Late night talks

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"Wouldn't it be cool if two of us were actually brothers?" Another late-night talk, this time started up by Jeno.

"What are you talking about? We are brothers" Mark had almost been asleep and he was rather annoyed that was brought to a stop by his brothers' late-night questions. 

"No, I mean like we know that Renjun has no siblings and Chenle probably doesn't but we're not sure. But the rest of us, we could have a brother right here with us and we wouldn't even know it. Some of us could be cousins" Jeno pointed out. It was quiet for a minute before Jaemin sat up.

"He's right!" Jaemin gasped, as if that was news to him. Jeno was usually right about things but no one ever cared to listen long enough to realize. 

"You want to go wake up hyung and ask if he'll look up if any of us brothers born on the same day as one of us?" Mark suggested. Jeno barked out a short laugh.

"No. I'd rather be alive a little longer" Jeno laid back down, content to just lay there and continue thinking. Unfortunately, that wasn't an option. Now that his question had the others thinking, there was no sleeping for any of them.

"I'm going to make popcorn" Jisung got up, going to the kitchen. Haechan quickly went after him to make sure the youngest didn't burn anything in the process. 

"I'll pick out a movie" Mark offered, turning the TV on and turning the sound down low so they didn't wake Taeyong up. 

"We should go into his office" Jeno whispered as if that was some big secret. Chenle's eyes glowed with excitement and he nodded so the two of them went into the forbidden room and started looking around. Chenle went straight for the drawer he had seen Taeyong pull his file out of and he found the others in there as well.

"No-no!" Chenle called quietly. Jeno came over, seeing what Chenle had in his hand.

"Where did you find those?" Jeno wondered, taking the stack of folders from his younger brother.

"I saw hyung pull them out yesterday and remembered which drawer they were from" Chenle lied. He didn't feel like explaining that he had seen his file. That was for him to know and keep a secret just a little longer. 

"Lele, these are our records" Jeno gasped, flipping through the one on top; Marks.

"I know" Chenle admitted. Jeno looked at him weirdly, but luckily for Chenle, he didn't question it. 

"Shit, Chenle. You really did it this time" Jeno muttered fondly, flipping through the next file: Haechans. 

"I don't think we should be looking at the others. We can look at ours but I don't want to invade their privacy" Chenle pointed out. Jeno waved his comment to the side, continuing to look through all the files.

"Look, this one doesn't even have the names of Jaemin's parents. It has the hospital he was born at but that's it" Jeno pointed this out to Chenle, who refused to look. This felt wrong and he wished that he had never come into the office in the first place. 

"Jisung was a long baby" Jeno stated as he continued to go through each of the boys' records. Chenle wasn't really surprised by that. Jisung was already taller than him and it wouldn't be long before he was taller than Jaemin and Haechan too. A moment too late for either of them to react, the lights flipped on and Taeyong was standing there, looking displeased.

"It was all him! I told him we shouldn't be doing this" Chenle pointed to Jeno, not even sorry for throwing the older boy under the bus like that. Jeno glared at him and snapped the files shut.

"Hand them over" Taeyong held out a hand for the records. Jeno handed them to him and Taeyong set them on his desk. He'd have to find somewhere better to hide them if the boys were going to make a habit of looking through each other's files. 

Little DreamiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz