Teenage Rebellion 2

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"You are so grounded!" Taeyong yelled. 

"Yeah! Is that all you ever do? I mean come on. Your like a damn record, repeating the same thing over and over and over again! Don't you ever get tired of it?" Jisung yelled back. Taeyong wasn't sure what Jisung was thinking or going through but he was getting tired of this. Chenle had not been this hard to deal with. Taeyong hadn't dealt with any of the boys being so...difficult since Renjun went through his teenage years. 

"Go to your room!" Taeyong pointed to the stairs.

"I didn't want to talk to you anyways! I'm going out" Jisung put his jacket on and opened the door. 

"Jisung!" Taeyong tried to stop him, grabbing Jisung's wrist. 

"Just leave me alone hyung!" Jisung snapped, pushing Taeyong off and leaving the dorm. As soon as he was outside, he pulled his phone out. This reminded him of a time when he was seven that he ran away and went to Xiaojun also.

"What are you doing here?" Xiajoun answered the door, looking down at Jisung. It was only the WayV boys there since Yuta and Johnny were on vacation. 

"Do you mind if I spend the night?" Jisung wondered, feeling tears burning in his eyes. Xiaojun didn't ask what was wrong. He would find out later.

"Sure, come on in" Xiaojun let him in and Jisung went to sit on the couch. 

"Jisung, hey kid, tell me what happened?" Xiaojun made Jisung look at him, noticing the tears in his dongsaeng's eyes.

"I messed up so bad. Dad's going to kill me" Jisung sniffled. Xiaojun brought him into a hug and they stayed like that for a while. Once Jisung calmed down, the older boy handed him a cup of cocoa and sat down next to Jisung.

"Do you want to tell me what happened now? The whole story?" Xiaojun wondered. 

"Be honest, am I a bad kid?" Jisung didn't answer the question.

"No Jisungie, your not a bad kid. If that's what you think than the rest of us, we must be juvenile" Xiaojun answered, trying to slide in a joke but Jisung just blankly stared at him.

"I broke Mark-hyung's computer" Jisung whispered, fearfully. Xiaojun tried not to laugh. Jisung was just so tiny and cute, and so innocent! 

"I'm sure Mark won't be mad at you. Just explain that it was an accident and he'll forgive you" Xiaojun explained. 

"You think so?" Jisung sniffled, looking so young. Xiaojun wondered how anyone could be mad at this kid and if Mark actually did get mad at Jisung, then Xiaojun was going to be having words with his friend.

"I'm going to tell you a story" Xiaojun decided.

"Oh please no!" Jisung wrinkled his nose in disgust. Xiaojun pulled him closer and started talking.

"A little while ago, I knew this one kid and he had a family like yours. Lots of brothers and a few of them were older than him. He didn't have a mom or dad but he had two great people raising him and his brothers. One day, this kid got so angry because he felt that he should be allowed to do this one thing that he had been looking forward to. I mean he did extra chores, never complained about anything and did everything he was supposed to do just to go to this one thing. But the day before he was supposed to go, he got in trouble. In all of his worry and determination to be the perfect kid, he forgot one tiny detail. His grades were slipping because he hadn't kept up with them and it got so bad that he needed to spend an extra day studying and working to improve them, which meant all of his work was for nothing" Xiaojun paused, trying to remember clearly everything that happened that day.

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