemin decided, grabbing his younger brother's hand and turning to run the other way. He bumped into someone and fell back. 

"Hey...Mr. Kim" Jaemin looked up at his PE teacher, knowing they were dead. 

"Jaemin, Jisung, Jeno. Surprised to see all of you here" Mr. Kim grabbed Jaemin and Jisung by the shirt, keeping them from running at all. 

"Can we call our dad?" Jeno wondered, knowing that legally teachers had to let the students call the parents.

"Oh yeah. Let's go" Mr. Kim practically dragged the younger two boys to the office. Jeno pulled away from Mrs. Otto and followed his old teacher and brothers. 

"One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten-" Jaemin stared at the wall opposite him, looking bored.

"What are you doing?" Jisung wondered. 

"Counting the seconds until dad picks us up. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen-" Jaemin answered quickly. 

"Well stop that" Jeno snapped. 

"NINETEEN. TWENTY. TWENTY-ONE. TWENTY-TWO!" Jaemin responded, staring at Jeno while he did. Jeno smacked him in the face but Jaemin just grinned and went back to counting at a normal volume.

"Can you get him to stop please?" Mrs. Otto snapped. Jaemin stuck his tongue out and kept counting in his head, occasionally muttering a number under his breath. Seven minutes later, Taeyong arrived.

"What did they do!?" Taeyong burst into the room.

"Four hundred and twenty!" Jaemin announced proudly. 

"What is that about?" Taeyong wondered, walking in further and signing the papers to release Jeno, Jaemin and Jisung.

"He was counting the seconds until you showed up" Jisung answered. Taeyong shook his head, of course one of his boys would do that when they were in trouble, and took Jisung's hand, walking out of the school. 

"What were you thinking!? Vandalizing the school, really?" Taeyong scolded, unlocking the car and making sure the three boys got in.

"It was fun" Jeno shrugged. 

"Yeah well it's going to be more fun when you go back tomorrow to clean it off and spend the next two weeks in the house, doing chores. Does that sound fun to you?" Taeyong lectured.

"Not really no" Jaemin answered.

"Jaemin" Taeyong warned. Jaemin shrugged and put his seatbelt on. Jisung followed his directions and leaned against his brother. Jaemin normally would have pushed him off but not this time and he put an arm around his younger brother.

"Jisung didn't do anything. He was only with us" Jeno lied.

"Ji, let me see your hands" Taeyong turned in his seat. Jisung glanced at Jeno, who only nodded and Jisung put his hands up to reveal the mixture of different color paints on his hands. Taeyong smacked Jeno's leg.

"Don't ever lie to me again" Taeyong scolded. Jeno kept quiet and rubbed at the place that Taeyong hit him. Jaemin felt sympathy for him and hugged Jeno. 

"Give me your phones" Taeyong parked the car once they were home and got out, opening the door for the boys. Jeno handed his over first and climbed out.


Jeno looked back at Taeyong, not expecting that but he didn't say anything and went inside. Jaemin was a little scared to get out now but he didn't have a choice so he went as quickly as he could. 


"Jisung, let's go" Taeyong held his hand out for Jisung but the maknae shook his head and stayed where he was. Jaemin stepped in, grabbing Jisung and pulling him out. He managed to, somehow, get his youngest brother over his shoulder and carried him inside, setting him dwon on the couch.

"Why did you do that?" Jisung scowled at Jaemin.

"You couldn't stay in the car all day. Plus, dad would get mad angry at you if you didn't listen so I did you a favor. Your welcome" Jaemin sat down too, waiting for the lecture to start. Taeyong talked to the three of them until the others got home.

"Hey! Your mural is popular, everyone is wondering who did it!" Haechan sat down next to his brothers, talking a mile a minute about their painting.

"Yeah I just wish that we didn't have to clean it off" Jeno sulked.

"Oh you don't! The principal thought about it and announced that it's going to stay there until of course it fades but that probably won't be until after we all graduate. He even allowed students to fill a whole wall with paintings to prevent any more vandalism. Your famous" Haechan got up and left. Jeno, Jaemin and Jisung looked at each other and then at Taeyong.

"Your still grounded. That hasn't changed even if the school is allowing this now. What you did was wrong and illegal" Taeyong answered their question before it was even asked.

"Of course" Jeno nodded, trying not to smile.

"It will never happen again" Jaemin added, grinning. Jisung laughed behind his hand. Taeyong had to smile at them too. He loved how creative they were but he wished that they had found some other way to express that creativity. 

"Go do your chores and homework" Taeyong dismissed them. As soon as those three were out of hearing range, he started laughing and continued to even as he started cooking. 

Mark-18. 12th grade. High school
Renjun-17. 11th grade. High school
Jeno-16. 11th grade. High school
Haechan-15. 10th grade. High school
Jaemin-14. 9th grade. Middle school
Chenle-13. 8th grade. Middle school
Jisung-12. 7th grade. Middle school

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