Brotherly affection

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Mark had gotten a brand new Xbox for his birthday, now that he was a teenager and he had been infatuated with it. All the boys were but really only Renjun and sometimes Jeno were allowed to touch it. Mark knew that was probably mean but it was brand new and he did not want any of his brothers to break it. Renjun and Jeno were the least likely to do that.

"Lights out boys, you have school in the morning" Taeyong had just finished making sure the younger four were in bed and went to go check on the others. Renjun nodded and went to get up. Taeyong left so Mark stopped him. 

"Mark, he said lights out. I don't want to get in trouble" Renjun reminded the older boy in case he had forgotten in the past three seconds. 

"He won't come check on us again, I promise. Come on Junnie, lighten up" Mark knew that teasing would be the only thing to get Renjun to give in and he was right. Renjun sat back down, looking a little nervous but not arguing. Taeyong did come check on them and he was not happy.

"What did I say? Lights out was ten minutes ago" Taeyong turned the TV off, pulling Renjun up and sending him out of the room with a few good spanks to get him motivated. Renjun glared at Mark, since he had warned Mark that they would be in trouble and the older didn't listen.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault. Renjun wanted to turn it off but I convinced him to play one more game" Mark explained. Taeyong figured as much. Mark was not a bad kid but he seemed to possess the ability to convince his brothers to do absolutely anything. It was something that he didn't always use for the best reasons and it was also a gift that the other boys did not have as well.

"Go to bed. If I have to come in here again, I will not be as lenient" Taeyong smacked Mark as he passed and then left. He set a timer for twenty minutes so he knew when to go check on the boys again but he fell asleep before it went off. 

"Junnie, come play" Mark knew that it was a bad idea to 'poke the sleeping bear' as the boys liked to call it every time they had to wake Renjun up. All seven of them valued their sleep but Renjun did not like being woken up early.

"Seriously hyung? It is almost midnight, go to sleep" Renjun groaned and turned over. Mark was not about to let that happen so he pulled the younger out of bed, careful not to disturb Jeno, who was luckily still fast asleep and hadn't moved even once. Renjun followed behind him without thinking and reluctantly gave in, insisting that they only play for a few rounds before going back to bed. Mark agreed but he knew that a few rounds would turn into more than just that. 

Taeyong knew he shouldn't been worried when he couldn't find Renjun because the kid wasn't in bed where he was supposed to be but he had a good feeling that he knew where the second oldest was. If he was wrong, then he would be worried. 

He wasn't wrong. Taeyong grabbed the wooden spoon from the kitchen before going to Mark's room.

"Wake up!" He raised his voice a little, pulling both boys out of their slumber. Mark looked up at Taeyong, realizing why his hyung was so upset. Renjun put his head in his arms, knowing why too and just relenting. There was no point in trying to argue or lie about what they had been doing. 

"Ugh" Renjun groaned and laid his head back down. 

"What did I tell you last night?" Taeyong crossed his arms. 

"Go to bed" Renjun mumbled. Taeyong gave him a hard glare for that and Renjun wisely decided to stop talking. He was already annoyed that he had let himself fall asleep and gotten caught but he was more annoyed that Mark managed to convince him to do this in the first place, knowing how it would end. 

"Then why didn't you? I told you twice to get off your games and go to bed and you decided not to listen" Taeyong pointed out. 

"It was my fault. Renjun did go to bed but I woke up and convinced him to come play again" Mark did feel bad for getting his younger brother in trouble, knowing it was his fault.

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