Promises, hyung 2

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Jisung stared at Jaemin over the phone, neither one of them saying anything. Jaemin sighed and broke the silence first.

"You need to talk to him" He stated.

"I can't" Jisung shook his head.

"Why?" Jaemin wondered. He knew why but he wanted to hear Jisung say it.

"He abandoned me, Nana. I can't forget that" Jisung argued. Jaemin knew Jisung was hurting. The maknae has stopped calling any of his brothers by their nicknames when he was twelve so it was a clear indication how hurt Jisung was.

"I'm not asking you to forget it. I'm asking you to talk to him" Jaemin pointed out. Jisung shook his head.

"Would you hate me if I added him to this call?" Jaemin questioned but he knew already what Jisung's answer would be.

"Yes" Jisung nodded, not hesitating at all. Jaemin thought for a minute.

"I can live with that" Jaemin added Chenle and then got off the call. He just had to trust that neither one of his younger brothers would try to leave the call.

The two brothers sat in silence for a long time until Jisung's watery voice came over the phone again.

"I really hate you, Lee Chenle" Jisung repeated, telling himself that he meant it this time. He wouldn't feel the same the next day.

"Yeah, that's part of being brothers" Chenle was not going to let anything Jisung said bother him. Jisung was actually glad that his best friend wasn't taking any of this seriously because he knew Jisung was vulnerable and upset and didn't mean anything he said.

"Why did you do it?" Jisung wondered.

"I don't know, honestly. I thought I was saving you the hurt of watching me leave. It broke you, and me too, when Minnie left. I didn't want to put you through that again. But I guess, I made things worse by not telling you" Chenle admitted. Jisung listened without interrupting.

"Your an idiot" Jisung laughed while crying. Chenle smiled a little. At least Jisung was teasing him. Chenle would take it because it was an indication that maybe, just maybe, things would be okay between them.

"I know" Chenle agreed. He had been an idiot and he knew it. But the mistake was made. Now all he could do was try to mend his relationship with Jisung.

"Are you going to come back soon?" Jisung tried not to sound too hopeful.

"I have a break coming soon. I was planning on coming home but just say you don't wanna see me, say you hate me again and I won't come back. I won't force you to see me" Chenle was waiting for Jisung to do it.

Jisung didn't say he hated Chenle. He didn't say that he didn't want to see Chenle.

Chenle set his bag down by the door. It was quiet but he kind of expected that. He had taken a taxi to the house, wanting to surprise Taeyong and Lola. They had no idea he was coming. No one did except Jisung. He was just about to call out for someone, to let them know he was there when Jisung sprung on him. Chenle thought his brother was going to hug him but it was the complete opposite.

"Oww! What the hell, Ji?" Chenle doubled over, holding his stomach. It felt like Jisung hit him hard enough to crack a rib. Jisung didn't say anything but he did help Chenle up and then walked away. Later, after being fawned over and scolded, Chenle was sitting down with Jisung, Lola and Taeyong for dinner.

"You really surprised us. We didn't know you were visiting" Taeyong joked.

"Well I think I surprised Jisung more. Pretty sure he thought I was a burglar" Chenle responded.

"No. I knew it was you" Jisung corrected him. Chenle stopped eating.

"You punched me" He stated.

"Your right, I did" Jisung nodded. He had known that it was Chenle that came in and he punched him on purpose.

"Why?" Chenle knew the answer already.

"Because you went to another country and then didn't talk to us for three months" Jisung answered.

"Your the one who ignored me" Chenle argued.

"Your right. You can punch me too then" Jisung offered, turning to Chenle.

"No! No! No one is punching anyone. No more physical violence" Taeyong stopped them, motioning for both boys to sit down. They did so and continued eating. Taeyong relaxed and started to eat again too.

"What about mental violence?" Jisung wondered.

"Or emotional?" Chenle added. Both of them stared at Taeyong for his answer. Taeyong shook his head but he was glad that his boys were getting along with each other again.

Jae-6 months
Jee-6 months 

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