Grand Appa

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Taeyong stopped walking, staring at the man in front of him.

"Taeyong?" The man reached a hand out to Taeyong, who took it hesitantly.

"Appa" Taeyong said quietly, not wanting the boys to hear.

"Appa?" Jisung repeated, looking between the two men. Chenle leaned down to his brother.

"It's appa's appa. Grand appa" Chenle explained. Jisung nodded but he still didn't really understand and was just going along with it. Whatever Chenle said, Jisung believed. 

"My goodness! Are these all yours?" The older man took in the sight of the seven boys. Mark glared at him, only stopping when Renjun stepped on his foot. 

"Yes. This is Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung. Boys, be nice and say hello" Taeyong really hoped that none of them would try to pull the same stunt that they had when meeting with Taeyong's mom.

"Hello boys. It's very nice to meet you" Taeyong breathed a sigh of relief when Renjun bowed to Taeyong's dad, motioning for his brothers to do the same. They all did it, despite a majority of them not knowing why or not liking the man in front of them. He was an elder, and they had been raised to respect their elders. 

"You've taught them well. I am sorry for how the meeting with your mother went. She told your sister everything, who in turn told me" Duri, Taeyong's dad, apologized as he turned back to his son.

"It's nothing to be sorry for. I'm sure eomma complained about the boys confusing her with their names. Something that I told them not to be doing anymore" Taeyong guessed.

"Actually no, your sister didn't mention that. She misses you, I know she does" Duri knew that was a lie and Taeyong knew it too. The boys stood off to the side, listening intently to the conversation between father and son.

"We should get together some time. Have dinner, I'd love to have you and your kids over. Get to know my grandsons" Duri offered.

"Yes, I'll be in touch. I would say we do it today but I know the boys are tired and I don't think you want to see any tantrums" Taeyong glanced at the younger three, who stuck their tongues out in sync. 

"Oh nonsense! I raised two kids; I've seen my fair share of tempers" Duri waved the concern aside. Still, Taeyong was in no mood to have dinner with his dad that day so they made plans for another day. 

One week later
"Now whatever you do, do not go telling him the wrong names" Taeyong warned, giving a pointed look to each of the boys. They all nodded but he knew better than to believe that. He just hoped that his dad still had as good of a memory as Taeyong remembered him having and wouldn't fall for any of the boys' tricks. 

Surprisingly, when they went to Duri's house, the older man did remember each of the boys by name and didn't get a single one mixed up. The dinner did go well and all the boys were very well behaved. Renjun even offered to engage in a game with Duri and Taeyong managed to convince Mark, Jeno, Haechan and Jaemin to participate as well. He would have told Chenle and Jisung to do the same but he really wanted the whole visit to go by without any problems. 

"It was very nice to meet you, halahbuh-nim!" Renjun bowed again to Duri as they were preparing to leave. 

"Grandpa is fine young man! But I appreciate the respect. Your the nicest one aren't you?" Duri teased, ruffling Renjun's hair.

"No, I'm actually the meanest but appa raised us well. He's a great dad" Renjun shook his head. Taeyong blushed and turned away so no one would see. 

"I always knew he would be. He takes after his mother in that way. She was always great with kids" Duri responded. Taeyong scoffed. He would hardly say that his mother was good with kids. Duri noticed and said nothing. He knew why Taeyong reacted that way but there was nothing to be done about it. 

"We should be going now. Thank you for having us and maybe we'll see each other again" Taeyong herded the boys into the car and got in after them.

"Why couldn't you all behave like that when we say my mom?" He wondered. 

"Grandpa's nice! She was rude to you" Haechan answered simply and even Taeyong could not argue with that. He just hoped that he could keep up a relationship with his dad, who he had not seen in almost sixteen years. 


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