Promises, hyung

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The boys had made a promise to each other when Renjun went to college in Japan. No more traveling abroad. They just couldn't take it. It was actually Jeno who made the promise first. He knew that his brothers would not be able to handle him going to college so he swore to wait until they were all out of the house first before he would pursue his own career and begin building his future. Taeyong convinced him not to do this and Jeno listened because he actually didn't want to wait but he was going to for his brothers. Because of this, Haechan had the courage to go to college in Goyang. Jaemin traveled a little bit further to Paju, making Renjun the furthest from his family. 

Until now. Chenle now took the medal for going to college the furthest from his family. He also took the award for keeping his college destination a secret until the last minute. The very last minute. 

"Hey, eomma! Can Lele and I go to the movies?" Jisung peeked into the kitchen. Ha-Yun was coloring at the table and Jae and Jee were asleep in their playpen in the living room. 

"Yes but be back by ten" Lola nodded. Jisung thanked her and went to find Chenle. Since their older brothers, except Mark, had all gone to college outside of Seoul, Jisung and Chenle now both had their own rooms and they loved it! They enjoyed having their own space to express themselves. 

"Hey, Chenle! Eomma said we can...go to the movies...?" Jisung trailed off, taking in the sight of the completely empty room. There was nothing in there at all. Even the little decal tree that had been in the corner of the room from when Chenle was five was gone. It was like a tornado had come through and took everything, leaving behind a shell of a room that had once been full of personality. 

"APPA!" Jisung turned and ran back down the stairs, trying to find Taeyong.

"What is it love?" Lola heard him and came out of the kitchen. The twins were now awake, hearing their brothers distress, and so she picked both up to try and calm them. 

"Chenle...he's, he's gone" Jisung gasped out, still not believing it. Lola looked at him like he grew another head before going upstairs to make sure that she heard him right. Chenle was in fact gone. 

"Taeyong! Get in here" Lola handed Jee to Jisung and set Jae down on the floor. Ha-Yun came upstairs, sensing the family drama and climbed onto Jisung' back. 

"What is it?" Taeyong came into the room and froze. He was suddenly hit by how empty the room looked. It had not been this empty in fourteen years. There was always some kid using it at least once. 

"Oh" Taeyong just stared in shock. He looked like he was about to cry but he kept it together. Jisung had enough and he set Jee down next to his twin, pulling his phone out. Lola stopped him and shook her head. Jisung huffed but didn't argue, not even when Lola put his phone in her pocket to keep him from calling Chenle. They needed to think first. Jisung stormed off, slamming the door to his room and turning some music on. 

"Teenage angst. It's just teenage angst" Lola reminded herself. Taeyong still had not moved even once. Lola poked him and he finally snapped out of his trance. They had a lot to talk about. Taeyong left her alone, going to find Jisung. Meanwhile, Lola called Chenle to find out what happened. 

"Lee Chenle!" Lola knew that was the worst way to start but she couldn't help it. Chenle had known that was going to be the reaction of at least one person and he didn't mind. He would be more surprised if no one got upset at him. Jisung heard his brother's name and finally came downstairs, taking the phone from his adopted mom.

"Where the f*ck are you and why did you leave!? Have you lost your damn mind?!" Jisung yelled. Chenle smiled a little in his single dorm room.

"Hi Jisung" Chenle knew that Jisung was going to be the most upset and that was fine. Again, he expected that from Jisung.

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