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"I'll be back you guys, don't worry" Renjun promised his younger brothers. Jisung and Chenle refused to let go. Even Jaemin was crying, directing his face to the sky so no one could see. Jeno put a hand on Jaemin's shoulder, comforting the younger.

"When?" Chenle wondered. This was seriously affecting him, probably more than the others. Renjun crouched down in front of the maknaes. This was a similar scene and one that would happen a few more times in the next few years. Renjun was leaving for college just like Mark had a year prior. The only difference was that Mark attended college in Seoul. Renjun was going to another country. Renjun ended up in a scholarship program for colleges around the world and he got into a college in China. He had jumped at the chance to go back to his home country. He didn't regret it until realization that he would be leaving his home and family behind set in.

"Soon, Lele. I'm not going to leave you. This is exactly like when Jeno, Jaemin and Haechan were gone, okay? I will be back sooner than they were. You'll just have to wait for me" Renjun wiped away his brother's tears despite his own threatening to spill.

"Can I have your room?" Chenle sniffled. Renjun smiled, a single tear escaping his eye that he quickly brushed away. He knew this was for the best but Chenle was making it very hard for him to actually leave.

"No, you can't. Because that would mean I'm not coming back" Renjun shook his head. Chenle started really crying and Haechan pulled him away. Renjun ruffled Haechan's hair, cupped the back of Jaemin's neck and brought their heads together. He hugged Jeno and then stopped in front of Mark. It was no secret to the family that Mark and Renjun were closer than the rest.

"Take care of yourself" Mark didn't cry. He told himself that he wouldn't even if he wanted to. Renjun nodded, holding his hand up for Mark, who grabbed it and pulled Renjun into a hug.

"Keep these little rascals out of my room, yeah?" Renjun hoped that Mark couldn't see how watery and foggy his eyes were from unshed tears. Mark did notice but he didn't say anything. He knew that Renjun was trying to be strong for their brothers. Mark put his face next to Renjun's ear.

"You don't have to be strong for me, baby fox" Mark whispered. Renjun thumped his head against the oldest's shoulder in response.

"I should go" Renjun pulled away after a long time. He opened his bag and pulled something out, walking over to Jeno.

"I think this is yours now" Renjun handed Mark's senior jacket over to Jeno. The younger took a deep breath, taking the jacket and put it on. It still smelled like Renjun and Jeno took comfort in that fact. 

"My room goes to Haechan. Not Chenle or Jisung" Renjun told Taeyong. He didn't want his room to be disturbed at all but he knew that was going to happen sooner or later. By the time Renjun finished college, he would have enough money to buy an apartment when he came back to Seoul. And if he didn't, he could just move in with Mark. 

"I know" Taeyong nodded, looking at his second kid. Renjun hugged him, then did the same with Lola.

"Okay. I'll see you guys soon. I'll let you know when I land and get to the college" Renjun grabbed his bag that he'd have with him on the plane and got in the car. Unlike Mark had, Renjun didn't wave out the window. He kept his eyes forward. If he looked back, he would never be able to leave. 

"Jeno?" Jisung walked over to the current oldest. 

"Neh?" Jeno watched the car as it disappeared from view.

"Never leave" Jisung stated. Jaemin, Haechan and Chenle agreed with that. Jeno put both arms around his little brothers, glad that they were all shorter than him so he could. 

"I'm not going anywhere" Jeno couldn't put his brothers through this again when he knew what it felt like. He'd be taking classes at home and he would never move out until all his brothers were out of the house first. He promised that to himself. 

Ha-Yun-5 months

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