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Taeyong hated change. Especially when it involves his boys. He didn't want them to change.

"Come on boys. It's time to get your eyes checked again" Taeyong held open the door to the eye doctor and let the seven boys inside.

"I don't see why we have to do this" Jaemin huffed, sitting down in Jeno's lap. Chenle and Jisung were up first since they were two of the hardest kids to keep still.

"Looks like their all good. I can give you a list of exercises to do so their eyes stay strong. It'll apply to all the boys, that way they don't need glasses" the doctor stated. Taeyong nodded and took the paper she gave him.

"Who's next?" She waited, looking at the boys.

"Renjun has been complaining of blurry ness" Taeyong motioned the teenager to go next. Renjun huffed, moving Chenle off his lap and climbed into the big chair in the center of the room. Taeyong already knew something was wrong when Dr. Kim spent more time on Renjun than she had on Chenle or Jisung.

"He needs glasses" She stated. Taeyong figured as much before she even said it.

"No, I don't! Appa, please don't make me get glasses. I'll read more, I'll stop watching TV everyday! I'll even stop being on my phone at night playing games with Mark! Just please don't make me wear glasses!" Renjun pleaded. Mark smacked him on the back of the head, causing Renjun to realize what he had just said and he quickly backed away.

"We'll talk about that later. Right now, Dr. Kim needs to get your prescription figured out and you will wear them. If you really hate it, I'll get you contacts but you'll still need to have a pair of glasses on hand just in case" Taeyong compromised.

"Thank you" Renjun accepted that, knowing it was the best he would get. 

"Way to go, Injun" Mark flicked his brother's head again, upset at the thought of a lecture when they got home. Renjun swatted his hand away and sat down next to his brothers. It was Jaemin's turn next but he was fine. As was Mark and Jeno but when Dr. Kim got to Haechan, Taeyong knew it was going to be the same for Haechan as it was for Renjun. 

"Don't tell me you've been staying up at night playing games on your tablet too?" Taeyong was mostly joking but he really was curious.

"No. I guess one of my parents had bad eyesight and it just got passed down" Haechan shrugged. That was probably the case but Taeyong was still going to be a little stricter about checking on the boys at night, just to make sure they weren't on their phones or tablets. Haechan and Renjun picked out contact lenses as well as actual glasses and tried them on. 

"I look like a dork" Renjun complained, looking at himself in one of the small mirrors. 

"Nah, you look smart" Mark responded, throwing an arm around the smaller boy. Renjun glared at him.

"Like I said, I look like a dork" Renjun repeated.

"Okay, enough. Several people needing glasses would be very jealous of you right now. You should be grateful that you have the resources to get what you need" Taeyong scolded. Renjun wanted to argue but he decided against it. Whenever Taeyong started pulling the privilege card, it was best to just stay quiet. 

"Whatever" Renjun walked out and waited for his brothers and Taeyong so they could go home. 

"Now you two be careful with your glasses. Their very expensive to replace" Taeyong warned. Renjun and Haechan nodded, knowing that even if they did break their glasses, Taeyong would just buy new ones. The joys of being rich! Though it was quite some time before either of them actually managed to crack or scratch their glasses even though they were far from careful with it. And Renjun did end up punching a kid for making fun of him and Haechan's new look. From then on, they just wore contact lenses and no one teased them. 

And it was actually Chenle who ended up breaking Renjun's glasses first.

"I want to try them on!" Chenle decided. Renjun knew that Chenle would hate it but he let the younger boy try his glasses anyways. 

"Be careful. If you drop them, your taking the blame" Renjun warned. Chenle took the glasses carefully in his hands and put them on. He leaned over to grab something and the glasses fell of, right as he stepped forward. There was a loud crack and the two boys froze.

"Boys! What was that?" Taeyong was coming down the hallway.

"Chenle did it!" Renjun yelled back. Chenle shoved him as hard as he could, which wasn't very hard, and pouted. Taeyong actually laughed when the two told him what happened and he took Renjun back to get new glasses a few hours later. 

Renjun-13. Glasses
Haechan-11. Glasses

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