Cuddle party 3

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"I feel fine!" Mark huffed.

"You are not fine. Your running a fever" Taeyong argued. Distantly he could hear either Renjun or Jeno coughing. He couldn't be sure which one it was. They sounded the same when they were sick.

"I'll be fine!" Mark repeated. Taeyong shook his head. He knew Mark wanted to go out, he had been looking forward to being with his friends for weeks but Taeyong would not be a very good guardian or responsible adult if he let Mark go out while he was running a fever.

"Back to the couch. If you keep arguing then you can go to your room and stay there. Alone" Taeyong warned. Mark huffed again and stormed off, plopping down on the couch next to Jeno and Renjun.

"Do you boys need anything?" Taeyong looked at the seven kids.

"Juice?" Haechan lifted his head up from the pillow on Jaemin's lap.

"I want juice too!" Chenle added, not wanting to be outdone by his brother.

"Juice!" Jisung squealed. Taeyong smiled a little. At least some of them were feeling better though Jaemin looked like he had been through hell and back and Haechan was a little green. Jeno and Renjun were overcome with frequent coughing spells. Pretty much only Chenle and Jisung were feeling better. At least Taeyong thought they were until he came back to the living room with seven cups of apple juice to find Jisung doubled over in pain and Chenle looking a little dizzy.

"Thank you!" Chenle hummed as he took the cup. The others echoed him and for once it was quiet as they all drank the beverage provided to them.

"I'm going to my room to rest" Mark got up after he had finished.

"Can we come?" Renjun and Jeno looked at their brother.

"No" Mark answered, maybe a little too harshly. The two boys sulked but didn't argue. They didn't have the energy to as another fit of coughs shook their small bodies.

"Hyung! Can we play a game?" Jisung waddled over to Taeyong, tugging on his hand.

"Sure. What game?" Taeyong nodded, sitting down with Jisung in his lap. The other boys moved to the floor, most of them wrapped in blankets. Jeno huddled close to Renjun and Haechan sat behind Jaemin, putting his head on the smaller boys shoulder. Chenle grabbed the pillow Haechan had been laying on, put it in Jaemin's lap and laid down.

"Uno?" Jisung shrugged. It was the only game he actually knew how to play since it was the only one the older kids would let him and Chenle join in on. Taeyong nodded and pulled out the card game. They played a few rounds before Jisung fell asleep and Taeyong set him down on the couch, Chenle climbing up next to his brother. He refused to leave Jisung alone for even a minute.

"Why don't you try and rest?" Taeyong tucked the youngest two in and moved a half asleep Haechan off of Jaemin.

"We've been sleeping all day. Can't we do anything else?" Renjun complained.

"I suppose you could keep playing a game. I want you resting and your brothers are sleeping so don't turn the TV on and try to be quiet. Otherwise, do what you want" Taeyong was aware that meant literally anything to a five, seven and eight year old.

He checked on Mark but the oldest wasn't in there. Taeyong already knew where he had gone so he called Johnny and asked if Mark was at the WayV dorm. After getting confirmation, Taeyong asked Johnny to bring him back and informed the older that Mark was sick and wasn't supposed to have left. Johnny showed up with Mark a few minutes later, handing him over to Taeyong.

"I'm sorry Taeyong. If I had known, I would have brought him back right away" Johnny blushed a little, feeling bad.

"It's okay. He knew that I didn't want him leaving. It's not your fault" Taeyong glanced at Mark, who hung his head.

"Thank you for bringing him back" Taeyong bowed his head as Johnny left, then turned to Mark. Taeyong grabbed hold of the nine year old.

Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank

"Ow! Hyung, I'm sick!" Mark whined.

"Oh, now your sick?!" Taeyong snapped. Mark wisely kept quiet this time.

"Go to the living room! Your grounded for a week" Taeyong released the boy and gave him another swat to get him moving.

"Why not my room?" Mark was curious.

"Because obviously I can't trust you to stay where your supposed to so for the next week, your not leaving my sight" Taeyong answered. Mark wanted to say that was unfair but he knew it wasn't so he just went into the living room and sat down, watching three of his brothers play what looked like a very complicated game of twister. They shouldn't have been considering Jeno and Renjun could crush Jaemin if they made even one wrong move and those two were also coughing a little and looking very out of breath.

"That's enough of that" Taeyong picked Jaemin up by his shirt, setting him on the couch by the maknaes. Renjun looked a little upset by their game being interrupted but that turned into nervousness when Taeyong picked him up.

"You said we could do anything!" Renjun reminded Taeyong.

"Anything excluding being loud or strenuous activity. Don't you think that twister counts as strenuous activity?" Taeyong picked Jeno up as well.

"I guess" Renjun shrugged. He knew it had been but he was bored with Uno and it was way too easy to convince Jeno and Jaemin to play twister with him. Taeyong hummed in acknowledgement and dropped the two boys on the couch.

"You sit here and don't talk, don't move, don't make a single sound. You're in timeout and you both have seven minutes" Taeyong decided. Renjun crossed his arms, looking annoyed and Jeno quickly copied him. Taeyong almost smiled; it was interesting seeing the relationship between these boys who had never known each other until a couple months ago. There was no doubt in his mind that they all saw each other as brothers.

Finally a few days later, Chenle, Jeno, and Mark were completely better. Renjun, Haechan, Jaemin and Jisung were better too but they weren't completely out of danger yet. Taeyong kept an eye on them, knowing if they didn't get completely better after a few more days, he'd have to take them to the doctors. Just to make sure this wasn't anything more than a slight cold.


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