Not your friend

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Taeyong could hear two of the boys yelling at each other upstairs and he sadly had to go deal with that. But, luckily for him, he had a secret weapon.

"Yunnie, why don't you go see what your brothers are doing?" Taeyong knelt down in front of the girl, who was playing on the floor at his feet. She babbled something and got up, going to see what her brothers were yelling about. A moment later she came running back down as quickly as her little legs would go.

"OPPA SAID A BAD WORD!" She yelled. Taeyong winced a little, rubbing his ear. He had not known that such a loud voice could come from such a small body. 

"Okay honey, why don't you go play?" Taeyong patted her head, going upstairs to see what the problem was and who was causing it. There were only four candidates: Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung. 

"What is going on here?" Taeyong walked into Chenle and Jisung's room to see what was wrong. 

"Nothing" Jisung turned for a moment before going back to yelling at Chenle. 

"Obviously something is wrong. You do not talk to me like that" Taeyong hardened his tone. Jisung realized that he had snapped and he tried to calm down but then he gave up. He was too angry to calm down.

"Can you just leave us alone?!" Jisung looked over his shoulder at Taeyong. Chenle knew his brother was about to do something really bad because he backed away, motioning for Ha-Yun to come over to him. She climbed up onto his bed and Chenle picked her up.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are talking to?" Taeyong crossed his arms. Something in Jisung snapped and he forgot where he was and who he was talking to.

"Just fucking leave us alone!" Jisung froze, realizing what he had said and staring at Taeyong. 

"Right that's it! Chenle, why don't you go check on your mom and take her and Ha-Yun out for a bit? There's some money in my wallet that you can use" Taeyong grabbed Jisung's wrist, turning to the older boy and younger girl. Chenle nodded, rushing out of the room.

"You, go to my room and kneel down. Hands on your head" Taeyong let go of Jisung and made sure that he didn't try to run. Jisung went with his head hung low, feeling ashamed. He heard the door shut, meaning Chenle, Lola and Ha-Yun had left already. Haechan had gone out to a bar with the older boys and Jaemin had tagged along even though he was too young to drink, Taeyong and Lola didn't need to know that he was in fact drinking. Jisung truly was alone in the house with Taeyong, who was very mad.

"Do you think I am your friend? That your suddenly grown up and it's okay to talk to me like that?" Taeyong walked in, arms still crossed. Jisung wanted to get up but he didn't dare to until Taeyong said he could.

"No" Jisung shook his head. He didn't think Taeyong was his friend, he knew Taeyong wasn't his friend. And while he had felt a little grown up, now he just felt like a kid again. 

"I get that your sixteen and you have all these things happening inside of you and your probably confused about what your feeling" Taeyong sat down and started talking. Jisung groaned; he did not want another lecture about hormones and all that. Taeyong had talked to all the boys about that kind of thing when they turned thirteen but for some, it slipped their mind. 

"But you do not talk disrespectfully and you definitely do not curse at me! Especially with your sister right there" Taeyong scolded.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, I was just angry" Jisung explained. Taeyong knew that much. 

"About what?" He wondered, giving Jisung the chance to explain. Jisung took a deep breath and launched into a full explanation. Apparently Chenle had borrowed something from Jisung but then it got broken and Chenle went to explain but Jisung got upset and started yelling at him.

"So not only did you yell at me, but you yelled at your brother too? And I sent Ha-Yun to come see what you two were fighting about and se said that one of you said a bad word. I'm guessing it was you since Chenle seemed unable to even get a word in when I came up here" Taeyong guessed, already knowing he was right. 

"Yeah, it was me. I'm sorry" Jisung admitted. Taeyong hummed a little and thought about what came next. 

"Stay here" Taeyong got up, going to his bathroom and returning a moment later with a soap bottle in hand.

"You can't be serious" Jisung looked at his dad like he was crazy.

"Open" Taeyong ignored the comment and just waited. 

"Appa, come on-" Jisung tried to reason with Taeyong but he was cut off by a hard slap to the arm.

"I said open. If I have to say it a third time, I will turn you over my knee" Taeyong warned. Jisung huffed and opened his mouth, grimacing when Taeyong squirted some soap into his mouth.

"Don't swallow it. You'll get sick" Taeyong ordered. Jisung knew that so he tried his hardest not to and stayed like that with his mouth closed for several minutes. He knew Taeyong was counting the minutes and wouldn't make Jisung stay there too long but it still felt like eternity. After a long time, Taeyong stood up, standing in front of his youngest son. 

"Are you going to curse again?" Taeyong questioned. Jisung quickly shook his head, his eyes and nose burning from the soap. 

"Go to the bathroom and spit it out. You get three rinses" Taeyong let Jisung pass. When the tall kid came back, he looked properly chastised. 

"If your sister, or your new baby brother and sister, ever learn a bad word from you, I will make this seem like a walk in the park. Is that clear?" Taeyong threatened. It didn't matter how old the boys got, he was still keeping them in hand and he would continue to for as long as they needed. Mark, Renjun and Jeno didn't need it as much and Haechan's need for that was dwindling as the months since his eighteenth birthday passed but the younger three and Ha-Yun were still under Taeyong's charge. 

"Understood. I won't curse in front of them" Jisung promised. Taeyong would take it. He knew that he couldn't keep his boys from cursing at all but he was not going to let his three year old daughter or future twin kids pick up on bad language when they were still young. 

"Good. Let's go finish making dinner before the others get home" Taeyong guided Jisung downstairs and they finished making dinner before Lola, Chenle and Ha-Yun got back. Lola leaned over to Jisung's chair, whispering something in his ear and his face turned red. He looked around to make sure no one heard and nodded slightly. Lola sat up straight in her seat, satisfied and scolded Ha-Yun on not playing with her food. 


Renjun has his own apartment 
Mark and Jeno still live together
Haechan still lives at home as does Jaemin but they are planning on moving in together

Five rooms
Taeyong and Lola
Haechan and Jaemin
Chenle and Jisung
Nursery for the new babies

Little DreamiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon