Driving lessons part 2

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"Are we sure about this?" Jeno looked nervous and Mark couldn't blame him. This was probably not a good idea.

"Absolutely not" Renjun shook his head, getting into the passenger seat next to Mark. 

"But hey, if we die, tell hyung that we died in some really cool way and not just because we crashed his car" Haechan added. Jaemin kicked him as he climbed into the car to pull Jisung and Chenle away. The three of them had wanted to go along but Mark said no because he did not feel like being responsible for an eleven-, ten- and nine-year-old. He had wanted to tell Haechan, Jeno and Renjun that they couldn't go either but they fought him on that so he let it go. 

"We're not going to die. I have my permit" Mark reminded them. Haechan, Renjun and Jeno looked at him for a moment before turning to their brothers outside the car.

"Tell him we got eaten by an alligator" Haechan decided.

"Haechan, there's no alligators in Korea" Jeno corrected him. Haechan thought for a minute.

"Tell him that we-" Haechan's words were cut off because Mark started driving and none of the younger boys heard what Haechan said. 

"Their going to get in trouble" Chenle stated.

"Oh definitely" Jaemin agreed, already knowing that. They stayed out there for a minute longer before going inside, not wanting Taeyong to get suspicious. It was a really off day which meant that Taeyong was spending the day at home and not going anywhere. 

"What do you boys want to do?" Taeyong wondered, walking into the living room where the three were.

"Can we climb on the roof?" Chenle looked at Taeyong hopefully. 

"Absolutely not. Anything that doesn't involve possibly breaking our necks" Taeyong shook his head. Chenle sulked and didn't throw out any more ideas.

"We could always watch a movie" Jisung suggested, trying not to seem nervous. He felt guilty about keeping his brothers' joyride a secret. 

"Sure, I'll go get your brothers" Taeyong turned to go upstairs but Jaemin stopped him.

"Is something wrong?" Taeyong looked at the boys suspiciously. They looked at each other, thinking of what to do. Finally Chenle came up with an idea.

"Umm...they went on a walk! They said they'll be gone for a really long time" Chenle blurted out, hoping that would work. Taeyong was a little confused why the four older ones would go on a walk without telling him but Mark was fifteen so he trusted the oldest would keep an eye on his brothers and return them all in one piece. 

"Someone want to explain how this happened?" Taeyong kept his eyes closed, hoping that maybe if he couldn't see the chaos in front of him, it never happened. 

"Dad, open your eyes. It happened so ignoring it won't fix anything" Mark pointed out. Taeyong looked at him and he wanted to cry. Mark had his arm in a sling, Renjun was currently holding an ice pack to his eye and Chenle was trying his best to clean up the dirt and blood around Jeno's right eye from the cut on his forehead. Pretty minor injuries considering that Taeyong's car had been smushed into a metal sandwich with the boys inside it and had rolled down a hill. 

"Someone explain what happened" Taeyong demanded. 

"Okay. Mark got his permit and the four of them decided to plan this whole big ride thing and we all asked to go along but he'd only let them three go and left the rest of us behind because he's rude like that and then they crashed into a pole and the car rolled down a hill. Oh, and it was your car" Jisung explained, smiling the entire time. Mark leaned back into the couch, not really knowing if he wanted to laugh, cry or yell at Jisung.

"And you three knew about this?" Taeyong guessed.

"They had nothing to do with it" Mark interfered. 

"I'm not talking to you right now" Taeyong turned to Mark for a second before turning back to the youngest three.

"Yeah. Obviously" Jisung nodded. Taeyong was not happy with the kid's attitude but he decided not to comment on that. He had bigger things to worry about at the moment.

"So you lied to me?" Taeyong reminded Jisung, who had actually forgotten that he told Taeyong the older four were going on a walk. 

"Uhhh...." Jisung blanked, having no idea what to say. Taeyong left him alone; he would get to that in a moment. 

"Well Mark, you just lost your permit and you are not getting a license until your seventeen" Taeyong stated.

"That's two years! I'm supposed to get my license next year" Mark argued.

"Do you want to make it three years?" Taeyong hinted. Mark huffed and leaned back into the couch. 

"Renjun, I want you to write a five page paper on the dangers of underage driving, and on being in the car with an underage driver. I also want at least six cases of times when kids driving without a license or permit went terribly wrong added into the paper" Taeyong turned to the second oldest. Renjun hated writing papers so Taeyong knew this would be beneficial. 

"Can I include personal experience as one of those?" Renjun raised his hand before Taeyong could tell Jeno his punishment. 

"No, you cannot" Taeyong took another deep breath. Renjun pouted at him but didn't argue.

"Jeno, Haechan, your both grounded for two weeks. I want all your electronics in my room tonight. During those two weeks, you will not leave the house, you will have extra chores and you better stay out of trouble" Taeyong decided. 

"Also, all four of you will be looking up ways to pay back money for a totaled car" Taeyong added, satisfied with himself. 

"That's not fair! No one's going to give us a job" Mark did have a good point. No one would hire even a fifteen-year-old, let alone a fourteen-year-old, thirteen-year-old and twelve-year-old.

"Well then, I guess you'll have to get creative" Taeyong shrugged. He wasn't going to make the boys pay him back, the money they did make would probably go back into their allowance or maybe he'd set it aside for their college funds or money for an apartment when they decided to move out. 

"That's going to take years for us to pay back" Renjun added.

"You should have thought of that before you took my car on a joyride" Taeyong responded shortly. None of the boys had anymore complaints but they were all glaring at Taeyong like he had ruined their lives. To be honest, to them he probably had. 

"Now go to your rooms. The rest of you are grounded until the end of the week. Jisung, I want to talk to you" Taeyong motioned to the stairs. In less than a minute, the living room was empty except for two. 

"You know better than to lie to me" Taeyong brought the youngest closer to him.

"I just didn't want them to get in trouble" Jisung admitted.

"But they got hurt. If you had just told me the truth, I could have gone after them and they wouldn't have gotten hurt. That's why it's important for you to not lie to me. I know your brother could have said something too but so could you" Taeyong explained. Jisung hadn't thought of that and it brought tears to his eyes. His hyungs hadn't gotten hurt and it was his fault.

"Hey, shh. It's not your fault. I just want you to understand how important it is to be honest. Everything turned out fine this time except for a few scrapes and bruises but it might be different next time" Taeyong tried to comfort Jisung.

"I'm sorry" Jisung sniffled, wiping at his eyes. 

"I know and your not in any more trouble. I just wanted to talk with you, okay?" Taeyong was going to give Jisung a little extra incentive to not lie but he couldn't do it. Not when he knew that his youngest felt bad enough already.

"Okay" Jisung nodded, still looking miserable.

"Alright, now go join your brothers. I'm sure Haechan would love to tell you all about how they crashed my car. Just be warned, he might exaggerate it" Taeyong watched Jisung go down the hall where all the boys had went to hear a very dramatic retelling of the crash. 


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