First day of school

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Chenle was not one to cause a scene. He was quieter than the others and Taeyong actually liked that, it made it nicer not having seven screaming kids daily.

Of course, the one day that he actually needed them to keep it together, he had seven screaming kids.

It was the first day of school for six of them. Jisung would be going to school as well the year after but he was too young at the moment. Chenle, to put it simply, was nervous.

"Lele, you need to get out. We're going to be late" Mark groaned, trying to pull the kid out of the car. Taeyong got out, getting the kid out and setting him on the ground.

"Go on you guys. I'll walk Chenle in" Taeyong instructed. The others grabbed their backpacks and walked into the school.

"And stay together!" He added. Mark gave a thumbs up, taking Jaemin's hand. Renjun and Jeno linked arms as they went in. 

"Come on Chenle, it's not going to be that bad" Taeyong assured the second youngest. He didn't know why Chenle was so worked up but he had a feeling it had something to do with why he couldn't sleep last night and why Jaemin and Haechan looked so guilty that morning. 

"Can you tell me why your so nervous?" Taeyong knew that there was people watching but he didn't care as he finally managed to get Chenle to calm down long enough to carry the kid inside and start walking to his class.

"Haechan and Minnie said that kids are mean and the teacher is a bad person! They said that I was too much of a baby to go to school and I'll be made fun of. I don't want to get teased" Chenle cried. Taeyong made a mental note to talk with the middle kids later after he picked them up. 

"They were just messing with you. The teacher and kids aren't mean and your not a baby, if anyone gives you trouble, tell the teacher okay? They're going to help you" Taeyong set Chenle down in front of the door to his classroom. Chenle looked a little better than he had before. Taeyong managed to get him inside the room, talking briefly to the teacher about the kid's nervousness before leaving. 

Later, he picked the kids up and brought them to company building. Normally he took them home but he had some work to do so they would have to go with him. As they were going inside, he pulled Haechan and Jaemin to the side.

"You two are grounded" Taeyong informed them.

"What'd we do!?" Jaemin pretended he didn't know. He had known the moment Chenle started making a fuss about getting ready for school that morning.

"You know. Don't scare your brothers ever again or you get a spanking" Taeyong warned. He had half a mind to give both boys one already but he was giving them a second chance. 

"Yes hyung-nim" Jaemin sighed, promising himself to stay out of trouble. He ran after the others, apologizing to Chenle before starting on his work. Haechan moved a little slower, mad about getting in trouble. 

Unfortunately, Haechan and Jaemin didn't seem to take the hint and found themselves in trouble the very next day.

"Why are you here boys?" Taeyong stood in front of them. He had sent both boys to the older kids' room to make things easier. 

"We made fun of Jisung" Jaemin brought his knees up to him, feeling bad for hurting his baby brother.

"And what did I tell you would happen the next time you made fun of your brothers and scared them?" Taeyong turned to Haechan.

"You'd smack us" Haechan answered, glaring at Taeyong. 

"So, who's first?" Taeyong looked at both boys, waiting for one of them to step forward. Haechan did after a minute, feeling it was his duty to as the oldest. 

"Go get me the spoon from the kitchen" Taeyong motioned to the door. All at once, Haechan's tough act fell and he looked at his hyung with fear.

"I told you to do something. The longer you wait, the more spanks you get" Taeyong was surprised how casually he was able to talk about this. Even a year before, he would have turned red at the mention of spanking. 

"Hyung, please! Don't do this, I'm sorry" Haechan felt his knees grow weak at the mere thought of getting the very thing that would be used against him.

"Now. Don't make me say it again" Taeyong put up a guard against the pleas so he wouldn't give in. Jaemin had begun to cry, knowing that he would face the same as his older friend. Haechan returned slower than Taeyong had wanted but he didn't say anything about it. 

"Turn around" Taeyong waited. Haechan hiccupped, biting back tears as he turned away from his guardian and waited.

Spank spank spank spank spank spank spank 

"That's for teasing Jisung and scaring Chenle" Taeyong stated.

Spank spank

"And that's for not doing what I said the first time. You just got grounded for another day and you will spend the rest of today in your room" Taeyong knew that he was being harsh but teasing and bullying was not something he took lightly. 

"Yes hyung" Haechan keep his head down, hiding his tears.

"Go sit on your bed" Taeyong instructed. Haechan walked over to his bed, climbing onto it and tucking himself into the corner.

"Jaemin, come over here" Taeyong held a hand out for the younger boy. Jaemin sniffled a little as he got up, going to his hyung.

"Turn around" Taeyong helped turn the kid to face away from him. He always felt bad about punishing the youngest three because they always acted so innocent and they knew what they did wrong. The older four were more likely to argue with him but not those three. 

Spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

"Oww" Jaemin crumbled to the floor, crying. Taeyong dropped the spoon and picked him up, holding him close. 

"It's all over. You did so good" Taeyong went over to Haechan, sitting down and bringing the older boy into his arms as well. 

"Your both still grounded and your not to leave your rooms for the rest of the day. I love you both and I just want you to grow up to be good people" Taeyong kissed the boys' heads before leaving, setting Jaemin down on his bed in his room with the babies. He knew they would probably both fall asleep and that was fine, they could use it.


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