High school reunion 2

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"I'm really sorry" Jeno sat down next to Renjun. The younger four were still going through the breakfast line but Jeno and Renjun had gotten their food already.

"I know. It'll be okay" Renjun sighed. He seemed to be doing that a lot in the past couple of hours. Jeno hung his head, feeling guilty. For going behind his parents' backs, for dragging his brothers into this with him.

After they finished eating, Renjun led the way out to the car and started the long drive home.

"Are we going to be in trouble?" Jisung asked even though he knew that was a stupid question. Of course they were in trouble. Jisung knew they couldn't just lie, take Taeyong's car, ignore their phones, drive illegally because Renjun didn't have his license yet, and then stay out all night. Not to mention using the black card. Even though Renjun had it, he wasn't allowed to use it without asking Taeyong first.

"What do you think?!" Chenle snapped. Jisung flinched a little and curled in on himself, nodding. Yeah, they were in trouble. The car ride was spent in silence, none of the boys looking forward to what happened when they got home. This was quite possibly the worst thing they had ever done. Two hours later, Renjun pulled into their driveway and stopped. None of them moved, they didn't want to. It wasn't until the front door opened and Taeyong came out looking like a bear that had been woken up from hibernation.

No, Renjun shook his head. Not a bear. A very angry bull with a red flag being waved in front of its face. Him and his brothers were the red flag. And Taeyong was headed straight for them.

"Stay here" Renjun got out of the car quickly, shutting his door. He could hear the car lock and when he looked over, Jeno had his hand on the lock button.

"Dad wait! I can explain" Renjun held his hands up to placate Taeyong.

"Oh you will!" Taeyong grabbed Renjun by the arm, turning him to the side.


"Go inside!" Taeyong pointed to the door. Renjun glanced back at his brothers but Taeyong raised his hand and that was enough for the sixteen year old to run inside, immediately being greeted by Lola who caught his ear in her hand and dragged him to the couch.

"Unlock the door" He demanded. Jeno shook his head. Haechan climbed to the front, putting his hand over the lock and staring at Taeyong.

"Unlock the door right now!" Taeyong repeated. Jeno looked in the backseat at the maknaes and shook his head again.

"Lee Jeno! You have to the count of three. Unlock the door" Taeyong snapped. Jeno looked like he was really considering it but he didn't want his brothers to be in trouble for his idea. He was the one who wanted to go.

"Appa, let me" Renjun came back out, putting a gentle hand on Taeyong's arm. The man was about to tell him to go back inside but he knew Renjun might be able to convince Jeno to unlock the car so he gave in. Renjun walked over to the car and it unlocked, giving him the chance to get in and the car locked again. Taeyong was about to start yelling at them when he realized that Renjun was talking to his brothers and they were actually listening. After what felt like forever, the six boys got out and went inside.

"Where were you?" Lola was already interrogating the boys when Taeyong walked into the house.

"A high school reunion" Jaemin answered, confusing the two adults.

"Why....?" Lola took a moment to process that.

"Why were you at a high school reunion?!" Taeyong finished his girlfriend's sentence for her.

"Cause my parents went there" Jeno whispered. Taeyong and Lola looked at each other, understanding now. They had known Jeno was hiding something but they didn't think anything of it.

"Okay...start from the beginning" Taeyong sighed deeply, taking a seat and waiting. The boys took turns explaining everything from Jeno asking Renjun to drive him to the younger boys going along to Renjun checking them into a hotel because it was too dark for him to drive.

"It wasn't their fault! We were the ones who brought them" Jeno motioned to his younger brothers.

"Bullshit!" Jaemin pushed his way to the front.

"Jaemin" Lola went to scold him for that.

"No! He's right, we wanted to go. They should have said no sure but they're not responsible for what we wanted to do. Stop acting like we're little kids who can't make decisions for ourselves!" Haechan agreed with Jaemin. He did have a point. Renjun and Jeno were the oldest but the others were eleven to fourteen. They were capable of making their own choices.

"Fine. We won't" Taeyong crossed his arms. Haechan backed off, not sure how he felt about the speedy agreement that Taeyong provided.

"Your all getting the belt, I'm afraid" Taeyong hated to be harsh but it was necessary this time. Jisung began crying right away and Chenle wrapped him into a hug.

"You two first" Taeyong motioned the youngest two over, wanting to get the hardest part over with since Chenle and Jisung had never had the belt before.

"Please dad! We're sorry, we won't do it again" Jisung pleaded, pulling against Chenle as the older boy dragged him over to Taeyong.

"I know" Taeyong could practically feel his heart breaking into a million little pieces. Chenle was hiding his face, and tears, as he dragged his only little brother over to Taeyong and Jisung was babbling incoherent sentences, his tears masking his words and only getting stronger and louder the closer they got to Taeyong. That was the reason Taeyong decided that he couldn't use his belt on those two. The others he could because they'd had it before but not the youngest ones. He looked for the closest thing to him but there was nothing.

"I'm going to give you boys a choice. You can either take your age with the belt or double with my hand, bare" Taeyong told them. Jisung hiccupped and stopped crying.

"Ji? Whatever you decide, I'll do it" Chenle rubbed a hand over his brothers arm to try and calm him. Jisung nodded and pointed to Taeyong's hand. Chenle nodded too, turning to their guardian.

"Let's get this over with then" Taeyong got through the next six spankings as quickly as he could. He felt bad when Jisung curled into Chenle's side. When Jeno and Jaemin and Haechan held each other's hands and squeezed. Once it was finished, they were all sitting in the living room. Taeyong and Lola in the armchair, Jisung and Chenle in one corner of the smaller couch and Jaemin in the other corner. Renjun, Jeno and Haechan were on the larger couch. Renjun was leaning on Jeno's shoulder and Haechan had his head in Renjun's lap.

"Boys?" Lola perked up, thinking of something.

"Ne?" Renjun lifted his head a little.

"Where, do you mind telling, is Mark?" Taeyong wondered, thinking of the same thing as his girlfriend.

"That's for him to tell you" Jeno answered.

"But you do know where he is?" Lola guessed. The six boys nodded.

"And he's at least staying out of trouble?" Taeyong hoped that was the case.

"Depends how you describe trouble" Renjun admitted.

"We're not going to be grandparents anytime soon or have to pick him up from the police station?" Taeyong knew that was setting a pretty low bar but as long as those two things didn't happen, he would be satisfied.

"No to one, possibly to the other" Haechan smiled innocently. Taeyong didn't really like that answer but he decided not to push it. As long as Mark didn't add to or take from the population, he really did not care.


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