Playing House 2

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"Let go of me!" Chenle pushed Mark off, digging his heels into the ground. 

"What is your problem? Do you have a drug problem, is that why your being like this?" Renjun raised his voice. 

"No!" Chenle huffed, turning red. Renjun shook his head. He was convinced now; Chenle had a real problem and that hurt Renjun. It was too similar to what happened to his parents. He didn't want to lose a baby brother to the same thing that took his parents. Renjun had to fight everyday to fight temptation from the one thing that ruined his life. Why couldn't Chenle fight that temptation too? 

"Why did you do this?" Mark wondered. He knew there was more to what happened than Chenle was showing. The younger kid finally gave up and knelt down, hiding his face in his hands. Mark took a moment to realize that Chenle was crying.

"Did you know that she was a drug addict? She chose drugs over me!" Chenle sobbed. Renjun understood now too. He had been so wrapped up in knowing that his own parents were drug and alcohol addicts, it never crossed his mind that he might not be the only one.

"Your mom, right?" Mark guessed even though he knew the answer.

"Yes! I just wanted to know what the attraction was. What was so great about this that it was worth losing a child over? And guess what, nothing! The answer is nothing!" Chenle was full on yelling now and he didn't care if he waked anyone in the small neighborhood him and his brothers were in.

"Your right. There is nothing great about drugs. They ruin people's lives and sometimes that happens. It's not your fault and you don't need to ruin your life too just because she did" Renjun knelt down next to Chenle as well, putting an arm around his brother. Chenle only cried harder, letting it all out. 

"I'm not trying to ruin my life" Chenle sniffled.

"Hate to say it kid but you might have already done just that. Do you not remember what you said to appa?" Mark pointed out. Chenle didn't remember right away but then he did and he looked at the older boys, horrified. In one quick moment, he was on his feet and running back to the house. 

"Dad! Appa! Please, don't hate me. I didn't mean any of it. I was just angry and I know that's not an excuse because you didn't deserve any of that" Chenle stopped in the living room. Taeyong wasn't there but the other boys were.

"Where...?" Chenle looked in the kitchen.

"He did it. You pushed him to do it. I hope your happy" Jaemin glared at Chenle.

"Did what? What did he do?" Mark panicked. Jaemin didn't answer and neither did Jeno, Haechan, Chenle or Jisung.

"Jaemin! What did he do?" Mark snapped. Jaemin just pointed to the stairs, getting too choked up to answer. Mark ran upstairs, going to Taeyong's room. He feared what he was going to find and he was right. He knew it before he even opened the door. He went back downstairs, a blank look on his face.

"What is it?" Chenle tried to go upstairs but Mark caught him around the waist and pushed him back.

"Keep him from going upstairs. I'm going to call Taeil-hyung" Mark left the house, pulling out his phone. Jeno wrapped Chenle into a hug, keeping him pinned and unable to go upstairs. Renjun sat down next to Haechan, asking what happened. Haechan told him. 

"Taeil-hyung" Mark waited for Taeil to answer. 

"You boys have really done it this time. I don't even know what happened and I don't want to know" Taeil's voice was firm, empty of all emotion. Mark knew that meant he was angry and really, Mark did not blame him. 

"It was Chenle. He said some stuff that he shouldn't have and I think it really got to appa this time. Chenle didn't mean any of it though! He's dealing with stuff. I know he never expected dad to leave" Mark explained, trying to defend his brother.

"Taeyong left me a note to read to you. He knew you would call. Would you rahter me read it or do you want to have it to read yourself?" Taeil wondered.

"I'll come get it" Mark walked to the 127 house and Taeil gave him the note that Taeyong had left. He went back to the house and went inside. 

"What is that?" Haechan noticed the paper in Mark's hand. 

"It's from dad" Mark sat down in the middle of his brothers, opening the paper. 

Dear boys...I really tried. I thought I was doing a good job, and you were all growing up so well. I know you are going to struggle; your biological parents really did a number on some of you. Please tell Chenle that I do not blame him. I know why he did what he did and he was being honest. I am not your dad and it was time for me to stop pretending that I am. These past ten years have been the best years of my life. I hope they were some of the best for you too but I know they won't be. You are all so young, you have more good years to come ahead of you. 

Please do not go into my room for a while. It will be too painful for all of you. Mark, you are in charge now. Rely on your hyungs, they will help. Take care of the boys, they need you. Don't be their dad, be their brother. That's what they need. I know that now. If you wait a few years and decide it's time for things to change, my room is open to you Mark. Use it for whatever you want but do me a favor; keep the color the same. You boys picked that color when you first moved in, and it means a lot to me. 

Your files are locked in the second drawer on the right side of my desk. The key is hanging on my lamp on the desk if you want to look at the files and know more about your families. I know some of you have snuck in there and seen your files already but I'm sure some of you haven't. Mark, there are three black cards in the top drawer of my desk. When Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung turn sixteen, I want you to give them those cards and trust them to use the cards wisely. I know that they will be responsible. I've raised you for ten years, I know each of you better than I know myself. 

If your wondering where I am, I will tell you. I have taken a plane to the States. I will be there for a while so don't try to contact me. Only Taeil-hyung knows exactly where I am and he has promised not to tell you. I love each of you boys more than life itself. I am sorry if I made you feel like you had to see me as a dad. That was not my intention but if that is what happened, please forgive me and go on with your lives. I know each of you took my name but if you want to change them back to your original names, Taeil-hyung knows the number of the judge that finalized your adoptions. Those adoptions can't be undone but you can change your names if you wish to. Please, do not think of me. I am happy with how my life has been and I would never change a thing that happened ten years ago. I am not sure if you all realize this but the day you read this will be the same day that I, ten years ago, met you for the first time. 

I love you Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung. My boys. My life.

Sincerely, Taeyong. Your beloved da-hyung

Okay so as it turns out, this story only works on my computer now and I can't write it on my phone. 


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