Don't touch my family

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Jaemin has been well aware that knowing who his dad was, even if he didn't know his mom, set him apart from the others. They tried not to treat him any differently but Jaemin knew that they were jealous. He had always been the most vocal about wanting to know who his parents were but that didn't mean the others didn't want to know just as much. Except Renjun. He stopped asking about his parents or begging to find out who they were after he saw his records. No one asked why. And Jisung. The youngest wanted nothing to do with any other adult except his uncles and Taeyong. Not even Lola. Jisung had thrown quite a fit and refused to talk to Jaemin for days when he found out that his older brother was going to meet his dad.

"Are you sure about this?" Taeyong looked down at Jaemin. Lola was standing on Jaemin's other side, both adults holding the kid's hand. Taeyong had called one of his friends to watch the other boys while he went out to do this with Jaemin. Even though Mark was fourteen, Taeyong didn't trust any of the boys to be home alone quite yet.

"Yeah...I think" Jaemin was clearly nervous but that was to be expected. It wasn't everyday a kid got to meet the man that helped create them. Most grew up knowing who their dad was so this was a big adjustment.

"If it's too much, you can tell us at anytime" Lola reminded him and Jaemin nodded to show that he understood. The drive to where they were meeting Lola's brother was short but Jaemin swore it took forever. The man was already there when Taeyong pulled into the restaurant and parked the car. Jaemin didn't have to ask who the guy was to know: that was his dad. He looked nothing like Jaemin had imagined and that almost scared him.

Correction: it terrified him but growing up with six brothers, he learned to not show when he was scared. This whole thing was terrifying and Jaemin wanted to just go home, curl up in bed and block the whole world out.

"Come on, Jaem. If you really don't want to do this, we can always turn back" Taeyong wasn't sure about Jaemin, but he knew that he wanted to go back. He was only doing this for Jaemin, if he wasn't, he would have gone back ten minutes ago.

"No. I waited three years for this. I can do it" Jaemin took a deep breath and opened the door before he could think twice, getting out of the car. The urge to hide behind Taeyong or Lola was really strong as they approached Jaemin's dad but he reminded himself that he was ten now and he had wanted to do this. He was too old to hide behind an adult like a toddler. Still, he moved slightly closer to Taeyong and took the man's hand as they got closer to Lola's brother.

"Hey little brother" Lola greeted her brother as she always did, hoping to ease the tension. Taeyong said nothing and neither did Jaemin.

"This is Taeyong, my boyfriend and one of the kids he's taking care of, Jaemin. Taeyong, Jaemin, this is Jace" Lola looked at Taeyong, wondering how this was going to go.

"That's a strange name" Jaemin muttered to himself, his words muffled a little because he was hiding behind Taeyong. Yeah, he knew it was childish but the other man in front of him was scary and he wanted to go home.

"You don't have to be so formal, Lola. We all know he's my son" Jace knelt down in front of Jaemin, who just stared at him.

"Jace, he just met you. I think formal will do just fine" Lola rolled her eyes. She was kind of mad at her brother for several reasons: first, for having a kid and not telling anyone, secondly for abandoning said kid and then going about life like he didn't have a son out there somewhere. Jace glared at her but he couldn't argue. She was right.

"Shall we go inside?" Taeyong suggested, keeping his tone neutral. He wanted to go home and judging by how Jaemin was still clinging to him like he had when he was five and was just walking through the store with Taeyong, the man knew that Jaemin was ready to leave as well. But they had just gotten there and Taeyong wanted his boys to be respectful and use manners so they were stuck there a little longer.

"Sure" Jace didn't look happy that Jaemin wouldn't even greet him but he brushed it off. Lola took Jaemin's hand, pulling him out from behind Taeyong and leaning down to whisper something in his ear. Jaemin perked up a little and went to sit between his two 'parents', completely ignoring Jace cause that would go well.

"So, how old are you?" Jace looked at Jaemin.

"You have a kid and don't even know how old I am? That's great" Jaemin rolled his eyes, glaring when Taeyong smacked his leg.

"I'm ten" He gritted his teeth, trying his best to be respectful. For the rest of the visit, he just chewed on the straw of his drink and only talked when asked a question.

"Dad, I'm tired" Jaemin tugged on Taeyong's sleeve. Taeyong nodded and prepared to leave.

"Dad?" Jace's eyes darkened and Jaemin realized what he had done.

"Jace, don't" Lola tried to calm her brother.

"Why is he calling you dad when I'm right here?" Jace spat out, obviously angry. Taeyong said nothing because he didn't want to make things worse and he could see Jaemin was really nervous.

"I think it's time for us to go" Taeyong stood up, paying for his, Jaemin and Lola's part of the meal and taking his kid's hand.

"I asked a question! Don't walk away from me" Jace grabbed Jaemin's arm. Taeyong pushed him off but Jace pushed him away. Jaemin has seen enough.

"Listen! I've known about you for three years, I wanted to see you but the first thing you said when you knew that Eomma had met me was that you didn't want to meet me! Imagine having your dad say that when your seven! Your not my dad and you never will be. He raised me and he did a damn good job so yeah, I call him dad and I will never call you dad so suck it up!" Jaemin yelled, angry tears streaming down his face. He turned and took Taeyong's hand, then Lola's, dragging the two adults to the car. He got in as quickly as he could and cried silently the whole ride back to the dorm.

"Minnie..." Taeyong looked in the mirror when they were home. Jaemin wiped at his tears.

"I don't want to talk about it. And I don't want to see him again. Ever" Jaemin got out, running up the stairs of the apartment building and letting himself into their apartment. Taeyong and Lola followed more slowly, unsure of how to help their son/nephew. Jace contacted Lola the next day but she let Jaemin respond to it and give his bio dad a piece of his mind once again.

Taeyong got really worried though when Jaemin just stopped engaging with others. He stopped talking and wouldn't go outside, even for school. Lola offered to homeschool him and Taeyong took her up on that offer after there was no change for an entire year.


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