Home alone 3

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"Give it back!" Jisung cried. Jeno laughed as he tossed Jisung's tiger plushie to Jaemin, who caught it without struggle and held it up away from Jisung. 

"Come on jump! If you really want it, jump!" Jaemin teased. Jisung had tears in his eyes as he tried to jump up and get his tiger back but unfortunately for him, Jaemin had just hit a big growth spurt and Jisung hadn't so his efforts were useless against his tall hyung. 

"Minnie, toss it over here!" Mark noticed what they were doing and played along. Jaemin made the mistake of trusting him and tossed the tiger to Mark, who gave it to Jisung right away.

"Aww hyung! Why did you do that?" Jaemin whined. Mark caught his arm and turned Jaemin to the side, swatting him. Jeno turned and ran before Mark could do the same to him.

"I will get you Lee Jeno!" Mark yelled after him. He made sure to get Jeno later but right now, he was more worried about Jaemin. 

"Why did you do that hyung!?" Jaemin pouted at Mark, rubbing his butt. He had no idea that Mark could spank so hard. 

"That was very wrong messing with Jisung like that! You know how much he loves that tiger and you were making fun of him. I am disappointed in you Na Jaemin!" Mark scolded. Jaemin just looked at him, really hurt. Mark turned him to the side again and laid a few more heavy smacks to his brother's backside.

"Now go to your room. I'll call you down for dinner" Mark decided. Jaemin huffed but didn't argue and went upstairs anyways. 

"Lee Jeno!" Mark yelled. Jeno came downstairs instantly, already knowing he was in trouble. 


"You owe Jisung an apology. Now go!" Mark hated being in charge, this was one of the reasons why, but it was necessary. They had three more weeks until they joined 127 and WayV in Norway. Jeno ran off, apologizing to Jisung and then finding Jaemin and dramatically recounting what had happened. 

Mark was just getting dinner started when Renjun walked in, looking really guilty of something. The oldest heard his brother and turned to him. Renjun had his hair tied up still and his glasses were sitting firmly on his nose. He looked really good that way. 

"Sign this please?" Renjun held a paper out to Mark, conveniently holding it in the corner where the paper stated why it needed to be signed. Mark was not dumb enough to fall for that and he took it from his brother, reading the entire thing. 

"Passing notes and cursing at the teacher? Really, Renjun?" Mark could not believe his brother. Renjun just shrugged and handed Mark a pen. The older boy took it, signing the paper. It was supposed to be signed by an adult but the school had been informed that Mark was going to be taking care of the boys for a few weeks so all school permission slips or disciplinary notices went to him. 

"Your grounded. No more games for the next week" Mark told him. 

"That's not fair, Mark! I'm not one of the kids" Renjun argued, helping Mark with dinner even though he hadn't been asked. 

"No but your my little brother and dad left me in charge of all of you. It's only a week. It'll go by fast. Unless you would rather me spank you instead?" Mark suggested. Renjun wrinkled his nose and looked at Mark like he was crazy.

"You try to do that and I will bury you alive" Renjun threatened. Mark knew that was going to be his response. Mark had only swatted Jaemin, Haechan, Jisung and Chenle before. The other two were off limits and he would never even imagine doing that to them. They were too close to him in age. 

"Just checking. One week" Mark repeated. Renjun rolled his eyes, not arguing anymore. It wouldn't do him any good.

"Whatever" Renjun took his disciplinary notice back and put it in his backpack, then went back to helping Mark with dinner. 

"Jeno! Haechan! Jaemin! Chenle! Jisung! Dinner!" Mark yelled up the stairs. His brothers came down a moment later and took their usual seats. Jisung laughed a little, playing with his food. He was sitting right in between Mark and Jaemin and was annoying one of them. 

"Mark!" Jaemin hissed at Mark, glancing at Jisung. Mark looked at Jisung too, who was now just innocently eating as if he had not been annoying Jaemin two seconds before. 

"Jisung, eat your food and leave Jaemin alone" Mark knew exactly what the maknae had been doing and he didn't see the problem with it until Jaemin said something. 

"Yes hyung" Jisung nodded, calmly eating his food until Mark turned his attention away and he started to kick Haechan under the table.

"Park Jisung!" Jeno snapped, getting tired of it. He didn't want Jisung to be in trouble but he was also didn't want to keep getting kicked. 

"Yah Jisung! I just told you to stop bothering Jaemin. What are you doing now?" Mark scolded. 

"Nothing hyung" Jisung shook his head, clearly lying. Jeno glared at him, not believing that Jisung had the nerve to lie.

"He was kicking me!" Jeno corrected. Jisung kicked him again even harder than before.

"Ow! You little brat!" Jeno stood up, ready to attack Jisung. Mark had enough. He could not wait for the next two months to be over so that Taeyong would come back and Mark didn't have to deal with his brothers anymore. 

"SIT DOWN!" Mark snapped. Jeno was shocked and he quickly sat down, not wanting to be in trouble. The whole table seemed to freeze in time and they were all staring at Mark. Renjun had a spoon halfway to his mouth but it stayed there. Mark put his chopsticks down, grabbing Jisung's hand and slapping it then doing the same with the other. Jisung cried a little but it really didn't hurt that much. 

"Go stand in the corner until your ready to behave" Mark went back to eating. He was not going to tolerate any of his brothers annoying each other. Jisung knew that. 

"That's not fair!" Jisung huffed.

"Every time you argue, another minute gets added so I suggest you do what your told before your stuck being in there for a really long time" Mark responded calmly. Jisung crossed his arms, pushing his chair back and stomping over to the corner. Mark took his phone out and set a timer for ten minutes then went back to eating. He motioned for the others to do the same so they did, rather slowly. Chenle watched Jisung, feeling sorry for his only little brother but knowing that Jisung deserved this at the same time. 

"Jisung, come here" Mark pushed his chair out and called Jisung back after his phone went off. The maknae moved slowly but Mark didn't push him.

"Do you know why I put you in the corner?" Mark made sure, taking Jisung's hand and pulling him closer. Jisung nodded, knowing exactly why he was in trouble. Mark kissed his forehead.

"Good. You owe Jeno and Jaemin an apology, don't you? I suggest you get that taken care of and then go get ready for bed. You too, Lele, Minnie" Mark gently reminded the younger three that they were still in trouble. Their early bedtime was supposed to end already but none of them seemed to take this into consideration and continued to push Mark's limits so their early bedtime got extended another week. 

"I'm sorry Minnie, No-No!" Jisung ran to his older brothers and hugged them.

"It's okay Jisungie. We're sorry for messing with you earlier too" Jaemin ruffled his dongsaengs hair, smiling at Jisung. Mark got up and came over to them.

"Alright, off to bed. All of you. Jeno, Haechan, Renjun, want to play a game?" Mark suggested. The younger three nodded and went to go pick a game out to play with their oldest brother while the three maknaes went upstairs to get ready for bed. 


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