Broken grounding

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"I'm bored" Mark walked into his room with the other two oldest. Renjun was laying on his bed, reading a book and Jeno was drawing something very graphic at his desk.

"Hi bored. I'm pissed" Renjun responded quickly, shutting his book and looking at Mark. He did look really angry and Mark understood why. The three of them had been slacking off a little. They had falling grades, spent a lot of time playing video games or being with friends and not doing their chores like they were supposed to. Taeyong had enough and declared to all of them that the three boys were grounded. The only thing they were allowed to do was school, read and whatever else they could find in their room that wasn't a screen or outside activity. 

"There's a party tonight" Jeno stated, not even realizing that he had given his brothers an idea by saying that. They both looked at him, thinking the same thing. They needed to be at that party. Not only did their social status depend on it but also their sanity. 

"Cool. Renjun, pick an outfit" Mark decided but Renjun was already getting up and going to his closet.

"Wait, guys come on. I was only kidding. We can't do this" Jeno begged them, knowing that this was his fault. 

"Why not?" Mark shrugged, not seeing the big deal. Actually he knew what the big deal was but he didn't care.

"Um...because we're grounded" Jeno reminded them, Mark just shrugged and pulled out a black shirt, slipping it on.

"Eww dude, at least turn around to change" Renjun wrinkled his nose. Mark punched him in the arm and slipped his jacket on, waiting for his younger brothers to do the same. Jeno shook his head but got changed anyways. There was no way he was missing out on this, even though it was going to be hell if they got caught. 

Everything was fine for a while. Jeno got offered some very strange drinks a few times but each time he did, Renjun would take the cup, drink a little bit and then dump out whatever was in the cup. It wasn't often that Renjun got protective but when he did, it was scary and Jeno had learned not to mess with his brother when he was like that. 

"Look at these punks! Their not even enjoying themselves" Some kid bumped into Mark and started a scene. His friends joined in, ganging up on the three brothers. 

"Come on guys, lets go. This party isn't very fun" Mark pulled Renjun and Jeno to their feet, heading for the door so they could leave. They had thought this was going to be fun but then kids started drinking and smoking so they weren't enjoying themselves. 

"Hey! I'm talking to you" The one kid, who was very clearly drunk, grabbed Renjun's shirt and pulled him back. Jeno remembered seeing this kid in school before and he was sure that his name was Kai or something else. 

"Get your hands off my brother" Mark pushed him off and then received a blow to the face. Renjun had enough. 

"Hold my glasses" He took his glasses off, folding them and handing them to the first person next to him. Jeno handed them to someone else. There was no way he was going to let his brothers do this alone. 

"You really do not want to do this" The other kid stated, cracking his knuckles. Mark stretched his arms out, getting ready before getting into a fighting stance and holding his fists up.

"I think we do. Your outnumbered" Renjun copied his brother, getting ready. Even though he was going to be doing this blind as a bat, he had a good idea of where to aim and he could just hope that he hit where he intended to. Jeno was mostly just there to be intimidating but he got in a few hits on their opponents as well. 

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" Mark yelled as they walked out of the house, battered and bruised but triumphant. Renjun shook his head, taking his glasses back from Jeno and cleaning them before putting them back on so he could see more clearly. 

"We did do pretty good-ah shit" Jeno stopped walking, staring at the blinding red and blue lights in front of him and his brothers. 

"Well, this is going to be fun" Renjun sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking over to the cops. He put his hands out in front of them, waiting. Mark was a little unnerved that Renjun was being so calm about this but there was nothing he could do and so he followed the younger boy's example and turned himself in, giving Jeno no other choice but to do the same.

"Are you kids drunk?" One of the officers asked. Jeno shook his head while Mark answered. They were asked about being drunk, high and a few other things but the answer was no to all of that and they were let go with instructions to go straight home and not stall. 

"Where have you been?" Taeyong caught them as soon as the three walked in.

"We're sorry appa! There was a party and we were so bored being stuck in our room so we decided to sneak out but then people were smoking and drinking so we left and this guy tried to stop us and we got into a fight! It was all my fault" Jeno rambled. Renjun cursed under his breath and Mark shook his head. Jeno didn't need to tell Taeyong all of that but it was done now.

"Are any of you hurt?" Taeyong looked them over. Mark checked to make sure his nose wasn't bleeding anymore and shook his head. Renjun showed his hands to Taeyong, the skin was cracked and he had probably broken a finger or two but that was it. Jeno punched a few kids and got his own few punches so his eye was beginning to bruise. 

"Go sit down" Taeyong led the way to the kitchen, expecting them to follow. No one did.

"At the table! Now!" Taeyong repeated, raising his voice. Mark dragged his brothers to the table and sat down, waiting. Taeyong handed Jeno an ice pack and got to work putting cream on Renjun's hands while he talked.

"What part of being grounded did not make sense to you?" Taeyong wondered.

"It wasn't Jeno's fault. He mentioned it but he was only kidding. We convinced him to go along" Mark explained, covering for his brother.

"And by convince, Mark means we forced him to go" Renjun corrected, lying. Jeno looked at him like he was crazy. 

"So you dragged him out the window and made him go to this party that he mentioned?" Taeyong didn't believe that.

"No" Jeno answered at the same time that Renjun said yes.

"No you didn't drag me out the window. You don't even have enough strength to do that. I didn't want to go, that's true but I did after they were already out. No one made me do anything" Jeno sent Renjun a small glare.

"Whatever, just trying to cover for you" Renjun scoffed. 

"Your lying for me" Jeno corrected. Renjun huffed and slouched down in his seat, wincing when Taeyong touched a sensitive area on his hand. 

"Well, you three are grounded again. Two more weeks. Maybe this time, actually stay in the house yeah?" Taeyong looked at each of them.

"Yes sir" Mark, Renjun and Jeno agreed, really upset at the change of plans. They were supposed to be free in a few days but that wasn't happening anymore. Taeyong finished with Renjun's hand and got up.

"Now go to bed" Taeyong motioned for them to go upstairs and they did.

"And boys?" Taeyong stopped them again. Jeno, Mark and Renjun turned back to him.

"If you got bored, then just ask me to take you somewhere. I will as long as you are on your best behavior and you just ask me. You boys are really just grounded from being with friends and anything that has a screen. I'm more than willing to take you out somewhere" Taeyong pointed out. Mark's face fell and Renjun rolled his eyes. Jeno just looked relieved. He wasn't sure if he could handle being stuck in the house for two more weeks. 


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