Growing pains

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"I am going to hurt the next person who tries to talk to me!" Jeno announced, storming into the kitchen and grabbing some pain medicine. Taeyong watched, a little horrified and a little amazed as the thirteen year old downed it without water and went back upstairs, not even looking at anyone else in the room.

"What's his problem?" Mark wondered, giving Jeno a dirty look as his younger brother walked off.

"Growing pains" Jaemin answered.

"Oh no" Taeyong groaned. He hated when the boys dealt with growing pains because it was torture for them and put them in a bad mood but it was also a reminder for him that they were growing up.

"Wait, how do you know?" Renjun questioned.

"Because I'm dealing with them too. Him and I have dealt with them all week" Jaemin announced, smiling proudly. His one goal in life at the moment was to be taller than Mark and he was luckily getting there. He had already passed Renjun, much to the older's dismay. His second goal was to be taller than Taeyong but that was going to take longer.

"Why didn't either of you say anything?" Taeyong got up and handed Jaemin pain medicine.

"Because this is normal. I already took some this morning" Jaemin declined the medicine. Taeyong looked at him.

"You boys aren't supposed to go into the medicine cabinet without me knowing" Taeyong reminded him. It was a strange rule but he had made it up when Jeno was nine and accidentally got into the cabinet. Luckily, Taeyong walked into the room in time to stop him from taking anything.

"Oops" Jaemin shrugged and went back to eating. Taeyong would deal with that later. Right now he needed to go get a few things that would help the boys with their growing pains and try to make them feel better. He came back an hour later with sweets, medicine, heating pads and more to keep the boys happy. Unfortunately for him, it became clear that Jaemin and Jeno were not the only ones going through growth spurt. Jisung started to complain about his legs hurting and nothing was going to appease him. 

"Here, take this and put it on your legs and don't move it" Taeyong instructed, handing Jisung a heating pad. He had two more, which he gave to Jaemin and Jeno and then showered them with snacks. 

"Can we watch a movie?" Jisung wondered, even though he didn't have to ask. Jaemin was already turning the TV on and picking a movie that he knew Jisung would like.

"Yes love. Enjoy your day off" Taeyong nodded and went to the kitchen to make some lunch. The next day, when those three woke up, Taeyong was mortified and surprised to find they were almost the same height as him.

Worse than that however, was the day that Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung woke up and towered over Taeyong. That definitely didn't make Taeyong feel old, remembering a time when all the boys barely reached his stomach. 

Do these keep getting shorter because I feel like they are

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