If You Made Them a Meal

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A/N: Now for some extra-sugary fluff! The demons won't be present for this one - I'm sure you don't need a reason why.



He enjoys sharing meals with you - and he appreciates when you cook for him. Make his favorite dishes and he's in heaven - he loves gushing to his friends about how sweet you can be.


He eats anything you make for him, claiming, "My girlfriend makes the best food!" He'll love you forever if you make his favorites, crying tears of joy as he wolfs down every bite. He's not used to people cooking with him in mind, and it only makes him fall harder in love. He has a very hard time not bragging about you to his friends.


He'll eat just about anything you make. Sometimes he asks questions, given there's a lot of foods he's never seen before, but he always eats, often demanding more. You've grown used to making a ton of food whenever you cook for him. He loves having meals made especially with him in mind.


The first time you make his favorite food, he's startled, wondering why you're offering it - and once he eats it, he won't leave you alone. He's kind of like a stray cat in that way - you've fed him and now you can't get rid of him, even if you want to. He will always be shy and act reluctant when you offer him something you've made, but that secret little smile on his face when he thinks you're not looking tells you everything you want to know. He doesn't like to talk about his private life, and especially not his relationship with you - no matter how much Mitsuri begs him to tell her who he's dating, and certainly not when Shinobu teases him for getting a girlfriend.


You swear he'll eat anything. It doesn't matter if you made the rice too soggy, or if you burn your stir fry, or if your tea is too bitter - he eats it with a smile, reassuring you that it's still good. It's a confidence booster, especially when he visibly brightens upon seeing you walk up with a bento just for him.


The first time you cook for him, it's so that he actually has something nutritious and filling to eat - and you're surprised when he tells you to cook for him more often. He starts to look forward to your visits, always asking if you've brought something new to try. It makes him smile, and making him happy makes you happy - and so you keep cooking for him, if not to brush up on your own skills in the process.


She likes to tease you about it whenever you bring her food, but she appreciates your efforts in cooking just for her. She'll smile to herself as she looks over what you made, and despite being playful, she really does appreciate it.


He appreciates when you cook for him, something markedly intimate about the way you make certain dishes especially for him. You always make it flavorful, and you take great care in describing whatever it is you've just cooked.


You had been told that making him some ohagi would be a good icebreaker - and when you presented it to him, shyly admitting it might not be as good as you hope it is, he takes it, gruffly. You're right, it's not the best; but you made it, and it makes his heart flutter a little. He comes to look forward to you bringing him homemade lunches, acting like he's doing you a big favor but secretly anticipating whatever you've come up with. He'll never admit how much he enjoys it, but he treats you more gently than others (and is protective over what you give him, refusing to share).


He's so used to cooking for himself that it really takes him aback when you give him a homemade lunch one day, blushing and shy. He treats it like a wonderful gift, spending much of his time looking at it and wishing he didn't have to eat something you made specifically for him. He does end up eating it, and it's delicious - and he soon comes to anticipate your cooking. (HOW hadn't you been wifed up before this?! He'd marry you on the spot if he could just find a priest!) As much as he doesn't mind making things, the fact that you make your meals with so much love just makes them taste better somehow.


A/N: Please tell me what you thought!

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