Energized Boredom 2

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Chenle buried himself deeper into Jaemin's side when Taeyong walked into their room. Jisung was completely hidden from sight behind the two of them. Jaemin had kind of pushed Chenle behind him as well but the second maknae could still be seen. 

"Jisungie?" Taeyong was actually surprised that Jisung managed to hide from him. Jisung tried to come out but Chenle stopped him.

"They didn't do anything. It was all me" Jaemin decided that it was his duty as the oldest to take the blame. 

"Yeah I'm not falling for that. Jisung, come here" Taeyong moved the older two out of the way and picked Jisung up. Despite the four year old's struggles, Taeyong was able to get him onto the right side of the room where his bed was.

Spank spank spank spank

"Goodnight Ji" Taeyong tucked the four year old in and brushed his hair out of his eyes. Jisung was asleep before Taeyong even turned to the older two. Jaemin pushed Chenle towards the door but they were too late.

"That just earned both of you two more" Taeyong decided, ignoring the complaints that statement got. 

"Chenle" Taeyong motioned the five-year-old over but Chenle shook his head and curled up into a ball.

"Zhong Chenle, come here" Taeyong repeated more firmly. Jaemin pushed his brother back.

"Please hyung. I'll take it for him" Jaemin decided, anything to keep his little brother from getting in trouble. 

"You would take all seven of his swats as well as your eight?" Taeyong couldn't believe that. Jaemin seemed to hesitate for a moment before nodding. He would do anything for his brothers. 

"Nice try" Taeyong caught Chenle and picked the wriggling kid up, tucking him under one arm. Chenle realized he was not going to be able to escape and gave up. 

Spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

"Next time, don't try to run" Taeyong warned, pulling Jaemin to his feet so he could set Chenle in his bed and tuck the kid in. Jaemin crumpled to the floor, making it harder for Taeyong to pull him up. 

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! 

Taeyong said nothing as he lifted Jaemin up to his bed and did his best to pull the covers up around the six-year-old, turning the lights off as he left. The older four were supposed to be getting ready for bed themselves while Taeyong took care of the youngest three.

"I think it's ridiculous that he expects us to just....let him do this" Mark pointed out, washing his face off with a cloth. Renjun stared at him with a strange look, brushing his teeth. Him, Mark, Jeno and Haechan were all crowded into one bathroom as they got ready for bed. 

"Mark, your ten. I don't think he's expecting us to do anything. He knows we won't fight him on it. We're not stupid" Jeno pointed out, washing his own face and flicking Haechan when the younger tried to fling water at him.

"Well maybe we should" Mark declared. The other three stared at him, all thinking the same thing: their oldest brother had gone crazy.

"Have you lost your mind?" Renjun knocked jokingly on Mark's head, acting like he was checking to make sure there was still some brain cells left in there. Mark swatted his hand away with an annoyed glare. 

"I'm serious! We're going to be teenagers soon, he can't treat us like this" Mark insisted. Renjun rolled his eyes and pushed Mark out of the way of the sink, rinsing his mouth out.

"You still have three years before you'll be a teenager and the rest of us haven't even hit the double digits yet, in case you forgot" Renjun argued. Mark didn't really like that his brother had an answer for everything he was saying and he gave Renjun a not so gentle push. 

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