First taste 2

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It hadn't taken long for Taeyong to finish dealing with Mark and Renjun and he took them to the bathroom, washing their mouths out after they accidentally blurted out the curse words they had uttered earlier in front of the pool. There was just one more thing that he had to deal with, besides signing the kids up for alcohol safety classes since obviously they didn't understand the dangers that came with drinking underage. 

"Renjun, I want to talk to you" Taeyong had been hoping not to have this conversation but in light of recent events, he knew that he had to. Renjun was also at the age where he was old enough to understand more about his past. 

"What for? I didn't do anything!" Renjun tried to think about the past couple of weeks but he didn't think there was anything that would warrant another conversation. 

"Not that kind of talk, honey" Taeyong laughed a little.

"Good. Cause I'm still sore from that damn belt" Renjun muttered, walking past Taeyong to go to the man's room.

"Watch your mouth" Taeyong chided, though he wasn't really mad. He closed the door to his room and motioned for Renjun to take a seat. 

"I want to talk to you about your parents" Taeyong knew that there was not going to be an easy way to do this so he tried his best. 

"Stop" Renjun held a hand up to cut him off. Taeyong was surprised, he hadn't expected Renjun to interrupt.

"I don't want to hear it. I know enough. This was my fault and I had always a sneaking suspicion that there was more you weren't telling me. I remember just enough about my parents even though I was still young when I went into the system. I don't need to know where I come from. I just know where I'm at" Renjun pulled his knees up to his chest. Taeyong wanted to say something but he had a feeling that Renjun wasn't done. 

"I know I don't say it much, none of us do, but your our dad. Your all we need. It doesn't matter where we come from" Renjun looked up at Taeyong with tears in his eyes. Taeyong felt his heart burst. That was the first time he had ever been referred to as the boys' dad. He saw them as his sons but he had never known if they felt the same way.

"I know my parents were alcoholics and that's fine. I'm not going to be like them" Renjun promised. He didn't actually remember much about his parents but he had managed to see his file one time when he snuck into Taeyong's office and came across it. He had only been twelve but he swore then that he was not going to make the same mistakes his parents had.

"Your already better than they will ever be. I'm guessing that you saw your file which means that you know their also dead?" Taeyong was no idiot, he had known that one of the boys snuck into his office a few years past. 

"Yes. And that's fine. I don't need them" Renjun had seen that part as well. It didn't hurt him as much as he thought it would. Taeyong moved to sit beside him, hugging the fifteen-year old. 

"I'm here for you if you want to talk about it. If you ever have any questions about your family, feel free to ask me" Taeyong held the kid close to him.

"Thanks but I'm good for now. I have six brothers and an amazing dad. I'm okay" Renjun smiled. Taeyong felt tears coming up in his eyes. Seven years ago, he had never thought that he would ever love these boys as much as he did. Now, he couldn't imagine not loving them. Renjun left after a while, rejoining his brothers and Taeyong stayed in his room, processing everything that had happened in the past twenty four hours.

Taeyong had just stopped crying when his door opened again and he sat up, surprised to see Jaemin walking in.

"What is it, Minnie?" Taeyong could see that something was bothering the kid and it was not because of the events of the past two days. 

"You....well earlier, you almost called me Lee" Jaemin sat down on the bed, keeping his distance from Taeyong. The man sighed, he had really hoped that none of the boys noticed.

"Oh, that" Taeyong didn't really know what to say. It was true, he had almost called Jaemin by his own last name instead of Na Jaemin. 

"I don't mind" Jaemin stated. He had thought about it but he really didn't mind. It would be nice to feel like he was actually Taeyong's son. He knew the others wouldn't mind either.

"I know" Taeyong kissed the kid's curls. Yeah, these were his boys. Even if it wasn't official. He had been wanting to talk to them about that but it never felt like the right time so he waited. It still wasn't the right time but maybe, that time was getting closer. Maybe now the boys were coming around to the idea on their own.

Just maybe, someday Taeyong would be able to be talking to someone and say 'yeah, these are my boys' maybe someday, it would be legal and official. But for now, he was content just being their surrogate father and caretaker. 

I know this is a little bit shorter and I passed over Mark and Renjun but I really wanted to give more background on one of the boys' pasts. Also, does anyone have a prediction of maybe Taeyong adopting the boys in the future? Do you think he will do it or no?


Little DreamiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora