First love

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The first time any of the boys came to him about dating, Taeyong really did not think anything of it. It was Jisung, who was only six and probably didn't even fully know the meaning of the words boyfriend and girlfriend.

The second time though, Taeyong knew it was no joke.

"You what?" Taeyong hadn't meant to be listening to the boys' conversation. But they were right there and it was kind of hard not to hear what they were saying.

"Your eavesdropping?" Jaemin glared at Taeyong.

"I didn't mean to be but now I'm curious. Your dating someone?" Taeyong apologized.

"Yeah" Jaemin nodded, a little embarrassed talking about it now since Taeyong was including himself in the conversation.

"And does she know that your going to be an idol in less than a year?" Taeyong knew he shouldn't be worried about that but he was. He knew how hard it was to maintain a relationship while being an idol.

"Yes, he knows" Jaemin's glare depends and Taeyong backed off. He didn't care that one of the boys had a boyfriend.

"Okay" Taeyong turned back to helping Jisung with his homework. Jaemin turned to Haechan and Jeno again, starting up the conversation that Taeyong had interrupted. An hour later, and most of the boys had run off to their rooms.

"Do I get to meet him?" Taeyong wondered.

"No" Jaemin answered quickly. Almost too quickly.

"Why not?" Taeyong knew it was none of his business but this was his first baby to get a boyfriend/girlfriend. At least that he knew of. He had a suspicioun that the older three at least had one or two girlfriends in the past few years.

"Because your just going to be all weird about it. I don't want you embarrassing me" Jaemin answered.

"I won't embarrass you, Minnie. I promise" Taeyong was a little hurt that Jaemin even thought he'd do that.

"See? That's exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not six anymore!" Jaemin motioned to Taeyong.

"What? You don't want me calling you Minnie?" Taeyong guessed.

"No! It was cute when I was eight. Now it's just babyish" Jaemin shook his head. Taeyong felt his heart break. He had known that the boys were growing up but it had never really registered for him until right then.

"Oh, okay" Taeyong nodded slowly. Jaemin realized he'd been a little harsh.

"Dad.... I'm sorry. I'm just, well I'm thirteen. I'm not going to be into the same things that I was five years ago" Jaemin walked over to Taeyong.

"I know. I just wish you weren't growing up so fast. Your still my baby" Taeyong pointed out.

"Eww" Jaemin smiled and wrinkled his nose, sticking his tongue out like he had when he was a kid.

"Go get your brothers. And I would love to meet your boyfriend" Taeyong ruffled Jaemin's hair. He was hoping that Jaemin would feel comfortable enough to bring his boyfriend by but Taeyong wasn't going to push it.

A few days later, Jaemin walked into the kitchen looking nervous.

"Dad?" Jaemin tugged on Taeyong's shirt.

"This is Emil" Jaemin motioned to the kid behind him. Taeyong dried his hands off and turned to the kid. He didn't ask and he didn't have to.

Jaemin trusts him.

In the first paragraph the boys are five years younger than they are for the rest of the chapter. Also let me know if you would want to see the other boys slowly getting into relationships/more of Emil.

Second part
Mark. 12-17
Renjun. 11-16
Jeno. 10-15
Haechan. 9-14
Jaemin. 8-13
Chenle. 7-12
Jisung. 6-11

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