Context is really important

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(A/N:Just wanted to let all of you know that there is a brief mention of the r word in here. It is never fully written but it is heavily implied so if this will be something that will bother you, I suggest skipping this chapter or going from when Taeyong asks what happened until Chenle and Jisung go to apologize to Jaemin)

Taeyong knew that the boys were going to tease each other but he always tried not to let it go too far. However, even he could not know what was going on all the time around the house and there were some things that escaped his notice but he usually caught on pretty quickly and fixed the issue. Sometimes, though it didn't work. 

This was one of those times and it all started when the boys got home from school. 

"Where's Jaemin?" Taeyong counted the boys' heads as they walked in but one was missing. Haechan. Chenle and Jisung looked at each other, nervously. They didn't know where Jaemin was but they knew Haechan should have told Taeyong that Jaemin hadn't come out of the school when the bell rang. He never showed up to where they usually met to walk home together so they just left him. 

"Boys, where's Jaemin?" Taeyong asked again, growing more worried.

"We don't know. We waited for him but he never showed up!" Haechan explained. Taeyong took a deep breath and thought. Jaemin could be anywhere so it wasn't like Taeyong could just look around and find him; it was going to be harder than that. He decided to give Jaemin some time and a chance to come back on his own before he started looking around and filed a missing child report.

It took two hours but Jaemin finally came back. 

"Where have you been?" Taeyong stood up off the couch, going to the doorway with his hands on his hips. Jaemin took in his stance and looked away. He knew that he was late and he knew that Taeyong was going to be worried and mad.

"Nowhere" Jaemin answered quietly, taking his shoes off and hanging his jacket up. 

"Young man, you are almost three hours late! I will not ask again, where were you?" Taeyong reminded Jaemin, like he needed to.

"Then don't ask again cause I'm not telling you!" Jaemin snapped, turning to Taeyong. The other boys minus Renjun who was busy doing homework and Chenle who was 'helping' Renjun with his homework, watched very entertained by the scene in front of them. Taeyong opened and closed his mouth a few times, unsure of what to do. Finally, he closed his mouth and walked over to Jaemin, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck and walking him to one of the corners of the living room.

"Until your ready to tell me where you've been, I don't want you moving from this spot. Put your arms up and don't drop them" Taeyong ordered, putting Jaemin's arms up himself before walking away.

"You can't do that!" Jaemin argued but he didn't move.

"I just did!" Taeyong responded quickly. Jaemin huffed and stared at the wall. This was really embarrassing, and it was only made worse by the fact that he could feel his brothers' eyes on him. He wanted to curl up in a hole and stay there until the end of time. 

Taeyong wasn't really sure how long Jaemin would last but he hoped it wasn't long. It was only two hours, longer than expected before Jaemin called for Taeyong. There were unshed tears in his eyes and he looked rather drained.

"Ready to tell me where you were now?" Taeyong took Jaemin's hand, walking him over to the couch. Jaemin explained everything but unfortunately, his explanation only led to being confined in his room.

Taeyong was working, watching the boys do their own homework.

"Imagine being put in the corner. I'd die of embarrassment" Chenle whispered to Jisung, the younger nodding in agreement.

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