Good Impressions....

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Taeyong was definitely nervous. He had to make a good impression or he might not be able to continue caring for the Dreamies. Not only that but also the kids' entire future was depending on how the next two hours went and how well the boys could behave themselves.

"Hi, Mr. CEO-man!" Jaemin waved to the taller man. Taeyong was normally intimidated by the CEO but he guessed to an eight year old, nothing was scary.

"Hello, your Jaemin right?" CEO knelt down to Jaemin's height.

"No. I'm Mark" Jaemin said with a completely straight face. The others boys seemed to catch on to what he was doing, or this was a planned effort, and began introducing themselves with the wrong name.

"I'm Jeno!" Mark held up a peace sign, pouting when Taeyong smacked his hand.

"Hello sir, I'm Chenle" Renjun bowed his head politely but Taeyong knew that was only so his mischievous grin didn't give away the whole thing.

"He's polite. Did you teach him that?" The man looked at Taeyong, who shook his head. He was trying so hard not to start laughing.

"And who are these two?" CEO knelt down in front of Chenle and Jisung.

"Minnie!" Jisung decided, looking at his hyungs.

"He means Jaemin. And I'm Haechan" Chenle corrected, taking Jisung's hand.

"My name's Renjun and that's Jisung! Nice to meet you" Jeno held his hand out, smiling politely. Taeyong almost laughed but he covered it up with a cough when the CEO shook Jeno's hand, fully believing that he was being told the right names.

"Well, shall we get started?" The older man let the seven kids and Taeyong into his office. Taeyong instructed the boys to sit quietly while he talked with their boss.

The meeting dragged on and on and Taeyong was surprised none of the seven boys were being fidgety. Normally none of them could sit through something this long without getting up at least three times.

"Thank you for your time. I look forward to doing this again" Finally, it was over. Taeyong shook his boss's hand and herded the kids out of the room.

"Say goodbye, boys!" Taeyong instructed. Four 'byes', one 'see ya', one 'goodbye sir' and a little 'bye, Mr. CEO-man!' was heard as Taeyong left with his kids.

"That was fun. Next time, I think we should change it up again. If he asks how old we are, we should say the age of whoever we're pretending to be" Mark suggested.

"Yeah! That'd really confuse him" Haechan nodded, liking the idea.

"So that little act in there was planned?" Taeyong guessed, able to figure that much out just from listening to the conversation going on.

"Are you mad at us?" Renjun wondered. The others didn't even seem to think of that because they looked at Taeyong with wide eyes.

"No, I'm not mad. I told you all to sit quietly and make a good impression and that's exactly what you did. I think that calls for a treat" Taeyong knew before he even sat down with the CEO that there was no possible way he could scold the boys for their little prank.

"We can have ice cream before dinner!?" Haechan squealed and the others began to look just as excited. Taeyong nodded, leading his kids to the ice cream shop to get the cold treat. They ended up eating outside and the younger ones ran around for a bit to burn off their sugar rush.

"I have to know, who's idea was it to trick our boss?" Taeyong looked down at Renjun and Jeno, who had both decided to stay with him instead of chasing the younger kids around like Mark was.

"It was Jisung's!" Renjun tattled right at the same time that Jeno claimed it was Haechan's idea. Taeyong shook his head, smiling. There was no way he was ever going to find out who came up with the name switching idea.


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