Reading on the roof

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"Renjun! Get off the roof before I pull you down myself!" Mark was glaring up at his younger brother, hands on his hips. Renjun stuck his tongue out, looking down.

"Your not the boss of me!" He retorted then screamed when Mark started climbing up to him.

"Okay! I'll come down. Hold on" Renjun marked his spot in his book and started climbing down. His foot slipped and he lost his grip on the poles of the playground. Mark ran over but Renjun was just an unmoving lump on the ground.

"Haechan, run home and tell dad what happened" Mark started fanning his brother. Renjun did not move. Haechan ran to the house and quickly brought Taeyong back. 

"What happened?" Taeyong checked Renjun's pulse and eyes. 

"I noticed he was on the roof so I told him to come down and he slipped. Why isn't he moving?!" Mark demanded to know, panic setting in. Renjun looked so pale and lifeless as Taeyong picked him up, carrying him home. All the boys got in the car as Taeyong drove to the hospital. Renjun didn't wake up until a few hours later and he looked at his brothers.

"Scared you didn't I?" He joked. He remembered everything that had happened. Mark huffed, looking away from Renjun. He had been really worried and didn't think it was funny to joke about it. 

"Do I have a concussion?" Renjun knew that his head hurt and that could be a sign of a concussion.

"Yes. Your lucky it wasn't worse. What were you even doing up on the top of the playground?" Taeyong wondered. That was what he didn't get. The boys weren't allowed to climb up there for this very reason.

"Reading. Did one of you get my book? I want to finish it" Renjun didn't see the big deal but he knew everyone was still shook up over his falling. 

"Yeah, it's right here" Jeno handed it to the older boy, who immediately opened it and started reading. Taeyong took it from him.

"Sorry but you need to be resting" Taeyong closed the book and set it to the side. Renjun rolled his eyes, making his head hurt even more.

"I was passed out for more than two hours. I think that's rest enough" He pointed out, but still didn't argue when Taeyong tucked a blanket in around him and made Renjun lay down. Less than five minutes later, Renjun was asleep again and Mark began to cry. Now that he knew his brother was okay, he could allow the panic to wash away. 

"I should have told him not to go up there! I should have made him come down sooner" Mark cried. 

"Yes you should have but he should have also known that I didn't want any of you boys up there either. He chose to go up there and that's not your fault. He's okay, Mark. So don't blame yourself" Taeyong hugged his oldest son. Mark cried for a few minutes before stopping and looking at Renjun again. Mark had to admit, his brother looked peaceful when sleeping, like he was suddenly five again. 

"What an idiot" He laughed, tearfully and wiped his tears away. Taeyong was right; Renjun was okay and that was all that mattered. And Renjun still remembered the names of his brothers, family, his birthday and everything else about his life so that was a plus. 


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