First taste

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"I don't think we should be out here" Jeno peered cautiously over the ledge, nervous. Renjun pulled him back, rolling his eyes.

"We'll be fine. Just stay away from the edge. I don't feel like watching your guts spill out all over the pavement" Renjun tugged on Jeno's shirt so the younger teen would sit down.

"Really, Injun?" Mark nudged the middle kid. Renjun shrugged.

"If you want to jump off the roof, try to aim for the pool okay?" Mark turned to Jeno, who just nodded. That didn't sound like a good idea either but he wasn't going to say that. Renjun reached into the bag he had brought up with him and pulled out a few bottles.

"Haechan and Minnie should be up here soon. They have the rest" Renjun told the other two. Mark was staring at the bottles, really curious as to where Renjun got it from. And why his thirteen year old and twelve year old brothers had some too.

"What'd we miss?" Haechan walked out onto the roof, careful of where he stepped. Jaemin was right behind him, looking just as nervous as Jeno felt.

"Nothing. Stay away from the edge. We don't want you turning into roadkill" Mark instructed. Haechan nodded, sitting down and helping Jaemin get over the ledge of the roof so he could sit too.

"Very funny. Can we please stop talking about our guts spilling out and roadkill?" Jeno didn't know why his brothers found it so funny. Renjun shrugged again, taking a long sip from one of the bottles. Everyone watched him to see how he would react but he barely showed any reaction besides a wrinkled nose.

"Wow, that burns!" He exclaimed, making sure to keep his voice quiet. He didn't want them to get caught this early. And just like that, the other four started drinking too. Mark had brought little cups which he handed to Haechan and Jaemin. After a long time, they stopped drinking and just laid out there.

"The stars are so pretty" Jaemin sighed contentedly. The next minute, he was bent over the side of the roof throwing up. Renjun eyed him disgusted. Mark reached over and rubbed the younger's back. Once Jaemin finished, he laid back down and a secret nd later, grabbed his still full cup.

"Nope! None of that, we're done" Mark took the cup from him, dumping it out. Haechan looked at his before doing the same thing. It was quiet for a long time before disaster really struck.

"Hey...I dare you to jump off the roof and into the pool" Haechan giggled, obviously not in his right mind. He was looking at Jaemin, who still looked like he would be sick again at any moment.

"Yeah, sure" Jaemin nodded slowly, climbing to his feet.

"No, no! We are not doing that. Minnie, sit down" Jeno shook his head, trying to get the younger kid to take a seat again. Jaemin just pushed him off and started taking his shoes off.

"Jaemin, sit down" Mark tried to sound serious but he didn't work. This was not going the way he had thought it wanted. This was definitely going to be a disaster. Jaemin peered over the edge, obviously trying to decipher the best place to jump that wouldn't end in him getting hurt. He took a few steps back and started running.

Mark, Renjun and Jeno watched in complete horror as their little brother went flying through the air. Haechan was smiling like he was having the time of his life but no one paid him any mind. There was a loud splash from below and only then did the four boys seem to break out of their thoughts and went running down the flights of stairs to the ground floor.

"Holy shit! Jaemin, I did not expect you to actually do that!" Haechan laughed, completely shocked. The other three had an entirely different reaction. Jeno grabbed a towel from off one of the racks, wrapping it around Jaemin when the kid stepped out.

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