Cooking mishap

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Taeyong was laying on the couch, not doing anything but scrolling through his phone. He hadn't had anything to do for several days now and was taking the time to spend with his kids. They weren't technically his kids but they didn't have family, hence why they were signed into the industry with an official contract and he had come to see all of them as his kids.

His phone rang and he saw it was from his team members so he stepped out, warning any of the kids that could hear him to stay out of the kitchen. He didn't think he would be gone long but he couldn't be sure.

"I'm hungry!" Jisung whined. Him and Chenle were in the playroom and they had been quiet for a while. 

"I can cook!" Chenle lied, getting up. Jisung looked at him like he was crazy. Even he knew that was a bad idea. Still, he trusted his older brother and followed him down to the kitchen. Renjun was in Mark's room reading while the other three were playing games on Mark's Xbox. He was the only one who had one so the others except ChenJi spent a lot of time in there.

"Where are you two going?" Renjun saw them pass, looking suspicious.

"Downstairs" Chenle took Jisung's hand, continuing to lead him down the stairs. 

"Okay. Just don't do anything your not supposed to. Hyung will be back soon so don't go causing trouble" Renjun turned back to his book, not worried about the two youngest. Chenle promised that they wouldn't and they went to the kitchen.

"Stay here, Ji. Hyung will cook" Chenle pulled up a stool so he could reach the stove and began to make some ramen. Jisung watched him, a little nervous about what could go wrong. Everything was fine up until Chenle tried to drain the noodles but couldn't move the heavy pot. At the exact moment that he dropped the food, Taeyong walked in. 

"Zhong Chenle! What are you doing? Get down from there right now" Taeyong stormed into the kitchen, picking Chenle up and moving him away. He quickly got the mess cleaned up before turning to the youngest two.

"What were you thinking?! You know your not allowed to touch the stove without my supervision" Taeyong scolded.

"Jisung was hungry!" Chenle pouted a little at being yelled at. Taeyong took a deep breath to calm himself. 

"Do you even know why I don't want you cooking?" Taeyong wondered. He had gone over cooking safety with all the kids but it was possible that Chenle and Jisung maybe didn't fully understand it; they were pretty young when he talked about it. 

"Yeah. But Ji was hungry!" Chenle was annoyed at being in trouble. 

"It does not matter! He could have waited until I got home or you could have even gotten Mark to make you something" Taeyong knelt down to the second youngest's height. Chenle swayed from one side to the other, nervous.

"I am very disappointed in you. Go to your room right now!" Taeyong swatted Chenle, sending him upstairs. Jisung was crying, watching his closest brother get scolded.

"Why don't you go play?" Taeyong was still angry but he didn't show it to the youngest. Jisung nodded, sniffling and ran upstairs. Taeyong went to Mark's room, already knowing that was where the older five would be.

"Chenle tried to cook. Were none of you watching him?" Taeyong peeked into the room.

"Didn't know we had to. I asked what they were doing and Chenle said nothing" Renjun shrugged, taking his turn to play against Mark and Jeno. 

"Right, all of you off. I know you've been on it all day and it's obviously distracting so you just lost game privileges for the rest of the day" Taeyong decided. Mark huffed, since he was just starting to win and turned the game off, giving Taeyong a dirty look.

"Minnie, go play with Jisung" Taeyong dismissed the youngest of the kids present.

"Do I have to?" Jaemin complained. He loved his dongsaengs but he didn't really want to play with a five-year-old. Taeyong motioned for him to go so he did, rather reluctantly. 

"Don't some of you have homework to do?" Taeyong wondered. None of them did but they said yes just to get away from a lecture. Taeyong noticed yet said nothing. He knew what they were doing and he had more pressing things to worry about. 

Chenle was crying softly to himself on his bed when Taeyong walked in. 

"Are you mad at me?" Chenle looked up at his hyung with teary eyes.

"No. I could never be mad at you, I was just scared. You could have been hurt and I wouldn't have known because I wasn't there" Taeyong explained, scooping Chenle up into his arms and holding him. 

"I just wanted to make something for Jisungie. I was trying to be a good gege" Chenle explained through tears.

"You are an amazing gege and hyung and Jisung knows that. You wouldn't have done him any good if you got hurt. Now, I am holding the others partly responsible and myself as well. I shouldn't have left and they should've checked on you to make sure nothing happened but you knew what you were doing was wrong, didn't you?" Taeyong lectured. Chenle averted his eyes, nodding.

"That's why your in trouble. I have these rules set up to keep you safe so things like this don't happen. You could've fallen or got burnt, there's so many things that could've gone wrong so that's why it's important for you to listen to me when I tell you these things. Do you understand?" Taeyong needed to make sure the reason for the consequences was clear to Chenle before he moved on to the actual punishment.

"Yes, it's clear. And I'm sorry" Chenle knew what came next and he told himself he wasn't going to fight against it. He deserved this. 

"I know you are" Taeyong set Chenle down in front of him, turning the kid to the side.

Spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

"We're all done. Please, next time you want to make something, just wait for me?" Taeyong gathered the crying boy into his arms again.

"I promise" Chenle hiccupped, swearing to do better next time. He didn't want another spanking. Taeyong was content to just sit there and hold him until he noticed that Chenle was asleep so he set the kid down, tucking the covers around him and left to start the nighttime routine with the other kids. He found it strange that Jisung had been hungry, considering Taeyong made the kids dinner before he left. He was going to have to ask Jisung about that later and make sure there was nothing wrong. 


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