Zoo trip gone wrong

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"Can we see the lions?" Jisung wondered, clinging to Taeyong. The man carried him out to the car and set him down.

"Sure honey" Taeyong got Jisung into his carseat and started doing up the straps.

"Can we see the gorillas too? I like when the male gorillas stand up" Renjun grinned to himself.

"Absolutely not. We are not going to see the gorillas" Taeyong shook his head, a little disturbed.

"Why not?" Renjun wondered, getting into his seat. Mark sat down next to him, helping shove Haechan over the side of the seat into the second row. Jaemin climbed back next and got into his seat between Chenle and Jisung.

"Because of what you just said" Taeyong checked that Chenle was strapped in correctly and that Jaemin was too.

"He means because you just want to see their-" Mark turned to Renjun.

"Do not finish that sentence if you want to be able to taste dinner tonight and not soap" Taeyong warned. Mark grinned from ear to ear and settled down in his seat, opening a book to read. It was quiet on the drive to the zoo but the rest of the day was not as quiet or peaceful.

"Where is Jisung?" Taeyong looked around, counting the boys for the millionth time since they had arrived less than an hour ago.

"Hiding in that bush over there" Renjun pointed to a bush off to the side and took Chcenle's hand when Taeyong walked away to get Jisung.


"You do not walk away from me, young man. Do you want to go in the wagon?" Taeyong threatened. Jisung looked like he actually did so Taeyong set him down in the wagon and strapped him in. The seatbelt was too complicated for Jisung to figure out, one of the reasons why Taeyong bought it because at least the three youngest wouldn't be able to get out with his help or the help of the older four. Chenle climbed into the wagon beside Jisung and started petting the maknae's hair. Jaemin tried to walk ahead but Jeno pulled him back and made the younger climb onto his back so that Jaemin had no chance of wandering off. Taeyong kept all the boys in his sight and everything was fine until they went to the food court to eat.

"Haechan please sit down!" Taeyong snapped, catching the seven year old by the hand yet again.

"I have too much energy!" Haechan argued. Taeyong looked around at the people in the restaurant, shame faced.

"Lee Haechan, I said sit down. Do not make me say it again" Taeyong warned, turning to Jisung when the youngest almost dropped his entire plate of food. Haechan huffed and went back to his seat, sulking. A few minutes later, he was up again.

"Haechan, come here" Taeyong set his food down before taking a bite and Haechan came running back over again, standing beside Taeyong so he didn't have to look at Taeyong.

"This is the second time I have told you to sit down. Do it again and there will be consequences" Taeyong kept his voice low so no other prodding parents or adults could hear.

"Yes hyung" Haechan deflated a little, some of his nervous energy leaving him. Taeyong popped him on the bottom once and told him to go sit down, which Haechan did.

"Renjun, eat your food please" Taeyong noticed the nine-year-old pushing his food around on the plate.

"It's gross" Renjun complained.

"Then you shouldn't have ordered it. Now eat" Taeyong responded sharply. Renjun scowled at him and started eating, pretending to gag with each bite. Taeyong just ignored him. They left a little while later but Haechan still was annoying his brothers.

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