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Taeyong was starting to very slowly lose his mind. It was quite ironic that two boys were hitting the teen stage and three were hitting the preteen stage. Taeyong must have been cursed to have to deal with two teenagers, three preteens and two kids. 

"Hey, Jaemin, I want to talk to you" Taeyong went into Jeno, Haechan and Jaemin's room. Luckily, the older two weren't in there because that was going to make this easier.

"Yeah sure. What about?" Jaemin stopped playing on his switch and gave his attention to Taeyong. The man sat down, preparing himself for this conversation.

"Look, I know your going through this certain stage in life and that's completely normal but don't you think that maybe, you might be able to watch what you say?" Taeyong started off.

"What are you talking about? I didn't curse in front of Chenle or Jisung" Jaemin didn't think he had but he was trying to remember now.

"No, no. I know you didn't and I appreciate that but your teacher called me. She said that you had been saying some pretty bad stuff in class and that you were teasing another kid" Taeyong explained.

"Oh. She told you about that" Jaemin hung his head. He didn't mean to be rude. He was genuinely just messing around and he thought the other kid knew that but it seems not everyone took things as a joke. 

"Yeah, she did. And I know that you didn't mean anything by it but you just have to be careful and watch what you say. Can you do that?" Taeyong repeated. 

"Okay, I will. Sorry for the trouble" Jaemin was more than glad that he was not in trouble and he was not taking any chances of ruining that. Taeyong nodded and went back downstairs only to find Mark and Renjun wrestling on the floor. 

"Hey! Come on you two, break it up" Taeyong told them but neither one seemed to even hear him. Taeyong sighed and grabbed Renjun's shirt, pulling him up with little effort.

"Alright, you sit over there and Mark, you go over there. Don't talk to each other and don't look at each other or you both go to bed early" Taeyong warned. Renjun huffed and crossed his arms, glaring at Mark, who stuck his tongue out in retaliation. 

"Oh that's a great idea dad. Send them to bed early. In the same room, cause that'll solve the problem" Jaemin sniped, grinning. Taeyong rolled his eyes. 

"Nice" Haechan punched Jaemin in the arm. Jaemin grinned even wider. Taeyong just shook his head and went to the kitchen. 

A week later, a new problem arose.

"Get out!" Haechan pushed Jaemin out, causing the younger to glare at him. 

"It's my room too, dipshit" Jaemin argued. Haechan pushed him again and slammed the door in his face.

"Hey, what is going on? Why are you calling your brother names?" Taeyong held Jaemin at arms length, looking at him.

"He's the one who shoved me!" Jaemin argued. Taeyong was getting very tired of dealing with sass, arguments and teenage hormones. 

"No more calling your brother a dipshit. It's rude and if I ever hear you say that again, I will wash your mouth out" Taeyong pointed a finger at Jaemin.

"Fine. I won't call him a shit anymore" Jaemin promised. Taeyong ruffled his hair and sent Jaemin off, going to the boys' room and knocking on the door. 

"Go away Jaemin!" Haechan yelled.

"It's not Jaemin. Now open the door" Taeyong demanded. Haechan got off his bed and opened the door, looking annoyed. It was not usual to see him like that. If that alone wasn't a clear sign that Jaemin was getting on Haechan's nerves, then Taeyong wasn't sure what was. 

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