Mrs. Lee

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Lola took a few deep breaths, smoothing down her dress. It wasn't very much but it was beautiful and it was just right for the occasion. There was a gentle knock on the door and she turned around, being greeted by all seven of her sons and her one daughter, who was looking around from Jeno's arms, probably not having any idea what was happening. 

"Look at you all, so grown up" She almost cried seeing all of them there in their suits. It sometimes still amazed her that she had known them for ten years now and had watched them all grow up. Mark was a dance instructor at SM Entertainment, where he kept an eye on his youngest brothers. He was also a small-time author, which was his dream as a kid.

Renjun was finishing his third year of college and Jeno was finishing his second year. Renjun worked at a dance school and Jeno was a photographer. Haechan had graduated high school and was going to college for business management. The other three were still in school but they had all signed a contract with SM Entertainment and were due to debut in a few years, as was the plan for all the boys before they were adopted. 

"Look at you. I can't believe that you guys are actually doing this. I thought you would just be dating for the rest of your lives" Mark joked. 

"We may just now be getting married but we have been committed since the beginning. I know it hasn't been easy but we're all here" Lola told him. Mark couldn't argue with that. They were all there and that was perfect. 

"Why don't you all go get ready? I'll be out in a minute" Lola looked at each of the boys. They all left and lined up in the rows of chairs. There were twenty row but the boys spread out among them for a reason. Jisung carried Ha-Yun down the aisle as she threw flowers around her and then handed her to Johnny and took his place at the first row of chairs. Mark stepped out and returned a moment later with Lola on his arm. He walked her to Renjun, who walked a little bit with her to Jeno and so on until there was only Jisung left. Lola noticed the tears in his eyes and she wiped them away. Even though Jisung had been the most against Lola and Taeyong's relationship, he couldn't have wished for a better mother and he knew that. 

"Thank you" She told him, walking up the rest of the aisle by herself and stopping in front of Taeyong. Two hours later, they were officially married. There were three cars that went to the next destination for the after party. 

"Ooh, drinks!" Chenle's eyes brightened excitedly and he headed the drink table.

"Not happening. Mark, Renjun and Jeno are the only ones allowed to drink. Haechan, you can have a small glass but the rest of you, I better not see near that table" Taeyong redirected Chenle to the kid's drink table. Haechan poured himself a small cup, took one sip and dumped it out before going to get something else. 

"Come on" Lola walked over to the boys. A few of them were looking really tired and the night was coming to an end but she just wanted one more thing. Mark took her hand first, letting himself be led onto the dance floor. 

"What is this?" He wondered, confused as to why she was dancing with him.

"A mother son dance. Even if I'm the one getting married and not you, mother-son dances are mandatory" She insisted. Mark didn't have the heart to argue with her. 

"Would you do this at my wedding? Or any of the others' weddings?" Mark knew the answer already but he needed the reassurance.

"Of course. Just like your dad will do this with Ha-Yun if and when she gets married. Do you have a reason for asking?" Lola was no idiot; she knew that Mark had been more distracted recently and she had a good idea why too.

"Maybe" Mark blushed. Lola didn't say anything more, she didn't need to. After a few more minutes, Mark spun her around and out away from him, straight into Renjun. 

"I know we don't say it often but thank you" Renjun was well aware that him and his brothers did not show their appreciation to Lola enough.

"What for?" Lola wondered, confused. Renjun turned them around in a circle. Dancing with Mark was a little more upbeat and fast-paced but Renjun was different from his brother so this dance was more traditional and slow. 

"For being here. You saw this man with seven boys under his charge and decided to stick around even though anyone else would have run away. So thank you. For staying, for being our mother, for saving us from a future already written and giving us a choice, for giving us a little sister and a real family" Renjun bowed, stepped back and allowed Jeno to take his place. Lola laughed wehn the song changed and her and Jeno ended up in a dance battle, which was continued by Haechan. It left her a little out of breath by the time Jaemin came to her and got his turn. 

"Do you remember the first time I called you eomma?" Jaemin questioned. 

"It was a month after I had first met you boys but the first time you referred to me as your mom was the same day I met all of you. One of the little ones asked who I was and you said 'our new mom, I think'. I hope I remember correctly" Lola nodded.

"You remember correctly" Jaemin assured her. He was quiet for a moment and Lola let him gather his thoughts.

"Those were just words back then. I got attached probably a little too quickly and I knew that after a while. But you never corrected me, you just let it be and I needed that. I needed someone to remind me that even if I said things I shouldn't and was weird, they would be there. I'm glad your our mom" Jaemin leaned down and talked quietly so no one else could hear. She danced with Chenle and Jisung and even Ha-Yun, even though the girl didn't understand what was happening. When Taeyong approached her, the boys took their sister away and danced in a circle around her, causing her to laugh. 

"We raised some great boys" Taeyong stated, watching them.

"Yeah we did. And hey, I don't think this is going to be the last wedding of the year" Lola teased. Taeyong's face fell dramatically. 

"Oh please no! I don't think I could handle watching one of them get married" Taeyong complained, though he was completely joking. 

"Who is it?" He wondered after a moment of silence.

"Who do you think?" Lola wanted to know before she said anything.

"I want to say Mark just because he's the oldest but honestly, I always saw Renjun or Jeno being the first ones to get married" Taeyong admitted.

"Your right on one of them" She told him and that was all she would say. Taeyong begged for her to tell him but she wouldn't. Later that night, the family was left behind to clean up and then they went to go their separate ways.

"We'll see you all soon!" Mark walked a little ways away with Renjun and Jeno. 

"How about you come over tomorrow and we can look at all the pictures from tonight?" Lola suggested.

"Sounds good!" Mark agreed and got into his car, driving him and his brothers back to their apartment. Renjun had been looking into his own apartment or house now that he was twenty and it was a little embarrassing to be living with his brothers but it was a slow process.

"Ji's tired" Chenle pointed out, poking his brother to keep him awake. Jisung swatted at his hand, mumbling something.

"He's a little too tall for me to carry" Taeyong worried. Jaemin assured him that it was fine, went over to Jisung and threw his younger brother over his shoulder, leading the way to the car. He dumped Jisung in the back seat and got in beside him, with Chenle following closely. Haechan strapped Ha-Yun into her seat and they all went home. Nothing really changed in the family dynamic, except the rings on Taeyong and Lola's hands. But everything else stayed the same as it had been for ten years. 

I will be going back to when the boys are younger but I am also enjoying writing them being older. Hope you still enjoy and please, leave requests. There's never too many. 


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