Prank call

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"Hello?" Mark smacked Xiaojun in the arm when the older started to laugh. Winwin wrapped a hand around his younger brother's mouth, effectively silencing Xiaojun.

"119, what is your emergency?" Mark's eyes widened and he pressed the end call button, dropping the phone in a hurry, as if he had been burned.

"What the hell!?" Winwin hissed, looking at Mark like he was crazy. 

"What was I supposed to do?" Mark pointed out. He had panicked but he didn't know what else Winwin expected him to do.

"Your supposed to say this was a mistake and that you called the wrong number, you idiot!" Ten whisper-yelled. Renjun put his head in his hands, shaking his head. They were so done for now. 

"I'm going to go write my will" Jeno climbed to his feet, pretending to leave. Xiaojun hissed and pulled him back down, smacking Jeno on the back of the neck. 

"Relax! We're not in that much trouble" He tried to tell himself but it didn't seem like he believed it either. Renjun dropped his hands from his face and looked at Xiaojun like he had lost his mind.

"We prank called the police!" Renjun hissed, glaring at Xiaojun. The older boy went to argue but then realized that Renjun was completely right and reality set in for him. A somber air settled over the living room as the seven boys thought about their fate. They were pulled from their thoughts by the sounds of pounding on the door downstairs. All seven of them ran out of the room, watching from the stairs.

"No officer! I swear, we didn't call the police. Are you sure you don't have the wrong house?" Taeyong promised, trying not to seem like he was some criminal covering his own ass. 

"The call came from this address. Do you mind us looking around a bit? Just to be sure?" The young officer asked. Taeyong nodded, letting him in.

"What's happening?" Chenle asked, appearing behind the older boys. Him, Jisung, Jaemin, Haechan, Hendery and Yangyang were all standing at the top of the stairs, also listening. 

"Nothing. Go back to bed" Kun told them. Chenle pouted at him and didn't move.

"Zhong Chenle! Get your little butt back to bed right now before I drag you in there myself" Renjun warned. Chenle huffed and moved back a little. Renjun noticed that his brothers and friends were still there so he started to go after them. 

"Freeze" Taeyong stood at the bottom of the stairs, hands on his hips and looking very angry. Two police officers stood behind him, looking amused more than anything else. 

"Everybody downstairs now and sit on the couch" Taeyong pointed to the living room. All the boys except the seven older ones went downstairs, confident that they weren't in trouble. 

"All of you" Taeyong added, waiting for the older ones to follow their brothers and friends. Kun took the first step, going downstairs and leading the others in doing so. 

"I apologize for the inconvenience, I'm still not sure what happened but I promise officers, I will find out" Taeyong apologized again.

"It's no problem. You have no idea how many prank calls we get a year" One of them said, bowing to Taeyong as he left. Taeyong turned to the fourteen boys on the couch, looking very upset. 

"Someone better start explaining" He waited, crossing his arms until someone started talking.

"I don't know what's going on hyung-nim. I promise" Hendery said honestly. Taeyong already had a pretty good idea of who was going to be in trouble and Hendery was not one of them. 

"Yeah we were all in our room. Hendery-hyung and Yangyang-hyung were with us!" Jaemin added. Chenle, Jisung and Haechan agreed. 

"Alright, go to bed" Taeyong believed them. The seven younger boys got up and ran off, leaving their hyungs behind. Xiaojun tried to sneak off with them but Taeyong caught him and made him sit back down. 

"Who's first?" Taeyong pulled a chair over, getting tired of standing and sitting down instead. Kun looked at his dongsaengs, unsure if he should take charge or let the Dreamies explain. 

"It was my idea. I didn't know it was going to be the police though!" Mark took the blame but still made sure to defend himself a little bit. 

"I was the one who put the numbers in though" Winwin admitted, biting his lip nervously. Taeyong sighed, hiding his face from sight while he tried to not laugh. 

"Aish, you kids" Taeyong laughed a little, unable to hide it. The kids looked at him, unsure if he was going crazy or if he actually thought this was funny. 

"What were you thinking!? Sicheng, you know the emergency number better than anyone and you knew the kind of trouble this was going to cause!" Taeyong snapped, finally losing it. Winwin flinched, hanging his head. He was not used to anyone except Johnny or Yuta scolding him but he knew that Taeyong was well within his rights to do so. 

"And Kun! You are the oldest, you shouldn't have let any of them be prank calling at all! I am so disappointed in all of you" Taeyong scolded, shaking his head. Mark sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep his tears at bay but failing. Renjun curled up in a ball. He hated crying and didn't want to seem weak in front of the older WayV boys but he needed to cry so he did so quietly. Winwin pulled Renjun into his arms, feeling protective over the younger. WayV was extremely protective over their Dream brothers but Renjun and Chenle especially because they were Chinese like WayV. 

"Kun, come here" Taeyong knew he was going to have to do this quickly. He was going to be more focused on his own kids but he was definitely going to give his Chinese dongsaengs a warm up before turning them over to Johnny and Yuta. Kun went quickly, wanting to set a good example for his little brothers. 


"Go to bed" Taeyong let him go. Winwin and Ten went next, bending over right next to each other and trying not to focus too much on their dongsaengs watching them. Once Taeyong had given them each fourteen, he spanked Winwin again once more for extra measure since the kid had admitted to being the one that put the numbers in and let Mark call the police. Xiaojun tried to run but Taeyong caught him and gave him three extra before also sending the twelve year old to bed in Mark, Renjun and Jeno's room. A large fort had been made up in each of the rooms so that the WayV boys all fit. Kun, Ten and Winwin were staying in Mark, Renjun and Jeno's room. Xiaojun and Hendery were in Haechan and Jaemin's room and Yangyang was with Chenle and Jisung. 

Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank 

Mark cried quietly to himself, patting Renjun on the back as the younger stood up and took his turn. Jeno was next and he tried to take it calmly, since he had watched his older brothers take their punishment quietly but it was hard. 

"Jeno, move your hand" Taeyong stopped. Jeno shook his head. He should listen but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Taeyong blew out a deep breath, feeling sorry for his young charge as he moved Jeno's hand and finished the last three, giving him an extra for not moving his hand right away. Taeyong took his oldest three kids to their room, having one more thing to say before leaving the matter alone.

"If this ever happens again, then there will be no more sleepovers. Additionally, and I know your hyungs will agree with me, Kun, Ten, Winwin and Xiaojun, you are not allowed to see Mark, Renjun and Jeno for two weeks" Taeyong would have to check with Johnny and Yuta in the mrning but he knew that they would agree. 

"That's not fair!" Jeno complained, voicing everyone's opinion. 

"It is completely fair young man and my mind is made up. Now go sleep, I'll see all of you in the morning" Taeyong turned the lights off and closed the door. The next day, Johnny came to get the WayV boys and was filled in on what happened. He promised Taeyong that he would deal with Kun, Xiaojun, Winwin and Ten as well and that he completely agreed with them not seeing each other for two weeks. 



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