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Renjun walked in and sat down in front of Taeyong, saying nothing and just staring.

"Yes?" Taeyong looked up from his computer. Renjun had grown his hair out so it just barely covered his ears. Taeyong had to try and convince him to get a haircut but Renjun refused and he was at an age to make that decision for himself.

"I want to get my ear pierced" Renjun declared. Taeyong did a double take. Out of all the things he thought Renjun would say, that was not one of them.

"Okay. Why should I let you get a piercing?" Taeyong set his laptop to the side, giving the fourteen year old his full attention.

"Why wouldn't you?" Renjun was confused. He thought that all he had to do was ask and that would be that.

"You haven't exactly proved that your responsible enough to have one. There is a lot that goes with it. Will you be able to keep up with keeping the piercing clean and taking good care of it. The last thing you want is to get an infection and I'm not going to be reminding you to take care of it. If I let you get a piercing, it's completely up to you to make sure it doesn't get infected" Taeyong lectured. Renjun hadn't thought of that. Truthfully, he had not done a lot of research before coming to ask. He just decided that he wanted to get his ear pierced and that was that. Taeyong noticed. 

"And what if I had gotten one without asking?" Renjun wondered. He hadn't but he wanted to know what would happen.

"You'd get the worst spanking of your life and you'd be grounded for the rest of your life" Taeyong's face darkened. Renjun nodded, he was not going to do that. Well he might but not anytime soon. 

"I'll do my very best to be responsible. Please appa!?" Renjun pleaded. Taeyong knew that the oldest two had been wanting to change up their appearance, Renjun's hair being the biggest difference, but he wasn't sure about this. A piercing was a lot of work.

"I'll think about it" Taeyong decided. That was all he could do; think about it. Renjun was not happy with that answer but he knew it was the best he was going to get so he left it alone and went to find his brothers. Taeyong watched him go, deep in thought. Coming up with an idea, he called Yuta.

"How old was Kun when you let him get a piercing?" Taeyong skipped right over the greetings and got to the point.

"Ha! That's a funny story. Johnny, Taeil-hyung and I just let him get one recently but no big surprise, he was sixteen when he got his ear pierced. We found out a few days after and Taeil-hyung was mad" Yuta recalled. That was one of the only times that Kun had actually done anything to get in trouble. Taeyong nodded. He had a feeling that was exactly what was going to happen with Renjun. Except this time the kid was only fourteen. 

"Thanks Yuta" Taeyong went to hang up but Yuta stopped him. 

"Wait, which of the kids is asking?" Yuta wondered.

"Renjun" Taeyong admitted, seeing no reason to try and hide it. Yuta was his best friend.

"Isn't he like twelve?" Yuta guessed. Taeyong laughed.

"No, that's Haechan. Renjun's fourteen" Taeyong corrected. Yuta shrugged. Fourteen wasn't much better than twelve. 

"Well, it's up to you but if you really want some advice, just ask hyung how Kun's first piercing went. I'm sure he'd love to tell that story. Or you could ask about Jaehyun's tattoo" Yuta told Taeyong.

"Jaehyun has a tattoo?" Taeyong had not known that. He wondered when that had happened. 

"Yeah, hyung wasn't very happy about that either. Although that's probably because Jaehyun got drunk and went to a tattoo parlor. Anyways, I'll let you get to your kids. It was nice talking" Yuta hung up without waiting for Taeyong's response. Taeyong thought more about what to do before getting back to Renjun a few days later. What he didn't know was that the decision had already been made and the action was done. Renjun went ahead without Taeyong's permission.

Taeyong actually did not realize it until much later and he was not happy. Renjun just got back from school, Mark and Jeno were behind him. Taeyong was sitting down, waiting and looking very serious. 

"What's wrong?" Mark looked worried. He could tell that someone was in trouble and he was thinking back to everything that he had done in the past few weeks just to make sure it wasn't him. 

"I want you boys to go get your brothers from school. Go to the park or something. I need to talk to Renjun alone" Taeyong tried not to let Mark or Jeno know that there was anything wrong but he knew he was doing a bad job of it. Renjun lowered his eyes, already having a good idea what this was about. Mark gave his brother a confused look but Renjun shook his head; he'd explain later. 

"Pull your hair up" Taeyong tossed a hair thing to Renjun.

"Dad, I can explain" Renjun didn't do it but he did catch the scrunchie. Taeyong was in no mood for hesitation so he moved Renjun's hair himself, revealing a little stud earring. 

"I was going to tell you" Renjun lied. He had no intention of telling Taeyong unless he absolutely had to.

"Tell me, young man, did you ask me to let you get an earring before or after you went behind my back and got one anyways?" Taeyong wondered.

"Before. I thought you were taking too long to make a decision and...someone really close had a piercing gun so I let them practice on me" Renjun realized that he almost gave away who he got the earring from. 

"And who did you get it from?" Taeyong wanted to know so he could find out who gave his kid an illegal piercing.

"I won't say" Renjun insisted. He was going to protect his friends and hyungs no matter what. Taeyong didn't like that but he understood. He'd find out some other way. Renjun had said it was someone close and considering the kid didn't have many friends outside the company or industry, it wouldn't be hard to find out who Renjun was talking about. 

"Do you remember what I said would happen if you went behind my back and got a piercing?" Taeyong made sure even though he knew Renjun would remember.  

"You can't be serious. I thought you were kidding. Appa, I'm fourteen!" Renjun said everything he could think of even if he knew none of it would work. 

"Yeah your fourteen, too young to be getting an earring without my permission! I am very disappointed Lee Renjun" Taeyong scolded.

"I-" Renjun didn't want to hear that. Why did it matter if he got a piercing now or later? Taeyong was going to say yes anyways. 

"Go to your room" Taeyong cut him off. Renjun felt his determination and stubbornness fade in a second. Renjun crossed his arms over his stomach and went upstairs, looking much smaller than usual.  

"Bad idea, little brother" Mark was leaning against the wall. He had heard everything.

"Shut up!" Renjun huffed, passing his only hyung. Taeyong heard them and Renjun thought for a moment that he would be the one in trouble. 

"Mark, leave your brother alone" Taeyong warned. Mark rolled his eyes and went downstairs, leaving Renjun alone in their room. It wasn't long before Taeyong came up to talk with his second oldest.

"First off, I'm not going to spank you. But htat is only because I was going to say yes anyways. I still wish you hadn't gone behind my back but I believe that grounding you for the next two months will be enough. Agreed?" Taeyong had thought about and really, Renjun was too old for that. If this were any worse and Renjun had gotten his ear pierced without even asking Taeyong, then it might be a different story but it wasn't. 

"Thank you! I'm really sorry that I went behind your back, it won't happen again!" Renjun promised. Taeyong didn't believe that for a moment; these things were always going to hapepn and he had to get used to that. 

"Yeah, don't go making promises you can't keep. Now give me your phone" Taeyong waited. Renjun did what he said and waited to be called out for dinner. His brothers snuck in, keeping him company until Taeyong made them leave. Even then, Chenle hid under the bed and went undetected so he stayed with Renjun. 


Kun-18. Senior
Ten-17. Junior
Winwin-17. Junior
Xioajun-15. Sophomore
Hendery-14. Freshman
Yangyang-13. Middle school senior

Mark-15. Sophomore
Renjun-14. Freshman
Jeno-13. Middle school senior
Haechan-12. Middle school junior
Jaemin-11. Middle school sophomore
Chenle-10. Middle school freshman
Jisung-9. Elementary school senior

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