Dreamies and WayV 2

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"Are we really sure about this?" Mark was a little nervous as he climbed out the window, going down to Kun's car. He wasn't actually sure why Kun had car but he didn't question it. Somehow, it was big enough to fit all fourteen kids inside so there was no problems with seating. Though, Jisung, Jaemin and Chenle did look a little squished in the back. 

"Of course Markie. Just relax" Xiaojun threw an arm around his same aged friend and then laughed when Mark pushed him off. 

"Don't call me that" Mark threw his friend a disgusted look. Xiaojun only shrugged and went back to minding his business. 

"This might be our last time being all together. All of us" Hendery mentioned.

"Why would you say that?" Ten pushed Hendery into the seat, not really annoyed but a little bit. 

"Well, if you think about it! We're always busy and Kun-gege is leaving next year. After that, we're all going to be leaving one by one and then Mark will go for college and so will the others. We might not see each other again together for at least ten years" Hendery explained. 

"Don't say that, Hen" Kun scolded. Hendery just shrugged, he knew it was sad but it was true. It was clear that none of the Dreamies had thought about this and some of them teared up. 

"Now look what you did" Winwin scolded. Hendery hugged Jisung, letting the kid cry. 

"Whatever, let's just try and have fun" Kun pulled into the computer cafe and they all got out. They left a few hours later after Ten and Winwin almost got into a fight over Winwin 'cheating' on a game against Ten. 

"Did you really have to get us kicked out?" Kun shook his head in fake disappointment as they all got back into the car. He drove them to the park, hopeful there was nothing that his brothers and dongsaengs could do to get them kicked out of there.

"He was cheating!" Ten insisted. 

"I was not" Winwin argued. Kun pulled them apart again and motioned for Xiaojun to walk with Ten. 

"Run around but stay where we can see you" Kun let Chenle and Jisung go and secretly followed them around the park. In his defense, it was dark and he did not want to deal with an angry Taeyong if Kun happened to lose one of the maknaes on an outing that none of the boys were allowed to be on.

"Alright, lets go" Kun picked up Jisung when he noticed the kid practically asleep on his feet and they got back into the car.

"You should let me drive" Mark grinned, having an idea. Kun didn't see the problem with that so he tossed the keys to the fifteen year old and Mark got into the drivers seat. Kun kicked Ten out of the passenger side so that he could help Mark with directions. 

"Turn here" Kun pointed to the turn that they were supposed to take. Instead of doing that, Mark continued going straight.

"Mark, turn! You need to turn, that's a dead-end" Kun panicked and then they were in a ditch. He leaned back in his seat, breathing heavily so that he didn't lose his mind.

"Way to go, Kun-gege. This is what happens when you let a fifteen-year old drive" Winwin teased. 

"Shut up before I tape your mouth shut" Kun didn't look back at his brother. Winwin went quiet and waited for Kun to make the decision of what to do next. 

"Okay. Can everyone get out?" Kun undid his seatbelt, checking his door. He got out and waited for everyone else. A few of them climbed to the front and got out because the doors were jammed.

"I'm calling Johnny-hyung" Kun pulled his phone out, calling hte older of his guardians. He wondered which one would be more angry but he didn't get the chance to regret his decision because Johnny picked up.

"Hi hyung" Kun tried not to let his voice get shaky. 

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed? Where are you, Qian Kun?" Johnny got right to the point. 

"I'm currently standing beside my car...in a ditch. Say hi boys!" Kun nudged Ten and the other boys started to slowly say something so Johnny knew how many of them were there.

"Wait a minute. Is that the Dreamies?" Johnny was more worried about that then the WayV kids.

"Yeah, their here with us too. We were trying to have one more day together before our schedule picks up and then Kun-gege leaves for college" Winwin answered. 

"Turn your location on and I'll come get you. We'll talk about this when we get here. Is anyone hurt?" Johnny grabbed his coat and keys and left the house, finding where Kun was.

"No one's hurt. Just cold and scared" Kun answered. Johnny pulled up a few minutes later and walked over, grabbing Kun's arm and turning him to the side.

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"Get in the car and do not say anything! All of you!" Johnny ordered. Kun felt a little embarrassed being scolded in front of his friends and he ran off. The other thirteen boys followed quickly, not looking forward to what would happen when they all went home. 

"What are you all doing here? Your supposed to be in bed" Taeyong was surprised to see his kids not in their rooms.

"It seems that my boys convinced them to go out and they ended up crashing the car in a ditch. Kun called me and I picked them up. We'll be going now" Johnny led his charges back outside, getting in the car and staying quiet for a moment. Taeyong closed the door and turned around but all the boys were gone.

"We will talk in the morning!" Taeyong yelled, hoping that the boys would hear him. The next morning, after breakfast, he had them all sit down and dealt with them sneaking out. 

"Jisung, come here" Taeyong turned the kid over his knee. 

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"Chenle and Jaemin" Taeyong stood up, turning the two boys to the side.  

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Taeyong dealt with Jeno and Haechan quickly, those two being some of the easiest to deal with depending on the mood they were in before motioning for the younger five to stand in front of him.

"Mark, Renjun" Taeyong motioned the oldest two forward and for them to bend over the arm of the couch. They grabbed each other's hands. Mark knew that because he and Renjun were older, they were going to be in more trouble but this was a little ridiculous. He was embarrassed having to get spanked in front of his younger brothers. 

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"I am very disappointed in all of you. Since you all decided to sneak out and lost sleep, you three are going to take a nap today and you four are sentenced to one hour of rest time. Consider that part of your punishment for last night. Also, Mark, Johnny told me what happened and that you were driving when the car crashed so your not getting your license until your seventeen" Taeyong added. Mark went to argue then thought better of it. He was only going to have to wait another year so it wasn't that bad. 

"After lunch, each of you will spend an hour in your rooms to rest. Is that clear?" Taeyong repeated. He received seven nods in response and that was enough.

"Good" Taeyong hugged each of his boys before leaving them alone and going to do some work. He just hoped that they would stay out of trouble. 



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