Driving lessons

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"Take me driving" Jaemin looked at Mark. This wasn't really a request. He wasn't asking Mark to take him driving; he was demanding it.

"Please?" Mark waited. Jaemin rolled his eyes but he was really wanted to go driving so he complied.

"If Jaemin's going driving then I want to go too!" Chenle popped up out of nowhere, Jisung right beside him.

"Absolutely not!" Mark shook his head. Letting his fourteen year old brother drive was bad enough but he was not going to let a thirteen year old get behind the wheel.

"Can't we just come along?" Jisung suggested. Mark guessed that wasn't going to be too bad so he agreed, which led to all the boys wanting to go along. Mark hoped having six other people in the car wouldn't be too stressful but it turned out to be fine and the boys were extremely proud of their brother. That is, it was fine until they got home.

"Where have you all been?!" Lola gave each of the boys a hard look. All of them were surprised; Lola had always been the calmer one out of the two adults while Taeyong would be the one to raise his voice at the boys.

"We just went out" Jeno answered vaguely to avoid getting in trouble.

"Out where?" Taeyong wondered. Something wasn't adding up and he wanted to know why and what it was. 

"I took Jaem driving" Mark admitted. Taeyong turned to him, an expression of anger on his face. 

"Mark Lee! What were you thinking? Jeno isn't even allowed to drive! What makes you think letting a fourteen year old drive is a good idea?" Taeyong scolded.

"I asked him to" Jaemin stepped in, angry at his brother being yelled at.

"Oh, I'm sure your not innocent in this whole thing, little one. We'll get to that in a minute. Why were the rest of you gone?" Taeyong lectured. Jaemin blushed, glanced at Lola and hung his head. He never liked seeing Taeyong disappointed but it was ten times worse with his aunt/mom, who was normally calm. 

"Well Lele asked to drive too but Mark said no and so we just sat in the back. Jaem did really good, dad. I swear" Renjun stuck up for his brothers. He knew they were all in trouble but it was like second sense to defend the younger ones and Mark. 

"Well, I'm glad he had enough common sense to say no to that. The rest of you aren't in as much trouble, I guess. Though I'm not happy at you going along and not trying to stop this in any way" Taeyong sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking. Lola had her hands on her hips, looking just as disappointed as Taeyong. 

"Go to your rooms while we discuss what to do" Taeyong motioned to the hallway and stairs. Jisung wrapped his arms around his stomach and walked up the stairs, Chenle, Jaemin, Haechan and Jeno behind him. Renjun glanced one more time at Taeyong and Lola before going down the hall to his and Mark's room. 

"All of us?" Mark guessed. He wasn't sure really if that included him now that he was eighteen but he had a feeling it did. Taeyong turned to him with dark eyes.

"Yes, especially you" He responded, watching Mark go down the hallway into his room and close the door. Only then did he relax a little.

"I thought something had happened to them" He admitted. He had been really worried when he couldn't find any of the boys around the entire house. One or two missing was normal but not all seven. 

"I know. So was I" Lola agreed, leaning into Taeyong. She had become closer to the boys, even adopting Mark, Jisung, Haechan and Chenle and was on her way to adopting the rest. 

"I guess I should go talk to them" Taeyong was really not looking forward to having a conversation with any of his boys but he knew it had to be done. They knew better than to be doing dangerous things like letting a fourteen year old drive, even if it had ended up fine. 

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